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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Whaaa. It's not happening. I was going for the hard dried straw look (like your sketch?) with that one. But I don't know how to make it look soft.


    I know it's not easy easy...

    a suggest would be to use decal map for the straws...chair made with kind of strawball tie up with rope

    the decals on each ball would be a stripe design mape for the side and a circular twisted design map for the front .... regular textured fields color , bump etc.


    I would use mesh geometry for the ropes so the overall chair will look detailed enough.


    I would concentrate straw effect (hair or other )or real mesh straws to specific area.

    ...like the hair straw of scarecrow head ...you see ...


    I would place those detailed straws where I want to get a better silhouette or/and add more detail where the rope tie up etc.


    With the chair geometry you should be able to get this comfortable look...make it fit well with scarecrow...


    I think the goal is to create the illusion of a straw chair and not searching to copy the reality.

    ...with this in mind you can "trick" the audience with your voodoo modeling sauces.

    If you come up with something funny...that's it


    that's all folks



  2. Hair isn't suited to trial and error on my PC. So, I'm trying the other design. How's this looking?


    Not bad Ken, ... is those straw are all tube geometry ?

    mmm ? I think you can do better


    ...make something funny and confortable like Scarecrow.




  3. Hey guys !


    Where are you with this Nimmie Amee final sets ?


    I haven't see any directory for the Nimmie house set.

    It would be good to upload what you've done to date to SVN.

    Some directory like this should be just fine:


    Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Nimmie\House

    Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Nimmie\Outside_set




  4. Suddenly something is coming to my mind.


    I remember that at the crossing road of loonville, Tinman,Scarecrow and Woot

    take a rest...they camp at night , Woot have to sleep.

    Scarecrow and Tinman stay awake since they doesn't have to sleep ever.


    Tinman have some blablabla around this state etc.


    So the fact that , they had sleep in bedroom at castle before, doesn't ring you a little bell ?


    This has probably been changed in some way...something that I've miss...

    Can you confirm that arc...or it is still like I've described upper ?




  5. Hi ,


    So there is no proxie done for this scene ?

    If not , the animator should create their own proxie ? not a big problem.


    Some castle final geometry are available in the SVN throne room. it could help

    ...they can be used on a proxie room ( action assembly ) by any animator.


    **** Just remind to keep thing in order in the SVN dir, duplicate the files into a "bedroom" directory first .

    Modeler would take your proxie set further as a starting point for final modeling ... no problemo.


    If nobody come in line for this final set...we would put it on our do list

    with the throne, the garden , the corridor ... etc



    Thanks anyway




    BTW , anybody who wish to start the "garden set" ,the "corridor set " , "the bedroom " is welcome

    ...put your name here or PM me for details.

    Where are the modeling volunteer list. ? ;)



  6. Good work Rodger!


    I notice some stuff on your last picture.

    I would see a ramp between the second floor pillar , or a half wall ? something to avoid people to fal off the 2sd floor.

    Also a door on the first floor corridor like the second floor...




  7. Hi Ken,


    Not bad...

    As you wish here some suggest :

    Can you make it more comfortable ? a bit bigger ... less spiky.

    Also with a yellowish color (dried straws)


    I'm not sure about that effect overall.

    I would see straws well binded with ropes , with color ,bump decal.

    Straw strand everywhere but in small pack ...

    getting out where the thing is used, on the seat , arms , around the rope , at the corner etc.


    the "pouf" is not necessary... I would prefer a side table.

    But you can add a inside mechanical "pouf" like a "leazy boy" (with a little rig setup )

    it would be fun to see scarecrow activate his "straw leazy boy" ! hehehe !


    it's a good start ...




  8. Yves,


    In my original sketche and based on the recent plan I posted

    if you're under or near the back mezzanin, you should have a full view on the window.

    they're should be a corridor around with other big window as well...

    But from the staircase the focus remain on the throne dais...


    At this time , the design of the room is a bit different , with an open view right to the window .

    this design look fine to me as well.


    But I got not much idea to solve design problem as modeling go...

    I don't really want to start a large debate on that aspect cause it should be already nailed

    And I'm sure Rodger would find us a nice solution...Isn't it Rodger ?




  9. Jody



    there is some missing files in SVN (throne room floor_grey_DT.mat; throne_room_stair_case_v13.mdl)

    (a material and a model )

    problem 2:

    rename throne_room_main_floor_v13.mdl to throne_room_v13.mdl.


    if you can test the files as Ed suggest ( assembly action and project), and confirm us when everything is up and running it will be great !




    a suggest :When you make directory and files manipulation outside the SVN of your hardrive , maybe you should use "consolidate" to be sure you get everything in order...it's easy to forget a new material or that you've deleted a model from a project the day before etc. that kind of thing.


    *** Also no more renaming on hot file like the action base .mdl ***




  10. Back on the throne room design, here's a couple of images showing the first pass at the mezzanine. Naturally it still need things like railings and trim but I just want your opinion on the ceiling treatment at the window end. I was planning on coffering the ceilings along each wall on both floors in a similar fashion.



    I've look back at the sketche...and there is some solution in it.


    The back window should not be the principal element of the throne room...

    the focus should remain to the dais/throne.


    IMO the big window can be hided by the mezzanine arch


    I made a little plan to explain the sketches I've made...

    it show how the room are splited around a corridor where are the outside window.

    hope It'll give you some idea...


    the sketche answer Yves concern too...


    Beyond that do as you wish...the ceiling you're doing now look fine...

    you should complete geometry design first before adding detail like coffering etc.





  11. Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong to check that I'm zipping everything properly.


    My final quality control for the zip file I send Jody is as follows;

    Zip all model, decal and material files including an assembly.prj and an assembly.act file.

    Put the zip file in it's own directory and unzip it there.

    If I can open the assembly.prj successfully, the zip is ready for uploading.


    This look as a good procedure Rodger.

    Are you 100% sure that the unzipped .prj files (opened successfully) is not refering to original files ?

    Maybe you should use the "consolidate" AM option to be sure you get everything...


    or the problem is on Jody side ....




  12. No problem Ed.:)

    We know it's just a glitch, and some lessons has been learn.

    I'm glad to see that you control well your animators horses, so the problem doesn't spread.


    Here a "mise au point "


    We want to get all the geometry and props done in a first step

    everything assembled into a reliable action, cho and SVN file structure in a second step


    So in a third step animator can work on it securely, as texture and light guys .

    And everybody who wish to improve or work on details can do it easily.


    For now we're still in step one with the throne room

    Step one and two are mixed here and the second one is still in progress as the first is uncompleted so...


    That's why I want this thread as clean and focus as it can.

    I must say that all your comments are very good and are always welcome here.




  13. Thanks for the precision Ed


    You're right about the files structure and we take it seriously.

    Jody/Rodger should take care of this file problem in their next update .


    Hope we should get a reliable version available soon.





  14. Thanks for laying it out like that Ed. I opened a bunch of your files last night and had a bunch of problems. I saved nothing. I got a bunch of crashing as well as missing models. Would that be fixed now if I wanted to poke around again?


    Hop hohophop please animators , it's nice to have all your feedback and suggest here.

    We're aware of some problem with the files and you're very welcome to let us know...


    But you begin to disturb our thread a bit...


    keep in mind this :

    At this time, we have never officially release permission to use any "final set" so if you use it , problem can occurs.

    Another thing, the modeling is done by a coalition of people who have different schedule so a mistake or a problem is not especially solve instantly...


    We'll try our best to get it right quickly but this is a relative perception in such project. ;)


    I want to keep our threads focus on our task...

    report problem but keep the kitchen clean !

    If you need more answers start a specific thread or use PM.



    Thanks for your patience


  15. I would like to see the column action object into a column folder...it will be cleaner psw...

    I agree, but in my version of A:M (12.0n+), I can define a new folder but I can't drag and drop anything into it. Does this work in v13?


    Rodger , can you make a bug report on this ?

    I'm rushy today




  16. Hi


    I've just updated the SVN with a new throne V2...

    where I've reduce size to 90 %... make the legs longer

    I've also put a basic bone setup on the back seat, the arms and legs


    some render...





    I opened that project again and this time it didn't crash. It looks like all you have to do is rename throne_room_main_floor_v13.mdl to throne_room_v13.mdl


    It's still asking for some materials and models so I'll let you guys take care of for SVN - but with that rename, everything looks good!



    Jody/Rodger can you look at this...be sure all files are present and ok (names etc ) before any update to the SVN... maybe we should put a WIP folder in the SVN to put stuff temporarily ?...


    ...a place safe from Ed investigations ! ;) hehehe


    I'm joking but it should be usefull to get a wip folder so you'll be able to make some mistake without messing everybody's work.


    Al :)



  17. Hi


    Ed said:

    No worri...you update it in the action.


    Nice resume Ed ! Thanks.


    Ken said:

    Al: Would it be that because you didn't create the model that you can't move it. I think I've experienced this too. So, I think it might be part of svn.


    Huh ? well maybe we should report this to Noel ?

    I would like to see the column action abject into a column folder...it will be cleaner psw...we still have to add the second floor so...


    Ken said :

    I'll see what I can do about a chair for scarecrow. His table is made already and woot has a stool already too. Can you check that out as Ed has started to use it. Thanks.


    Ok Thanks Ken,

    Are you able to make the stoole squary ? I mean it look like a cut part of the throne.

    Ed said :

    Don't worry about keeping size/scale, etc. for scarecrow's props (seat, table, chessboard) that are in our scenes at the moment. I still plan on going in and re-staging the Scarecrow shots so do whatever looks best, Rodger and we'll make it work.


    Ed , you don't need the props ( tin throne, scarecrow chair and table , woot stool etc) to be part of the assembly action isn't it ?Since they will interact with the characters ...


    Anyway, I would like to get them at their right size at least...

    so I strongly suggest to modeler to test the props with characters

    and into the assembly action ( temporarily) to be sure they're good in size.


    Of course, Animators can refine size and position later in their work...




  18. My project (42) can't find throne_room v13, the staircase and the grey material.


    As Ken , I got the same problem.

    Jody ? any clue ?



    Please don't rename things. That's how projects get screwed up. Just overwrite the old files. If you're worried about having to use an old version, SVN does save previous incarnations. AFAIK, all of my team's projects now are looking for missing stuff and that's exactly what I'm trying hard to avoid.


    Thanks for reporting a problem Ed, we'll make our best to solve it quickly.

    Your feedback is appreciated. ;)

    Which file(s) has been renamed exactly ?


    BTW I've notice something in the action object...I've created a folder ( I wanted to regroup the column into a folder) but I can't add the action object into the folder...So why I can create a folder there ? it look like a bug. anybody experienced this ?


    Rodger ,if you can focus on completing geometry or the action assembly...it'll be great...so we can pass officially to the next step " texture and light ".

    Leave the column style, texture and color for now we'll look at this together later.


    We need Scarecrow straw chair and Woot stool...Ken do you have time to look at this ?

    A rough geometry who fit with Scarecrow sitting position would be fine...

    we can look at the straws effect in a second step...let me know if you need a sketche




  19. . Just crack the whip if you need me. I think I've about had it, I'm not needed here anymore, my jobs done. later.


    Hi Mark


    Put everything you got on SVN...It's hard to determine how this would look like.

    if you have an idea you're very welcome to make a WIP or .prj ...so we can look at it

    and I don't know why we shouldn't use it if it look great ?


    I know your ability and I'm curious of your result on this.


    my 2 cents



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