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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Are you going to model clouds??? Some things are best done in Photoshop, and distant backgrounds are one of them.



    Maybe It would be right to fill smalll area with a background or sky painted ...I mean when people don't focus on it , so they won't notice it...(not sure about a time saving in a long run)

    But for serious sky/background scene (even distant) we should do it in 3D...

    This what I think and suggest , it doesn't mean that it is "the way" to do it.;)


    modeling clouds ??? Well...

    I've seen some really nice clouds movment done with AM in the past ! aren't you ?

    animated material or other specific technic .... clouds moving in a sunset , all superb and cool effect

    Those kind of scene are often used in scene transition, end of the days etc.


    The effect team should be better placed to look at this.


    I don't think all weather event are establish yet so having a pool of sky/cloud WIP effect doesn't seem to me a bad idea...I'm sure some AM'er have nice WIP that we can look at ?






    Unless you specifically need this for a shot, then there is no reason to do this. Instead you just have a skydome mapped with the environment for the set.

    You can generate the elements for this image within A:M--I'm not saying it has to be completely painted...

    We can have multiple environments for skydome in the decal, and switch them with a pose.


    We probably say the same thing here

    hehehe ;)


  2. Hi


    IMHO using a sky and an horizon painted is not the way to go.

    This project should demonstrate AM capabilities and it would be a shame

    if it can't take care of sky and cloud ( basic stuff for any 3d app )


    Of course we should use draws but mainly on decals and texturing, not in background layer like sky, mountain etc.


    I think Ken is doing an usefull thing with this mountain skyline setup


    We should make a couple of animated skydome WIP setup where we can use as we need.


    -for a fast sunrise or sunset ( with and without clouds)

    -for fast cloud movement ( clouds comes darker as character approach danger)

    -cloud move to give impression of time passing.( different clouds, sirrus, stratus, cumulus, thunder heads etc.)

    -or just to get stunning picture... weather events seem very present in the magician of OZ isn't it?


    Of course picture coming from a sky setup may be use as layer or animated in a 2d style

    ...but the source should be 3D rendering.


    Ken, if you can regroup all sky ressourses (.prj , wip ,lURL link etc) you can get a hand on under SVN prop/sky or in this thread it would be appreciated later I'm sure of it.

    Any "sky event " animation will be excellent too. (bird flock, bees flying etc. )




    my 2 cents


  3. Thanks Will

    This is the other solution...it's a good one

    I like the idea of a straw chair.


    I'm asking

    What you people are thinking of that ?

    Which one would be the easiest solution for the animator ?


    I would vote for the straws one

    ( Scarecrow would leave straw everywhere he goes so a servant can be nearby with a bloom to... )



  4. I'll get onto reducing the grandure of the throne to make the "normal chairs" by the side. I think the style of all the chairs should be similar. I may even alter the throne to make scarecrows chair. What do you think Al?


    Also, I would think the carpet should stop at the front of the dias. After all, it has reached it's destination at that point. Going through the dias makes the Tinman seem lesser. Do you understand?


    Edit: Here's what I'm thinking. Scarecrow on the left and normal on the right....


    It's a good Idea Ken,

    Just be careful so we won't see the "distort" tool on it ...

    maybe the back of the side chair should be more drab...the seat and back more squarry.


    I'm not sure If Scarecrow's chair should look like the throne one ?

    Cause they aren't King and Queen , they don't split the royalty so ....


    Well...I'm asking , maybe two throne chairs should be placed on the dais ?, one for the King (tinwoodman )and another for the Queen (who is vacant for now) and used temporarily by Scarecrow as court's friend....


    Ok , I think it would works that way !


    What do you think ? two throne chair set ?



  5. I agree with Yves--What if the center part of those columns were tree trunks?


    We already have a nice torsaded pillar...that we should keep,

    IMHO using tree trunk in pillar would "cut "too much in the style.


    But including some trees inside would be a nice idea !

    maybe two old pine trees (with a distorted trunk like bonzai ) each side of the stairecase would give a nice effect ?

    they can grow from a hole( steel ring ) in the floor, like those use in our city street, and extend to the dome roof ?


    ...other flower and plant accessorie would be great too...it would cut with the "all tin" look of the castle.


    just some idea



  6. Nice work Rodger !


    You have a good point with the carpets... do as you feel.

    And thank for toning down the floor design...it integrate better IMO


    Note: red is a temporary color for the carpet and chairs... it could be blue , green or gold yellow ..

    We'll choose the color when character and light will come in...

    We don't want to distract the eyes too much from the scene focus , probably around the throne chair .



    I would agree with Yves's impression , Increasing the size of the pillars (the center torsaded part ?) would help to unify the style with the staircase and BTW maybe using one pillar on corner where there's three would be enought ? ...

    At least it would help the castle caretaker in his cleaning ! ;)...





  7. Hi Rodger


    Here some comments and suggest for the throne room.

    Sorry about the bad "photoshoping" I've done ;)

    hope it would give you some clue.


    """the suggest has been done on the left side but should be re^plicate on the right


    -a second set of arch

    -arch and balcony on the back

    -higher entrance corridor...(fade to black -no outside view)

    -side doors at the back

    -tapestry emplacement

    -sidewall chair

    -a red carpet

    -dimmish of all design on the floor

    -a cathedral dome roof





  8. Ken, there are quite a few things I could use but I'm not putting in any proxies myself. That's Modelling's job and if Animation starts doing Modelling's work, we end up with problems and things that have to get re-done. I'm only doing this once.



    I would like a TW gold letters embossed in the red velvet of the back.

    maybe with your little axe design Ken ?

    also maybe the crown at the top should be improve.


    Scarecrow's chair would use same design but with no arm and a lower back.


    Some chair can be place( by pair ) on sidewall of the throne room under the arch.


    We should build a tapestry basic model that we'll replicate on side walls...

    We would update it later with decals of heroic scene of the character...or with the love-story ?


    ok bye


  9. Nice work Jody !


    The terrain design with the road is great.


    About your concern with tower height... after looking at the skyline render of the castle.

    maybe you're right...maybe the castle silhouette can be improve with higher tower.

    But it look great as it is too...so it's up to you, if you think you can improve this aspect , go ahead.


    Nice little design Ken.

    It would give some nice tin incrustation on walls (stone block or other material)


    As family armouries,(crest or blason ) I would see something more detailed... with element like axe, oil can,flag , two facing mystic animal ( dragon ?unicorn ?turtle ? etc. )



  10. I would suggest as an alternative, to reduce the dais height to just three steps. Eliminating the bottom step frees up floor space and makes the throne a bit less "lofty".



    I've had the same idea Rodger ! :) a good solution


    I've made some modification to the throne chair.

    I've updated the SVN with it , under name Tinman throne V2


    prop\tin Castle\Tinmans Throne


    Still need serious texture tweak but I've reduce it to 80 % so it fit with tinman character.







    PS: Don't know where those .hinfo file come from ? I've updated the SVN with it...

    hope it won't cause problem.


  11. Second version of the small house. I added a straw roof and some displacement maps. It will be better if the houses have straw roof in a rustic village, isn't it ? Or can we add two styles, straw and tiles ?



    Nice work Fab!

    Straw roof would be as nice Fab...you're right , it'll look more rustic

    If you choose Straw...I think all house should have straws roof


    Maybe straw roof should be "deeper" (plus epais ) than it is in your last render



  12. Al:


    Just wanted to say what a great job you are doing with everything. Martin must want to adopt you by now :D




    hehehe ! Thanks Eric but I just got some free time now and try to help where I can

    It's funny that you say that when I should inherite a computer from martin !


    Cooool isn't it !



  13. Nice Props Eric !


    I think you would need an X shape stand to cut logs with the saw...

    to complete the wood chopper kit ! ;)



    The ku-klip proxie and files are in the Sets-chors dir on the SVN

    I'm not aware of other place to find files.


    I'm looking at the castle and winkee-village at this time under Jody and Fab control

    Eric is on Nimmie house with Chris and doing great

    You're welcome to take a set in hand ...or only on sets needed for "the love story", it's as you wish

    Do it like you feel, I would be please to help where I can,

    and go ahead in adjusting ku-klip workshops size(ext-Int)

    Just keep the SVN updated with your change and us all on a forum thread ;)


    Once the castle and village nature will be done, it'll give idea, guideline and ressource to create

    other nature set...

    For now the nature props are available in the prop/trees or prop/misc SVN dir.

    Those models are not final and are sample and WIP but you're free to give them a try

    on your side.


    We would integrate the best work in nature to the sets




  14. Are Woot's stool, the Scarecrow's throne/table, his chess board and the chess pieces on SVN yet?


    I don't think so Ed,

    Those chess board and pieces are new elements isn't it


    for Scarcrow's chair and Woot's stool , some proxie are available in proxie set...

    or in some blocking set. don't know exactly which one.


    I'm not aware of the chess modeling , it is not on our do-list for the moment

    Since there's some special acting with the chess pieces ...maybe they should be treat as character ?


    keep me posted about that ...




  15. Ken,I think mpeak2 have a good point..

    It would be better to get a servant having a oil can on a cabaret .

    maybe the servant can leave the cabaret on a little table ? nearby


    anyway those are accesories... just be sure we can go back easily on throne chair.


    Is someone would like to start on castle corridor set ?

    From Jody and Rodger modeling part it would give the general line ...




  16. and what about a little table with a oil can next to the throne?


    Seems like this might be important enough to build into the throne no? We already have a table for the chess and scarecrow is also there. I'm sure I could add a little platform to the handle of the throne. It'd make the throne more unique/memorable too.


    Why not Ken ! good idea !

    Give it a try...


    PS: if you can move the chair arm outward a bit , it will look just fine.

    and put it silver / grey/ thin or something ....no gold on thin castle



  17. William and Ken,


    I felt this needed to be roughed out to get opinions... I still have the previous version that's on SVN.

    Just getting feedback on the fleshing out of william's original hill.

    The drawbridge remains in the same spot, everything else has moved.

    The castle towers are not in this shot, just the bases.


    Let me know what you think folks.


    It look good Jody, go ahead.

    you're in the right track ! :)

    ... I would see some cliff shape like in "Yes" old album cover.


    Just keep in mind the blocking and animatic we have in hand.

    stay focus on what we need...

    We don't want the castle setup to extend further than what is necessary.


    It's a good idea to have a rought of the environment around the castle.

    I'm just not sure about how much details we should add on this environment.


    So I would suggest to keep the details around the camera angle used... and leave the

    other thing in a rough state...so we would refine those part further as needed.


    my two cent


  18. Nice dais Rodger !


    About the throne size, I agree that it look quite big...

    Be sure that the tinmans character is at 100 % and if he's ok

    Perhaps Ken would update his model size to the character size?


    The dais look much better than the old one...IMO


    Any plan for a carpet going from the throne chair to the exit ?

    and what about a little table with a oil can next to the throne? just an idea



  19. Thanks Jody.


    Unfortunately that's with the rejected dais design. The new one will be radically different in both shape and height, so Ed, you'll just have to be patient.



    Hi Rodger,


    For the throne dais... it would be best if you keep your work base on the proxie throne dais

    Just enlarge it on side and back with the D shape and steps that you've suggested...


    ...don't move the throne chair (animator will take care of this ) and keep the steps height as is.

    The new throne chair has been done with proxie proportion , if not , it will be adapted later.

    if it's a problem , use the proxie one .


    ...As you know, some size and dimension are establish and are used in blocking animation

    and we won't stop other team working on it ? .isn't it ?

    even if the overall throne room size has change from the proxie


    Thanks ;)



    Rather than a completely circular dais, how about a large, rounded D shape with stairs all around its perimeter with its flat side against the black marble?


    Nice solution Rodger, look fine to me.



  21. Hi

    I would see the throne stage wider with a 360 stairway...

    It seem a bit compact like this....the king would fall in the step as he get out of his throne...


    With a wider stage ...scarecrow would be able to stand just beside the king or a servant would be able to come to speak at the king's ear... etc.

    See what I mean ?



  22. Hi

    I've just updated tree proxie into the props/tree svn dir.

    Some of mine and Bod's


    Franks, it would be really cool to see some of your technique over Bob's proxie tree.

    kind of tall pine... the pine trees have less branches so it would be easier to deal with

    ...just a suggest


    And what about a kind of "canope" with a trunk assembly going up ?...like the one used in the loonville proxie... it's a good idea and need to be explored further


    Also I've notice some nice nature model into the prop\ misc dir...flowers and bush etc

    it would help...for your nature setup (Jody and Fabrice )


    I'm still waiting for Paul's landscape files...those available in the SVN are not reliable.

    We need someone to get it from Paul and update the SVN with it.


    Paul need a place to upload his files...any ftp available somewhere ?

    (Paul doesn't have an access to SVN at this time )

    Is there someone who can help us with that ? Noel ? Jody ?


    Paul have quite nice pieces of landscape that we must look at.



    thanks ;)


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