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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Well,

    I don't know !...I like the third and fourth


    It's up to you

    ...use the one best for it task, to keep critters or decorative around a house, nearby a road ...

    look at the blocking maybe it'll give you some clue about which would be best



  2. If blocking has been completed for the scene and one knew where the paths are one could make the other parts of the scene/landscape sonewhat irregular as long as those didnt interfer with the shot/camera frameing.?


    Fab, this should answer your concern about the terrain...keep the proxie terrain/ground straight where blocking animation path happen ...like road , front door nearby etc... but beyond that you can play with it

    ... a little hill start half back of a house ... stuff like that

    I would see a semi-alpin valley kind of environment...since the castle is on a high hill/mount ?


    I may try to work on a fence if someone has any pointers as to their desired look.

    Also ,any thoughts to what will or will not be in the individual yards? Lazlo was working on lawn ornaments and the such, like twig lawn funiture/gazebo......

    Not sure what direction you want to take with this scene,so Im just throwing out things here...:)




    Micheal,David, If you wish, try to regroup all prop related and not used yet into one folder into the SVN: prop/winkeeville/(modeler name dir)

    So we can pick up stuff there as needed.



  3. Thanks Will for bringing to mind those pertinent infos :)

    as you , I think the castle don't need to be solid tin.

    ...the main goal is : the castle must shine , twinkle ? , glare ?

    ( those last words come from my dictionnary, I use it to emphase the word shine hehehe ! ;))


    Ken , thanks to take this throne in hand.

    maybe you should base your modeling on the throne proxie already available?

    I mean for its proportion and size, it's more high etc.


    Also I remember a throne done or textured by Nancy ? what's hapened to this one ?

    Maybe you should include some aspect of that one too ?


    I'm sure you'll find a nice compromise.



  4. Thanks Paul,


    I haven't found any trees on the SVN yet(only David'S set )

    ...and don't know what's happened with those you sent to Bob.

    If someone know where they are.?

    ...please regroup everything you got under the prop/ tree tab on the SVN.

    Put your files into folder with your name on so we can give the appropriate credit and working time


    If it's not too big Paul, you can post your tree sample and stuff right here, we will upload to SVN for you.


    I remember some nice tall pine tree proxie on some blocking anim...any clue where they are located ?

    I would like to get them into SVN tree directory.


    I'll extract mine too ,those I've built for the ku-klip workshop proxie and make them available to SVN asap...


    That way everybody who want to work on that , would be able access other's work .




  5. Hi ,

    Fab maybe you should start building one

    ...once well completed the other modeler will have something to base their work on ?

    You can set detail together.


    not a bad idea Ken , but I think It would be hard to coordinate..


    On the other side : the terrain/nature is important on that set... I would like to see something else than a flat one.


    En plus , Moi et Fab on peux se parler en francais !

    hehehe ;)



  6. Nice start Rodger :)

    So my question is, does the room's proportions meet your expectations? The checkered cylinder is 6 ft. (1.8 m) tall.


    My only concern about the size would be about the elements who interact with the characters

    the throne seat, the stairway etc

    Like I've said in previous mail...the rooms doesn't have to fit perfectly in the outside castle...it just have to be plausibe.


    About the oversize of the castle window ...my suggest would be to put some arch inside arch ...

    I mean one outside arch including a multiple arch structure inside...like the one you would see in big cathedral ...



    I could easily continue using the checkered cylinder for scaling but I would prefer using whoever is going to be sitting on the throne, if anyone. Would someone please send me a proxy throne in v12 format and a character of the correct height posed to sit on it?


    Do we have somebody working on the final throne seat ? Ken ?

    Jody would you provide Rodger with what he need on that side ?



    One last set of questions, may I have an estimated due date for;


    1) untextured model with only large scale detail finalized

    2) untextured model with all detailing finalized

    3) final textured model (if you expect me to do that as well)




    For the due dates... there'S any, like I've said before , I'm not rushy with that .

    ..we just have to stay in movement...well, this is not a good expression...

    I'm searching... keep the balls rolling ? no ...euuh ?


    Take your own work beat...we'll do with it

    I prefer a slow constant beat than a fast crash. Is this sentence would sound better on a girl mouth !??

    ...with due respect ?? anyway


    hehehe ;)


    Edit :Rodger, have you notice that the roof in my design is a rotunda ? or a dome ?

    Some light would come from there...


  7. Hi

    I was always under the impression that the Tin Woodsman (Tinman) was their king and not everything was made of tin, just him. The castle could then be stone and wood with brass and bronze decorations.


    Then again I have not read the book and don't know what it is described like in the book.



    Jody , You're right, and not everything should be made of tin ! of course...

    100% solide tin castle is not the way to go IMHO.


    But I see tin arts and craftmanship everywhere...the castle would be in stone, marble ?

    with full of tin elements, decoration, incrustation,stuff like armoury, statue ,maybe two tin dragon with wing open face to face over the door , flags and fanion( not of tin ;))... I'm just throwing idea again


    The main entrance door is on of the element where it should show lot of tin...without necessarly be made of 100% solid tin...can have some wood under...


    ..see what I mean ?

    And what about two small towers on the other side of the drawbridge ?with a small arch in between ?


    As to the throne room size... no worries.


    Since we don't really see the castle from the side view, the throne room can pretty much be as big as you want... I was just trying to get the garden to fit in with the other interior sets.


    I can always go back on the central tower design and put up an outer courtyard wall and put the garden outside with a simple walkway from the gate to the main building.


    The main building can also be long instead of circular... we just cut it in half and put an extension in the middle.



    About the garden and other rooms relative size with the outside castle...there's no obligation that every room and space fit into the castle perfectly... it just have to be plausible...in that regard you already do a great job ....


    For the garden , opening the main building wall so the gardens (plurial) extend from inside to outside would be a great idea....the gardens can be done on a some levels...like the suspended Babylon gardens ?

    the bottom one with the fountain where the action happen...


    It's up to you Jody, play with this ...you'll find something cool , I'm sure



    I'll be putting various trees, shrubbry and rocks/pebbles around the shores and land areas near the castle. And maybe another footbridge and more handrails in other places.


    About the trees and nature, we will have to coordinate the look of it with the other set...

    Maybe we can have someone to make "the bridge" between sets on this...

    Paul, you'll be great for this task, if you would give a try ;)




  8. Ok,

    I think this mean that Rodger have a GO



    Good choice Martin ,also have you notice that in this design there is lot of tapestry

    on the side wall corridor ?...in any case it would help for what you guys are discussing lately

    about the feedback stuff etc.?


    ok bye


  9. Hi

    About Rodger concern on the throne room.

    I think he's quite right on something , the size of the throne room


    Look at the castle outside, it is big, huge, gigantic !

    So one room at least should reflect that state , and the throne room

    would come at the top of my list , ... with the 10 level underground garage where the

    space shuttle is stored...??? huh ? but this is another story...never mind ;)


    I would like Martin and some other TWO big boy comments on that aspect.

    I'm for it...


    Ken , nice door , nice texture , just keep in mind that the texture done at this step are temporary.

    We'll probably try some texture design around that...


    euuh ? I think wood door doesn't fit very well for a tin castle ... IMHO.


    My suggest would be : just throwing ideas...


    Some interlaced tin rod design in the door , windows and arch... some tin spiral design like in cathedral stained glass, it would add more fine detail ...also I see some tin incrustation in the stone at the bottom of the towers.


    about that ,do you remember what Vern(heyvern) has done with the ramp of ku-klip workshop?

    his decal/embossing technique would be nice for incrustation at the bottom of towers ?


    Nancy would be great for this kind of details... Texturer will be invited as soon as possible

    to give a try on that side.


    my TWO sent



  10. Hey AL:


    Chris and I have been pow-wowing together on this and are working well together. We'll keep it that way and confer with you if we have any issues we can't resolve.


    I'll post an update on the interior props in a couple of days since I am going to rework several of the pieces for a more rustic look.


    Perfect ! :)

    Eric and Chris


    Thanks you


  11. Spectacular Jody ! nice work


    Can we get some flags and fanions ?


    Edit : and some balcony...


    Don't start on the throne room for a couple of day, I must verify some aspect first.

    I'll come back to you on this asap


    Ken's got good idea about the steak ? if it mean the chain attach on the bridge ?

    I think there's enough tower..this castle begin to be huge !




  12. Well,

    Chris have a good solution...this look good to me.

    Go ahead with the logic , the house should be done by Bob's plan , inside and outside

    Fix what should be fix so the outside fit with the inside...window , door ,chimney etc.

    I would add to be careful with the blocking animation , but since there's any it's not a problem...:)


    I'm doing art direction on winkee-village and tin castle and

    I'm quite busy with that for now.

    I'm fully confident that you do it right on this nimmie set


    Eric, would you "call the shots " on that one ?

    We should coordinate some stuff together as needed , like the nature side, tree forest etc.

    to keep the integrity of the style used


    If you need my advise for something I'll be please to help


    PS: Paul is right , don't work on non-visible stuff...look at the animatic to verify if you doubt




  13. Hi Fabrice


    Yes, you can refer to those pictures...I like the one with the cruved trees...

    Also you got Bob's plan


    Don't forget that you got to start from the proxie cho...

    Be careful to preserve scale and proportion of object relative to the bolcking animation already done.


    Don't worry , I'll probably repeat that again here and there so...;)


    Maybe you'll be able to count on another modeler so you'll be four..

    I'll let him make the announce when he'll be ready




  14. Fabrice


    You can count on Frank Silas to help with final modeling in Winkee-village.

    So quite a good team here too !


    Fabrice : collect and replace into new cho : and modeling

    Micheal : modeling

    Frank : modeling


    Fabrice, just make an announce here when you'll be updated with the threads , info and files





  15. Your approache look fine to me Jody

    I like the tower roof !


    Some suggest:

    -Some more arch between tower would be nice

    -adding some pillar(like on the corridor set) on every room like throne would help unifying the inside set?

    I don't know maybe on door side ? in the corner?


    Ken will be of good help ! super !


    If you wish, you can put some tint or color and light , if this help in your final modeling

    ...not a lost of time , it would give a starting point to texturer and lighter





  16. Hi, Al.


    Are you not being kept informed?

    I am unable to continue working on TWO at the moment for a number of reasons. I don't have access to the SVN so I can't post there or receive files from there.


    You all seem to be doing a great job though! Keep it up. :-)


    Ah ! of course I understand, without V13 it not possible to go very far...

    I must confess that I don't follow every thread...since a while...maybe a couple of years ? ;)


    If you want to put your trees and forest work available to TWO

    I would be please to post it to SVN for you.


    Of course once loaded in V13 it would be hard for you to work on it

    But if you want you can still do stuff in V12 , we would take care of update and touch-up


    People can make nice, valuable work , even if it not in V13?

    Isn't it ? or I've put my feet on my mouth ?


    Any forum link to your previous work on tree?


    Thanks a bunch



  17. Hi

    Dave's trees has been uploaded to the SVN at 8:25 Eastern time

    under prop/tree/dustin_tree


    bip bip

    with a metalic voice



    Thank to Dave!




    Edit :why this mail is doubled ???

  18. Hi


    Good new!

    We got Fabrice Fave who is willing to take the "collect and replace proxie in final cho "step for the winkee-village


    He will do the same kind of work as Jody do with the tin castle set.


    Micheal(kamikaze) will help modeling on this too


    So welcome to Fabrice and stay tune



  19. Well guys


    I would fully agree with what you said here and I don't want to be rough

    but may I just remind you that here it's the Tin Castle thread.


    Maybe this discussion worth a new thread ...

    I want to stay focus on this one


    I'll be please to get updated on those stuff elsewhere



    Thanks for your understanding



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