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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Al:


    it's been a long time since I've used SVN, could you check and see if I downloaded the models properly? I put a prj file and all model files in: TWO\data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Nimmie_house\Nimmie_Inside


    Let me know.


    You need to check with Chris Wheeler about the exterior proxy set. He was working on a wonderful exterior.






    Hi Eric ,

    Thanks but I don't find any files there...???

    Are you sure you've done it ok?

    Is someone else can confirm if those data are available on SVN ?


    Thanks again



  2. Good work Lloyd.


    Ok, for the window, I prefere the first one with the tin ornament inside

    ...I must agree about the stone frame .


    some suggest here:


    -the window shape can be taller to fit with the exterior design...


    -maybe you can paint some stuff on the wall ? like a barn with cow etc... "naive" style ?

    it would be scarecrow passtime ?...with hay on the floor and on the bed corner...


    -Thing should look more used...second handed...

    make the wall thicker by extruding more the door and window frame.

    Be carefull with the red curtain...to much red will disturb the eyes...

    ...focus should remain on characters


    -the sink table should be bigger ?


    -for additionnal bed room elements...look at a store furniture catalogue( IKEA or something ) to find ideas and inspirations.

    ...add some big color pencils on the floor ? .... kid's stuff ?


    -The trunk, the case ?( don't know the exact term here ;)) would be bigger and bulkier like if it is very full....full of hay ? or barn toys , clothes etc


    - is the metal straps are all the same color ?or it's the reflective material who change their color like that ?

    ...Tin should not be so reflective IMHO. if you can tweak that


    That's was my comments...


    ** Be carefull of the size of your final room ...it should fit with the proxie one.

    ...from here it look like it's bigger a bit.


    I'll look for the SVN data as soon as I can


    Thanks again



  3. Wow !


    This is a fantastic modeling work Stian !

    Congratulation ! there is so much detail!


    Is your computer and AM still run fine with this beast in head ?


    superb... I just want to fly through and zoom...




  4. Another engineer ! gulp !

    ;) hehehe !


    Sorry if I ask too many questions but I'm an engineer and it's the nature of the beast.


    1: Scarecrows bedroom door. Will it at any time open? Watching the animatic I didn't see it but you never can tell. Should I give the walls a bit of thickness so that if it is opened it looks correct? Also, would you prefer the door to be constructed of planks of wood or would a decal suffice. I prefer the plank look banded with metal straps and rivets.


    You have a link upper in this thread where I put some draws about the bedroom.

    assume that the door can be open...plank look banded with tin straps look fine...

    keep in mind that it's a TIN castle...so it look like a stone castle mixed with refined forged metal details


    Do as you wish , use your imagination, you're free to decide


    2: Scarecrows window. I could swear I saw a thread where someone had completed the brick inlay of scarecrows window, but I can't find it on the svn. Will that model be used or should I construct my own?


    ...remind me something too...but can't see where it can be ..do a new one

    ...I got a cool sketche available about that, see upper.


    3: Texturing. Is there a set group of textures or can I texture this set, props included. I will be using the texture of the throne room for the walls of Scarecrow's room, but would anyone mind if I go ahead and textured the various props already built for this scene.

    Of course, you can texture as you wish... the texture team can add or modify later on anyway.

    there lot of texture ressource available on SVN, bitmap, dark tree etc.


    *some notes using the SVN material...

    modify instance of material not the original so the SVN remind intact so other can use the same and save space,

    ...if you can't, work on copy and store the copy into a material folder into the scarcrow bedroom final directory


    4: I've also noticed that no one has layed claim to the wash basin and mirror so I'll build that as well for the scene. Al, do you have any prefrences for this thing? If not I'll just build off the concept drawings.


    Yes, do the modeling, use the concept drawing if you wish,but if you have better idea go ahead.

    you got the chance here to put your insight...;)





  5. Hi,

    Ok Ken thank for this new interior Yoop castle thread.

    Nice start


    I'll look for the outside Yoop castle myself.


    We'll base our work on the wikki URL you've specified...and with the animatics

    I 've made some drawing stored in Yoop castle /design story /wikki page.

    maybe some can be adapted to fit your design... take what you wish fit best.




  6. Hi

    Hey Steve , Eric , we still haven't receive the Nimmie house files on SVN.


    Do you have a problem ? Are you able to upload it ?

    If not let me know , we'll find a way to get the file uploaded


    We got to procede with a release version of this set




  7. Hi

    Lloyd Moore Jr (Ilidrake) will take charge of final modeling of the scarecrow bedroom.


    Lloyds, Stian has done most of the props( bed, table etc) , look for his files in tinman castle/finalcastle/scarecrow bedroom...


    -a final bedroom directory is already available to put your work...


    *** remember : work on copy...let the proxie untouch since they would be in use by the animation team.



    ... pillar and arch need to be tweaked ...texture, floor,door, wall, light , window etc etc.

    all those stuff need to be finalize.


    Do as you wish...keep in mind that the bedroom is part of the tinman castle...keep the same style

    You can use copy of Rodger "throne room" parts if you need .

    keep the same size and setup as the proxie...( action built etc ) start from a copy of the proxie


    *** always use copy not original



    You'll find help here

    keep us posted of your work with picture


    Thanks and good work ! :)


    ...finally we find you something to do !


    hehehe ! ;) thanks for your patience



  8. Nice work Rodger!


    Hey I'm back ! ... just took a short vacation, wish to thank Ken who has look over thread for me.


    I see Jandal make a "Throne room Interior " directory on the SVN

    If Rodger wish to copy a "officially released version" of his throne room setup on it...I don't see any problem for now.


    But you should keep the older folder untouch until we are sure it won't bug anybody....

    If some folk on the animation team have some request about that , they should ask it here...

    we should delete the older directory to keep thing clean only after we're sure every body is OK


    Keep us posted with that Rodger




  9. Hi

    I'm back from a short vacation.


    Steve and Eric can you give us a picture of your latest work on Nimmie House ?


    If you're not there I 'll try to update this trhread with what we got on SVN




  10. Hi, yeah nice work Rodger.


    Want to remind here


    I don't think I have to declare scene finish at any time...

    But I think an "officially released version" available to everybody on SVN is necessary.

    It's a collaborative work so other would need to access it to add their stuff and submit their idea.


    We must look for more synergy...


    The throne room is a special project scene since Rodger is not fully V13 SVN updated.

    It has been accepted and Rodger do a great work...we won't come back on this all the time. :D



    When he'll be V13 SVN updated, the room will be "officially release" in SVN

    That mean others would be able to propose their collaboration to add,texture, light, complete stuff etc... As Rodger, he'll still be able to update and work on his stuff as he wish...


    Once released , people have to follow some rules when they add stuff to a scene...to avoid a free for all.

    1- respect SVN release version data ( no erase or overwrite the released version )

    2- work their stuff locally or use "their name only" SVN folder to put their data

    3- submit image on forum thread for discussion


    ...so ...no problem ? on your side Rodger ?

    It should be more fun to get some help ?


    my 2 cents

    thanks for your patience



  11. Hi Rodger


    12 should be enough for the entire oval...even 8


    it's up to you...IMO less section let you set bigger moulder edge ?so more apparent


    Nancy got the point about the details and efficiency...but in "Rodger's case " ;) hehehe ! , Rodger built it also for his own purpose. If I've understood correctly so that's why he add extra detail... for the TWo project it's just cool add-on... and we would still use those detailed parts elsewhere along the way for other scene etc...It's not lost stuff.


    Nancy soon we should include some of your stuff in that throne room and on other castle room.

    You can look at it if you wish...put your experiment data with scene on a "Nancy only" folder on the SVN scene directory... As I shown a couple of time now ;)PM me if you need details about that...

    ...and keep us posted with jpg on forum thread




  12. Ok, I extended the walkway out abit so the camera can pan if it needs to. Left to do: Something ornate round the windows and add the railings.

    The columns and arches are Rodger's handiwork.



    It look good Ken!

    As you said a window frame and the railing will be cool.


    I'm not sure if the stairway should be close to the wall ...maybe just right to the wall ? the little space between the two seem odd?


    have you plan to blend the arch to the wall in some way ?


    I think the curtain placement and shape should be re-design in a fancy way.


    maybe under the first floor ,between the arch some curtain would look nice ,...close the space



    ...what about some frame on the wall for big paints ?


    look at the wiki site...I've done sketches of misc castle throne room...it give idea for curtain and stuff to put on wall...


    a last thing , the chair are too big...look like throne.



    nice start Ken





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