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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Right, I made abit of progress on this set. Al, I was thinking of adding railings at the top...I guess they'd be the same as the throne room.....then maybe just copy and flip the whole room so there are two staircases. I'd make the room seem bigger and make it seem like a central hallway that leads to several rooms.



    Thanks Ken,

    Look at the animatics and do only what is needed...put your eye in the camera point of view

    ...for the rest , I'm sure you'll do it great !

    ...just a comment :IMHO bigger you'll made the corridor , lower the " impact" of the throne room will be...



    edit :mmm? after all, it can be very big , if we keep lights focused on character and low ....I mean with lights effect we can preserve the "surprise" of the throne room ?



    keep us posted



  2. I don't know, but import an action into another should be something possible ?.


    There's another issue of the same kind that I would like to mention.

    If you got (let say) a pillar used as action object

    that pillar have some bones and you modify the pillar shape in the action directly

    like translate, scale, rotate etc.


    Now you add more of this pillar as action object like a dozen...

    and you want all pillars to have the same "shape" as the first you did with the bone manipulation


    I was under the impression that if I select the root bones and copy keyframe of that action object , I would be able to paste coordinate to other pillar used as action object...

    But it doesn't work... It should cause everything is the same ? ....it's the same model I mean...


    Hum ! if you have to enter all XYZ coordinates of scale, translate and rotate so 3 X 3=9 fields , let say on 3 bones per pillar so 9 X 3 = 27 coordinates ...if you want 12 pillars for 12 X 27 = 324 coordinates ! quite time consuming it's the least we can say !


    Usually I don't go as far ;) and I create a special pillar already modified so...

    anyway it's just to illustrate the thing.


    I would be a nice feature to add...what do you think ?Am I lost in the field or ?


    Thanks ;)


  3. We'll try to get an official released version available to animation team asap.

    as the detailing work goes...on the other side


    I'll run some test on the SVN data and look with Rodger for his latest files

    Martin, btw the proxie setup is still available , I think Ed is aware of this isn't ?


    thanks to keep us posted of development




  4. Here some WIP and project ressource

    I've scanned the AM archive for clouds stuff.


    ...not much so still good to look at !



    Stephen Bruce stuff




    A better eyes ball solution that what we are using in two (IMHO)




    by Johnl3d:sun and material clouds, plane flying on clouds (project files available):








    by Ilya Anisimoff aka weevil: nuclear mushroom cloud

    (good ref for material animation and other trick)





    pleavens: jetplane over clouds:




    for the project files search here:





    Sotiris Gougousis: clouds-caustics






    ressource clouds pictures:








    sample:Terragen does a really good job of creating clouds and land scape

    ...its free for non commercial use






  5. Superb !





    Ok, now I think I'm done. I think the shape looks alot better. I'll have to render in the winkie village to see how the color of the leaves looks, they seem a little dark to me. Any other trees you need?

  6. Good Picture !


    I remember an animation with an old 2 wing plane flying trough particule/map clouds

    I can't remember who done it and where it is now ?


    Also I recall some nice cloud experiment has been done with material...a complex combination of spherical and turbulence stuff...the good thing with that was , color can change as the sun(light) move ...great for sunset , colored cloud , sun raybeam and more


    If someone have a clue where to find those WIP , author or movie ?

    It would be cool to look at it


    trying to help




  7. Hi Rich...( nice website !)

    Yes you can help if you wish...


    look at the SVN prop folder to see what we already have...we always need guys to work on this

    If you're available we even have other setup in progress that would need some helping hand

    Are you SVN and AM 13 ok ?


    You can PM me about details





    Hey, what about the crests, shields, lamps/ candle operas? I think they would add some romantic value. I wish I had time to work on something here... looks like you guys are having lots of fun... everything is so good, and everybody is doing their best work.... KEEP IT UP!

  8. Nice work Mark!


    It look great! The general shape can be improve IMHO

    ... I know how hard it is to shape a tree in a natural manner ...on every side ...a tough job

    Plus we don't need to see the entire tree all the time anyway ... I mean in a camera POV.


    Would you put it on the prop/tree/mark_tree SVN folder ?


    I'm sure Fab would use it , and It will still be time to refine and touch up later.

    Once available on SVN those who want to play with it will get the chance to do it.


    (I would like to give it a try too when I find the time)



    Thanks again



  9. Nice shot Mark ! :)

    It would be nice nearby the river and in front of some houses


    some suggests :


    If the branches can go lower to the ground

    more green

    trunk bigger so it look oldier


    here some sample:




    What do you think Fab ?

    BTW Fab , trees can be bigger...higher than the houses roof.

    they can even hide part of houses if they have to







    How's this Al? Still needs some work though.

  10. Jody,Will

    Why the discussion about the castle has moved to the general discussion forum ?

    How it goes with that setup ? can you PM me a small status report ?


    Ah ! it was just a nice picture department thread initiated by jandals.

    Let me know if you need my help at this time.


    Thanks and good work




  11. Nice Picture Fab !

    :) excellent !


    I like the sky

    I like the river texture



    the plants near the river should be adjusted... some can even be in the river

    the river shore line should be adjusted too...

    the river can be larger in some area so we can notice more the water texture


    the wood texture on houses seem too light




    -Some rock and bushes can be added to cut some wall line...like the left building in your second picture.

    -Maybe adding some wood beam into the first floor wall of some houses ...(Swiss chalet style )

    -Adding some pine tree


    -What about a nice weeping willow tree ? ( saule pleureur)

    It seem to me that it would fit perfectly in that kind of nature and give very nice shadow area

    Maybe Mark would like to built one for us ?


    very good



  12. Hi Rodger


    Yes, you can just add them to the wall , take the easiest way

    Those area would receive paints, carpet wall , tapestry etc.








    What were you're plans for the wall surfaces enclosed by the moulding? As I've shown in the attached retouched concept art are they to be a different colour or texture than the remainder of the wall? I'm asking to know if I need to model patches within the moulding or can I just attach them to the existing wall?

  13. Nice Work Fab !

    You've put great effort and get the result you deserve!



    So this would soon be our SVN "official " version of the winkee-village ?

    But before releasing it to the animation team, we should let some time to run test on the data , to see how strong it is

    ...everybody is welcome to test the SVN data (locally only )and report any bug, suggest, and improvment here



    In the official release , we should get a nature & stuff layer object kit to go with.

    That way the animation team will be able to built their specific choreo setup from :


    picture coming from this set and used as layer object

    and with the layer object coming from the kit.


    So animation team ,What do you think of that ?If you have specific stuff you wish to see added to this kit .

    don't hesitate to mention it here.


    belle job Fabrice !





    But, I don't understand why you add the main_landscape because in the landscape action I already added Herb.mdl and Forest.mdl. These two assembled objects are the main-landscape and they have hair. Now, if you look the Fabtest.cho, I have the same result but without main_landscape.mdl (I did not add the skydome of William).



    Well, my goals with having the ground ( main_landscape .mdl) just over the "hair nature.mdl" are:


    1-having the ability to change the diffuse color (property driven of decals) of the hair-nature.mdl without changing the decal map of the ground (the main_landscape)


    Here the hair_herb.mdl use same decal as the main-landscape.mdl .maybe that's why you don't see the purpose of it.

    But the map used for the diffuse color can be change to something a bit different from the map use for the main_landscape ... so the hair herb would have a different color.


    this give us another level of control.


    2- another advantage is that we can stock under the ground some hair_plant.mdl , they can move where needed...set in different levels, combined to create a mix of plant...this can be done also with your setup ...I've just put all the hair_nature together...forest,herb,plant etc


    3-IMO , it seem that the hair-nature.mdl passing through the main_landscape.mdl (ground) cut the "pattern feeling" a bit ...like the grass squary pattern of the map used for the hair-herb.mdl


    4- Also having the ground independant allow us to add more texture to the ground (main_landscape.mdl) without having to fuss with the hair_nature.model ( who are always delicate to setup)

    ...add some more grainy texture bump or other stuff that I don't think here etc.


    I think those are good points ? what do you think ?


    But I agree that having the main_landscape.mdl on the building action is not the best option..that's why I've suggested some in my previous post




  15. Will


    We will keep your work on Altest2.cho in a "special" folder so Noel and Hash'staff would be able to look at this good stuff for them...they should find some interesting issue on it. ;)


    I think the new Fabtest2.cho would be our latest official version. available soon.

    We'll run more test on it before (it render at 1m20 sec.)


    If you can provide us a render picture of your Altest2.cho version...with a decent render time and a workable efficiency version we would consider it .


    For the moment I would ask you to put your stuff on a Will-test folder only, as other people should do.

    Plus, if you can't provide a render pict of your work, why overwriting our work and run away ?

    (I say this here cause I'm a bit frustrated about this approach , it's not funny to clean the mess )


    But I'm 0K now ;)


    1-2 hours by frame !? really ? I hope you know where you're going guys !


    Anyway here on the modeling area I take care of , my goal would be to stay under 5 min/frame for our modeling choreo.

    ..of course this is before lightning , effect , dynamic ,multipass and any other render setting .... stuff that we're not lookin at on the modeling step.


    The occlusion and ambiance setting are a slow down I've noticed that, but there is something else with that choreo. It seem that it run well on your computer ?...as I said if you can get us a render and something workable...we'll see


    We'll resume our work on winkee-village from that point and forget this events.


    If you want more info or to discuss some aspect, you can PM me or set a chat on community.


    Thanks for your help


  16. Hi


    I've make more investigation on the problem.


    I found that some setting on the Altest2.cho ambiance color , occlusion and intensity have something to do with it

    also some camera setting :I've set in the option menu / rendering tab /use setting "from the camera"...it was set to "this dialog".

    ...it seem to have something to do with this to


    but the choreo doesn't work well and crash often...

    finally I haven't found exactly where it bug...look like a combined situation.

    ...I'll leave this to hash's pro staff.


    So as a work around I've put the skydome into Fabtest.cho,

    I've uploaded it under Fabtest2.cho


    Fab, it appear that the main-landscape wasn't active in the building action ,the hill was white ( see the picture)

    So I've turned it on and save the action under building2.act

    in the choreo I've move the "landscape" model a bit down so it stay under the main_landscape.


    ...the trick is to have the forest hair, the grass hair and other hair nature just a bit under the main landscape model...so the hair pass through the main landscape...see what I mean?


    Maybe it would be better if (3 possibility) :

    1-you add the main landscape into the landscape action ?

    2-or use the main landscape model with the landscape action...(the model where the action is apply to)

    3-now,(in Fabtest2.cho) the main landscape model is on the building action..not sure it's his best place


    ...I let you look at this and find the best solution.


    Now at least , this choreo(Fabtest2.cho) with the skydome render quite fast , as it should be : 1min 20 sec ( see the picture)


    **it seem that a duplicated groups cp was on the main_landscape model, I've fixed it the way Noel and Ken showed me upper

    and the svn main_landscape.mdl has been updated with that fix


    *** I have had some "circularity" warning , not always the same setting but always the same hair material: herb-1.mat

    So be carefull , If you get it too, please make a report to hash...I'm tired of this issue now.








    What was changed in between those versions?


    Thanks for your test Ken.


    ...I don't know where it come from ?

    It seem that William update with a skydome have some problem.

    We will wait for Will and Noel's feedback on this issue before resuming to the previous version.


    Thanks to everybody for your patience

    ...my english is so bad that I'm always editing my post ! hehehe ;)



  18. Ken


    I've just done it...in the window xp bottom bar

    start----run---regedit etc until I wrote FixGroups and set it to On.



    pretty cool operation ! but I don't have a damn clue of what I've done ! hehehe !


    I'm coming from Mac and I wasn't aware of all those stuff.


    let's try, if it make some difference with that altest2.cho



    BTW, do you have problem rendering Altest2.cho ?



    thanks for the help




    Cool voodoo stuff Ken ! :)


    loading the winkeeville-Altest2.cho I got this warning that ask for :

    "repairing duplicate groupsnode ...blablabla...on main_landscape_1.mdl , Groups , ground:3162"

    I click ok and it apparently repair the file.


    But the rendering slowlyness of the Altest2.cho remain , no change.:(


    PS:The previous Fab version (now in Fabtest folder) is running fine , so you can run some test and compare the two if you wish.




  19. AL.....duplicate cps identities are in the code. You don't see it graphically. These can cause crashes. The cause of these has yet to be found, but the fix Noel showed can cure their symptoms.


    Interesting, curious to know how this happen ?

    I don't understand that fixgroups jpg sample...

    I'll try to find more info on the report...

    I don't know if doing this kind of voodoo stuff on files is my bag



    Thanks for the clues



    It appear that , here on my computer, the Winkeeville_Altest2.cho doesn't render well.

    it is super slow , I got circularity error on herb1.mat ( hair )...and it even crash hard my computer !!!



    What frame are you rendering what reslolution exact render settings please. I tried rendering to screen multipass one pass shadows reflections and hair, seemed to work fine.

    In the future try to include the svn revision number (svn tab of the file properties on the pc).


    Noticed that there are duplicate cps in some groups see http://www.hash.com/reports/example/fixgroups.jpg to turn on a registry setting to repair this.




    files is :



    revision# is : 3095

    author: zandoria


    What do you mean by,and where do you see duplicate cp? in which model?

    If there any duplicate cd , we'll look at it directly in the models...if we know which one ?


    You got original files into altest_only folder

    and original pre 3095 revision on Fab_test folder


    Try 3095 , render the camera view with the setting there.

    ..progressive render and final render very very slow.


    keep us posted with your result



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