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Posts posted by alweb

  1. I'll see what I can cook up. I may as well nick the two towers already at the base of the drawbridge....


    PS I wonder if we're allowed use some of the free Eggington props? There's some nice stuff that might come in handy.





    Great Ken


    About Egg props, to be safe ,you should go only with stuff available into SVN .

    If there is any agreement on prop resource we should get access throught SVN

    It's good to ask for it...IMHO you should discuss this with Martin privately first.


    For my part, we would be please to use any AM ressourse available, Eggs always have nice model of course.


    my two cent


  2. edit3* Are we still using this throne? -- \Shared Data\Models\Props\Tin Castle\Tinmans Throne\Tinmans throne.mdl? I notice there's a different one in the above image.


    Yes Ed , you can use this throne...

    There is still some little tweak to do on it but you can use it

    Keep it as an external file in your action assembly , so we can update it without messing your work.





  3. Fab

    I thinking of something...just throwing idea...

    Since the village is a huge set with lot of nature.

    and will weight a max to work with


    Are we able to cut the village AND the terrain in pieces ?

    I mean at the end of the final modeling step of course


    That way we'll have smaller sets around the action scene like:


    1-around Woot's house,

    2-the road with the bridge

    3-the village houses and public palce

    4-the road with a tree where sitting on a branch Woot see the castle.

    5-a large circular background barn and forest

    6-and two ,three set of nature (trees and bushes) on a piece of ground


    That way we would use some of the "moveable" tree set in background of the houses in a layering style animation .

    Or just the road and the bridge, as a village house layer is used for background , giving a speed blur effect etc etc.


    It would be easier for the animator techno freak ;) to set up the scene as they wish

    Easier to adjust all elements to fit a specific camera view...

    Also it would help to create speed effect, and other cool technique used in japanimation.

    Plus it would reduce the weight of the set used to animate a scene.


    After all it's the same as before , but just being sure that all part fit well together... like cutting in a hill line

    (create one as necessary), finishing side road with a small ravine etc...so if they have to be rendered separatly the pieces don't cut to roughtly.and once assembled together they fit well.


    my blog for today !





    PS :Ca fait bien du blabla . mais c'est plus long a expliquer en anglais !





  4. Hi Ken


    Don't know ...somewhere inside ...huh ?;)


    What about the bedroom in a tower ?...so he would get a nice view from the window .


    After "breakfast" they regroup and get out by the gardens if I remember well...

    I think bedroom somewhere near the garden ? in the front tower ?...I mean not in the backward tower at least..


    BTW what about outside elevator on tower ? It should be quite a walk to get up there ! ;)




  5. How are we doing this?


    Please spell out for me what I need to do. If necessary I will go through all 30 something of my scenes and make sure that the chors are setup according to what you tell me, if it will save work later. I just don't want to assume some way that makes sense to me, but then completely craps up the process when it comes to switching out proxies and real models.


    Help me, Obi-Al, you are my only hope!


    Huh ? I'm not sure but...


    I thought all proxie were embeded into blocking animation ? but this not change thing a lot anyway.


    like for the drawbridge...if you got more than one proxie drawbridge chor, model etc. this wouldn't disturb me much as far as they are using the same proportion (around the action )


    We have based our final modeling work on proxie proportion so your animation should fit into the new final set.

    You should be able to load the final drawbridge chor into your animation chor or replacing it's shortcut as you wish...and this should not be a problem.

    Or I've pass over something ? please give me some precision if I'm flying too high !




  6. About the final set I'm coordinating.


    We try to keep everything in order in our work.

    What's inside the final winkee-village and tincastle directory are still work in progress.

    So we're not ready to give a official "go" on any model or files stored there.

    They're there for our own modeling task.


    Of course if someone (animator) want to pick-up something to work with.

    He can but we aren't assuming any reliablity on those until we give a clear "go"


    Once this said, what is outside our final directory are not much of our buisness.

    So you can re-order like you wish.


    But in a tentative to clean a bit the set-chor dir, We had re-ordered some proxie files related to our set into a specific proxie directory .

    Hope this has not created mis-link in some of the blocking cho ?

    We had posted a warning (in our thread) to the animator before doing this move.


    That's it for the moment






    The tree is the one already in the proxi cho. I need to replace these by final trees but I don't found them on SVN.


    There's is no final tree or nature done yet...

    Even the look of the nature is not well establish now

    So we'll have to do some work on this first


    Paul's have done some great work on nature...

    He got good trees and lot of plants , rock etc...it was still in progress at that time.

    His work will give use a good starting point to set nature...

    I'm waiting to receive his files to put them in order into SVN



    I will put some other tree/nature ressource on SVN prop\tree this weekend.

    We already have Dustin's tree, hope to have Paul's set ASAP, I'll add Bob' tree and some of mine too

    I would like to see frank's trees into that dir too...

    Frank Silas are you there ? whoooo! ;)



    So we will have to build a nature for winkee-village mostly from sctatch.

    I would see it , in a first time , with model shape without hair and effect.

    just the shape and perhaps color and tints.

    no proxie tree , final tree but with no effect...

    so trunk are detailed ( textured?), rock well placed, bush shape etc etc etc.


    After that we would call an effect specialist to come in help.

    I don't want to create a choreo monster with full of incontrolable hair ! if you see what I mean


    So what about that plan ?


    PS:I would procede the same way in the tin castle set , Jody, If you ear this , do you copy ?



  8. Fab,

    Are we able to get a "fake" roof , a low spline substitute using decal ?

    So we can switch the roof of the houses 'on the fly " when they're in backround , out of camera view or distant enough.


    It would reduce the choreo weight and render time... all those slates on the roof are great but add weight


    What do you think of such idea ?

    The roofs would be a separate object in chor.



    Also If you haven't done this yet, regroup your object in folder..into AM PSW object and choreography module. like house , trees etc

    The PSW folder remain when you import a cho so the animator would appreciate to have set and props in order




  9. Nice work Michael, I like your fence.


    I begin to import some models in the final chorégraphie. Here the first house.

    I also start to model the ground.


    Nice work Fab


    I like all the details you put on the house.


    the tree look strange but , we'll try some nature setup anyway





  10. Update, Only got around to starting on a gate (no latch ,yet) and some different style/type rails ,just to see how it might look, Also, I made the stone Pillar/posts larger as suggested, I want to tweak them and save as copies so if they are used they wont look identical/repetitive........


    Im on vacation next week and will be spending most if not all my time on remodeling the Wife and my bedroom, so Im not sure how much time I will have for A:M or TWO....but Will try to check the forums once a day at least....



    Nice work Micheal


    I Like your stone texture...from a distance it do the job.



    Cool plan for next week ! hehehe ! ;)




  11. Can you drop me an e-mail when the interior is uploaded? I could really use at least a rough proxy to re-stage my scene.




    you mean the throne room ? ok Ed


    Jody should get some rough soon...



  12. Ok, going with your suggestions Al.....

    Here is ..... have a decal, cant get anything elae to look halfway decent...







    Cool, but can you put a gate frame between the two pillar ?

    also is the pillar can be beeffer ? i mean bigger ...

    give us some different fences panel...


    texture is not so important at this time.

    just a basic color would be cool... a specialist would come in help later.


    Here some picture references about fence and related stuff.


    edit : Micheal , we need some farm tools , fork etc , si if you got some spare time or want to work on something else ?


    keep the great work




















  13. I think some of those models had pretty big decals. I will have to do some sorting but I need someone to send me an email address where I can send files. I don't really want to post them all here and many of the files would be too large anyway. I may have to shrink the images.


    I have never seen the SVN so you can't blame me for the mess. ;-)

    There should be an image folder with several tga files for leaves, grass, bark, moss and stone. Also some very basic ground maps. It was all proxy and in early development but you could take the images into Photoshop and use them as a guide.


    hehehe ! I can't blame you Paul, you're right ! ;)

    about messy stuff, you haven't see by computer office ?


    Yes , we need your stuff Paul...to work out the nature template

    I'm using a yahoo mail so ...I can't get big files easily ...


    Martin do you have a ftp bread board somewhere? where Paul would use to store his files ?

    so we can get it to the SVN ? Models\props\tree\paul_trees


    hehehe, I've you notice that I'm beginning to use metaphoric hint ?...

    they're bad I know ! but at least I try ! (loud !)






  14. Well done, Al!


    There should be some more proxys there too.

    I don't think that I put any dynamics on the grass. It is best to do that as the shot requires. I have had best results animating grass by hand but dynamic forces may have improved since I last tested.


    All of the maps were rough and will probably need replacing, with the exception of the needle-hair for some of the pines.

    Good luck! I hope that A:M 13 hair has caught up now!


    Cool Paul !


    So no problem if we extract the models from the cho and put them on the SVN prop

    data\Shared Data\Models\Props\Trees\Paul_nature


    One more thing Paul,

    I haven't found any image and .AM ask for TGA...probably for the hair material etc.

    Is someone have an Idea of where are those TGA ? (speaking loud ! )

    what a messs ! tsssss! hehehe !...jokin


    Paul If you can make a nice package of your .mdl file with the TGA etc...

    I would be easier to put it directly into the SVN directory


    data\Shared Data\Models\Props\Trees\Paul_nature


    If it don't bother you...no rush

    So every one would be able to access the files easily




  15. Ok jody good ! :)


    Hey !

    I've found where Paul hide his nature model !

    hehehe !

    they're in those svn choreo:






    Be careful cause model use hair and this put my computer on his knee

    I only have a 900 Mhz ! ;)

    I would like to see Paul's trees,grass and plants model into the model/prop/tree/paul folder

    but since they're probably use some dynamic, I prefer to keep it in cho like they are.


    Maybe we should relocated the chos into the prop/tree/Paul_tree folder ?

    or live them on set-Cho ?



    Also find Bob's cho with nice proxie pine tree:




    I'll put a copy of bob's tree model into the model/prop/tree/bob_tree


    I'll put my proxie tree too


    take care


  16. Hey !

    I've found where Paul hide his nature model !

    hehehe !

    they're in those svn choreo:






    Be careful cause model use hair and this put my computer on his knee

    I only have a 900 Mhz ! ;)

    I would like to see Paul's trees,grass and plants model into the model/prop/tree/paul folder

    but since they're probably use some dynamic, I prefer to keep it in cho like they are.


    Maybe we should relocated the chos into the prop/tree/Paul_tree folder ?

    or live them on set-Cho ?



    Also find Bob's cho with nice proxie pine tree:




    I'll put a copy of bob's tree model into the model/prop/tree/bob_tree


    I'll put my proxie tree too


    take care


  17. Thanks for any the help/......I may have gotten over my head here.....LOL...yes I still have a sense of humor..........Isn't this one of the first scenes to be used and when will it be needed! If so Please pass this on to someone with the experience needed to finish in time.......

    No hard feelings here, just a hobbiest is all I am who doesn't want to loose the desire to keep playn with A:M.


    No problem Micheal, you're doing great.

    The fence is good...do what you can , as far as you have fun doing it , it's ok

    We don't ask for perfection , only help .

    If there's still improvment to do on your work( we are all subject to improvment )we'll take care of it

    And if someone willing enough to give a try or some help raise the hand , he will be welcome of course.



    You know what ? forget about the "REZ" thing

    What about creating just fences section? one straight, one broken ,one with a gate with rock pillar each side.

    That way Fab would be able to include this as he wish into the set...cause of the terrain he'll need to adapt the fence anyway...the details would come after as needed and will be done mostly with texture so


    What about that idea ?your fences section would be available for other set too




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