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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Al, I hope you don't mind, I changed your hair image to something that I had. I didn't save it or upload the image to the svn. If you like it I'll upload the image and make the changes to your tree model.


    Hi Mike,

    it look better... cool ! the maps is more detailed.

    Would you upload it under a new name ? something like :pine_tree_Almike1.mdl


    So we keep some choice for the posterity ;)


    nice stuff



  2. That's an outstanding result. Well done all. Has the ground got displacement maps? How will that effect the animators when putting the character feet on the ground.



    no displacement map is used...


    I'll add more hair nature as I've mentioned in my previous post, grass,flower,high herbs hay, bushes etc


    I'll try to set a material procedural for the ground in place of the map( kind of terra tint)

    ... the color map would be use as hair grass property color ( I think this is possible)


    mid-high rez tree would be added in the action ( Altree, Frank S, or other available)


    mid-high rez plant would be added as necessary on some area.


    some other forest tree species will be added too


    background mountain ring should be added too


    etc etc



    For the animator, they should use a spline of the terrain (road etc) or use the surface constrain option

    around the house land is quite flat ...as the road...elsewhere there will be some grass thikness




    Fab, for the fences, it was quite heavy in your choreo

    ...if you can find an easier way to built it up.

    Reduce texture resolution where you can , keep the higher one in the high rez map folder

    ( I've created one on SVN for that so we can switches between low and high further as needed.)


    try to get a complete fence-set into one model so it can be placed it into the action assembly and updated outside.(put bones so we can place it into the land)


    on my terrain you see the fields ? it will be hairhay etc on those...set of fences would be needed there but nothing too heavy.


    Also the bridge doesn't stick perfectly into the ground on my terrain ...maybe you can look at this.

    when you got the time of course ;)




  3. Hi Fabrice,


    I've work on a terrain for your setup.

    using hair for forest with a density-lenght map


    I've built it in a temporary choreo here:


    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Winkeeville\Final_Winkeeville\Winkeeville_Altest.cho


    *this choreo respond not so bad here...keep me posted on how it work...



    Here some details on how I've proceded or what was my intention with that.

    I post some pict of the different step...


    1- I made a bird view snapshot of the village to see all element.

    2-I draw color map of the terrain in photoshop...


    3-I draw a grayscale map for area where hair plant will grow...to use in a hair density/lenght decal map...

    my intend is to make hair

    -around the river

    -far away tree going less as the elevation go

    -herb near the road

    -around building where plant were cut lower

    -some patches for different plant and flower etc

    * for now there is only the far away forest done...


    3-I've built the terrain mesh from this color map ....the finished terrain is different from a squary mesh since it copy the ridge of natural element...river, road etc.


    underneath that terrain I'll put the hair mesh ...so I can control the grow and position of every plant

    I brush hair where it's needed and set force/direction for every plant....higher for stiffer plant.


    So that's for now, I'll try to add more in a next step...

    If you like it you would be able to split it into your different landscape...or use the same technic .



    look at the files and let me know what you think of this.

    any comment or tips are welcome




    Al :)







  4. Thank you for your comments. :)

    I will add much more objects so that is less empty. If the scene becomes too heavy, I will cut it in several parts.

    I saw several plants like those of smwolke, I will start to make the gardens.



    Hi Fabrice, nice work

    I've loaded the winkeeville.prj of the final directory.


    Here is my comments:


    1- About the files on SVN:

    TWO_project\data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Winkeeville\Final_Winkeeville


    -on this directory, I've notice some .info files ...no need to upload them.

    -Would you put all .tga files into the maps directory ?

    ...same for the .mat files into the material folder...

    the project ask for some files when I loaded it ...can you double check this ...

    (tips :use consolidate to extract all files from the project)




    2-About the project weight:

    -Well this project is heavy...not easy to play with it, too heavy in fact.

    -I think you already have in mind to rebuild it with action object ?

    ...Cause this should be the way to go... assembly action that can be updated as animator work with it.

    -Is your mountain mesh is a bit heavy ? not sure if we need as much detailed mountain on this?



    So my suggest would be to:


    -Cut this setup into pieces of landscape,

    ( at least 3 for the villages , houses etc and one for the far away land, mountain forest etc)

    -Rebuild those landscape in an action (use action object)

    -Base your lands cuts on the animatics scenes as much as possible


    We or the animator team would build the final set into choreo from those 3-4 pieces of lands (action object) with a underneath ground model to joint pieces together as needed...




    *See how the castle throne room is done with action object ?...same thing.


    * Also , use a basic "empty "model ( with only 2cp splines) for your assembly action.

    drop your element into this action( house, terrain etc. )to create action object...

    that way we'll know which model to apply assembly action to.


    we will drop this basic model into cho and drop the assembly action on it to have the landscape setup...

    one action per landscape...see what I mean ?


    If it's not clear, don't hesitate to PM me

    et je vais t'expliquer en francais...


    Merci encore


  5. Hi Mark

    Those trees are cool

    Where is this Marcel treez plug-ins ?

    Is those trees can be uploaded to the prop\tree\mrX_tree ?


    So we can look at it and play with the plugin



    keep us posted about that







    These were made using Marcel treez plug-in and hair. This was rendered in v11 so I don't know how well they will render in v13.



    IMHO, the trees made using Hair for the leaves are the best way to go for any trees in the set area (anywhere where the characters and props are going to be), beyond that we could use trunks emitting Hair "branches", and beyond that we can emit forests of hair "trees".

    That give us 3 levels of detail that we can use based on the distance from the immediate area of action.


    Hi William,

    I think you're right... I tought about that too.


    My idea is to setup a piece of landscape with nature stuff : trees , rocks, bushes, forest etc...

    a WIP ... we'll see...

    Fab has got good result too with rock mount...



  6. Hi Al ....


    Im trying to download some images whit SVN, but I cant...

    Im following SVNwalkthrough ... step 4

    Press the ’Receive’ button. It will bring up a dialog asking for what folder you want the TWO data in.

    I cant see dialog .... in TWO movie ( comunity ) appear this :

    "C:\Documents and Settings\Xtaz\Meus documentos\TWOData Receive command sent to SVN client. .."

    and stop ....


    any tip ???



    Hi ,

    Have you set the directory you want to upload in the AM option ? there is a SVN panel now .

    It is where you can set your local root and the directory you wish to download...


    maybe your problem is there ?


    do you have some directory there or what ? :

    C:\Documents and Settings\Xtaz\Meus documentos\TWOData Receive command sent to SVN client.


    -delete those directory...\TWOData Receive command sent to SVN client.

    if there is any folder like this...


    -Create a TWO project folder at root of your C drive

    -Once done target this folder into AM option SVN panel for your local directory


    and try again ?


    hope this would help...



  7. Hi Jody


    I've put the outside castle proxie into the proxie dir

    I've put old files into a new tempo dir.







    Done. I moved all the proxy models into appropriate proxy directories and removed the '_1d' series of castle files.


    I left the '_1e' series up for now, just in case the animators or texturers were working with them.


    Let me know if there are still any issues. (Paul and Al)

  8. Hi


    I've worked since a couple days on a pine tree WIP.


    I've uploaded my files into ...\data\Shared Data\Models\Props\Trees\Al_Trees

    There is a .mdl and a .cho





    load the .cho to get everything...force , light , action etc.


    The tree use Marlin studio bark material

    leafs are hair, I've brushed the leaf with the brush tool and other hair manipulation tool ( cool)


    I've set bones so you can create other of the same species only with an action.

    Also a choreo with two trees and a force to fake the wind blowing on trees( see the anim)


    -the force magnitude is quite high (start at 8000 and full blow at 250 000)

    -the root hair material force is -2000 at Y axis

    -the choreo force is -100 on Y so other stuff would react normally...I guess


    let me know what you think of this


    thanks :)









    This choreo show some bug: if you can confirm some of thoses :


    1-the magnitude property data doesn't update as you move into frame...

    you got to deselect the force in the psw and select it again to see the update d data of property


    2- some rendering artefact appear here and there....the realtime render ar often more accurate than a progressive render


    3-the camera color don't show up in final rendering


    4-the hair map doesn't support blur...or greyscale in the cookie-cut map ( alpha channel ), only black and white





  9. Al,


    Okay... it's up on SVN. I put all the 'outside' castle pieces in the 'Outside' folder. Garden section is in the Garden folder. Interiors model was kept as a fall back in the base folder.


    The proxy project, choreography and action are also there... all proxy pieces are so named.


    All the final and proxy models are simply named, no version numbers this time (getting close enough to drop that).


    Let me know if you want me to delete the older versions to clean up.


    Hi Jody,

    Is it a problem to put all "outside"proxie together into the proxie folder ?:


    \data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\proxies

    ...create an outside proxie folder so you won't mix it up everything in the proxie folder


    As I've mentioned , I would like to keep all proxie files into proxie folder and all final into final folder.


    The proxies files must be proxie named but also stored into a proxie directory.


    Yes, delete all old, unused or useless files , if you got a doubt create a "old stuff" folder and put them there.

    PS.: all .info files are useless , they should be remove also.


    ...Be sure that all files are reliable , that all links are good ( action,map and material )




  10. Here's a render of the carpet for the top of the dais.


    In searching for an appropriate coat of arms I ended up at this very comprehensive site; Heraldry Index


    At first I thought the Tinney crest would be a clever choice but its design just didn't do it for me. Then I tried Baumotte .....-like.


    If someone with more talent and imagination than I would create a more suitable coat of arms I'd be more than happy to use it.


    Hey Rodger this coat of arm site is super cool !...

    But putting it under the throne chair isn't very good , IMHO.


    I would prefer much more a real 3d one suspended somewhere on the arches .

    Maybe Stian would get us a cool one... use element shown in that website and add some tinman and Oz element like Two axes , crowned bird or Oz letter etc....not too busy keep it simple...

    We can use "printed" blason elsewhere in the curtain, back of chair and carpet.


    Good work Rodger...stay focus on completing the overall geometry...

    About light fixture, are you sure we need as much as you suggest ? 14 ?it seem a bit a lot


    ok Thanks


  11. Well ,


    ...for the "tincastle-proxy1b.mdl", I don't know why it is located there in the final castle folder:

    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\final castle\tincastle-proxy1b.mdl


    it should be into the castle proxies folder ??? :

    \data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\proxies


    Jody if you can would you move it to the proxie?


    *proxie into proxies dir

    *final set into final dir




    This is an overall outside castle proxie...good for the opening scene to the castle.

    Jody have just finish a better castle proxie...hope it will be available into the PROXIE folder ;)




    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\proxies\drawbridge.mdl


    The drawbridge.mdl should be use for scene in front of the door

    Maybe a better proxie should be extracted from the recent castle proxie Jody has made ???


    For the final drawbridge setup , it should be extracted from the final outside castle...


    BTW maybe we can do this step now ? what do you think Jody ?

    Someone would take the final drawbridge for detailed texture and color ?




    about the SVN files:


    Jody, I want all outside castle related files into his outside castle directory if possible

    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\final castle\Outside Castle


    If we extract the drawbridge from the outside castle , we should put it into a new drawbridge final directory too .


    Jody, I can do those move if you wish, but I prefere that you do it, so you stay tuned with the SVN in your local repository etc.


    keep me posted on this important issue ;)

    Not as important as our defeat again Carolina Hurricane but...






  12. Hi Rodger,


    You'll have Stian to help with prop in the throne room...

    See with him what is needed...


    I would see stuff like some curtain on wall, portrait in cadre, plant with feather (Nancy's style ) in pot...Oz armoury etc. etc.


    Stian will post his props on this thread and I'll upload them to SVN


    ok bye


  13. It's good that way Rodger,

    nice work!


    Don't worry about the color etc. somebody will review to overall color,texture in a next step as the light rig too.


    IMO the basement feeling is due to the birdeye view....it'll be ok




  14. I see from a modelers point of view why you wouldn't want act1


    But moving models only in act1 to shared data means that an animator who only wants models that are in all acts and the ones specific to act1 would get all of act2 and act3's models





    I see your point Noel ,


    I'm not sure how animators procede actually but I would presume something like this :

    ... let say a modeler need the throne room set...

    he import the action assembly .act of the set to his project... all related models should be mounted in the same time. he work with it , save his project...bingo


    In the modeling area we update the related files of the action assembly, like pillars, wall, add new props to the action assembly etc etc.


    So when the animator open his project he got all updated files since they are all linked.

    Same thing for the characters...and free props




    I don't think there're models used in all Act ?

    if a model repeat in many Act , no need to duplicate it but if an animator want to modify a props or something , he just have to work on a copy

    ...this copy can be store in the Act/shared data since it's the animator who initiate the change and he's aware of it.


    IMHO no really need to duplicate every sets or props into Act/shared data...since they are classified into the root shared data dir.

    We(modeler, texture) should work safely on the root shared data ...the animator should use their Act/shared data for their own use and search for update into root shared data...



    So what we could do is, make it like this


    ---[+] shared data (data in more than one act)

    ---[+] act1 shared data

    ---[+] act2 shared data

    ---[+] act3 shared data

    ---[+] act1 (chors etc)

    ---[+] act2 (chors etc)

    ---[+] act3 (chors etc)


    that way modelers for act1 could just get act one models and animators for act1 would need act1 and act1 shared data.



    well, we already have this kind of classification here :


    \data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors


    It look the same but organized by Act... presently we organise things by sets: castle-throne-room, castle-outside, winkee village etc.


    IMO those Act dir should be exclusive to animator ...when they want to extract a complete set or some specific part from the main modeling pipe...Or if they want to work on copy not on the originals sets...they still can get their update from the main pipe


    So..this is how I see this, I'll comply with the procedure you go with anyway.

    be sure to make it clear ....


    hope what I' saying have sense ? ;)




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