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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Ok thanks Fab,


    About the files, the files I've put on the altest-only folder include all files used in the choreo.

    I mean it self content every thing... Don't do this


    I've done this as an extra measure cause I don't know where is the problem so I've consolidated all the project of the altest.cho...it can be deleted after we solve it.



    When you want to test something, do as I've done in my first altest folder

    ....just put inside your test folder, the files that has been modified and all new files created.


    no need to duplicate each files like house, material and image located elsewhere in the svn...

    it will be worst...you see what I mean ? just the new stuff and the modify stuff into the "yourname_test" folder


    There is definetly a problem with that cho on my machine.


    Thanks for your patience


  2. I thought the whole point of SVN was to have a file that can be updated by multiple people, not a bunch of versions of the file (that being what "sub version" is all about)....


    I was just trying to add the lighting to the scene you had posted, Al. It rendered OK on my machine (but I had hair turned off).


    Are you saying that Fabrice has to add all of the lighting, texture,props,etc to the final set? Doesn't this defeat the whole point of SVN???



    Well , with the winkee village, we're still in modeling mode, we just try to get the assembly setup done.

    So we're not in the lightning step ,not even in full texture mode.

    Fab is the leader of the set, I try to manage the set with him



    I let you add some light and a skydome in that set as you have asked for but this doesn't mean that we have released the village to the animator team...or other unknown team?

    I my mind , it is the animator team who will define the different setup they need in regard with there specific scene.

    They would use different technique as they see fit best, layer trees or layers render, or using the basic choreo setup in all or in part...


    Here in modeling area , we're modestly just tryin to get a basic choreo setup who can be use by the animator team.


    I'm not sure if the lights as the camera and other effect are part of the modeling step...

    we can do some basic one ( like your recent skydome add on Winkee-village, thanks a lot for it)

    But at the end of the day, It should be set and tweak by the animator team...


    I hope you understand what I was refering to about those procedure.


    Again, If someone want to modify something somewhere on the village, you're welcome to do so but create a test folder under your name and work on duplicated data...so you won't overwrite other's work, this is simple courtesy.


    The leader of the set (here Fab) will update the official version with your modification (if accepted)and deleted unused/obsolete files.


    Once the official version is released ...don't worry , we will make an official announce when it's done,

    and our task and responsability on it will be left to somebody else at that time.


    And the setup will be in the hand of the animator leader (or someone else) , still able to improve models linked by the assembly action

    ...this is the use of SVN you've refering to.



    At this point we're still trying to define a basic choreo with the nature and everything...

    We're near to release the setup to the animator but it's not done

    ... on my side, as I said , I got problem with the latest choreo version...


    Note that , adding a skydome and light is not the problem here , but keep in mind that's just as sample and testing...


    William , so the Winkeeville_Altest2.cho is rendering well for you...with hair off ?

    can you try it with hair on ?

    this mean probably that the problem happen before your add on.

    We'll wait Fab feedback on this .

    By that time , if someone have the pre-will version , and can get us how it render.it'll be great.



    Maybe I'm totally off track with this...maybe we can easily get back to Fab version with the SVN versioning system, and get everybody happy...don't hesitate to get me right if it's the case!


    Thanks :)



    Pfffff... I got to baby feed everyone there or what ?


  3. Will

    I've look at the files you've make available on the SVN.

    look good to me...I see some Paul's work on nature

    ...finaly Paul find a way to update the SVN with it ?coool!


    The grass.prj (Paul's work )seem to use the same approach we had set on the Winkee-village.

    ...and The "decaled tree map" technique would look fine for mid-distance trees.


    I'm searching for some "layer" choreo sample ?...

    Is this stuff are in the animation area of SVN ?


    Can you give us a status of what you've uploaded ?




  4. Hi

    I see that Will have make some update to the winkee-village.

    So today I've look at the Winkeeville_Altest2.cho to see how it look.

    unfortunately I cannot render anything from it...


    On my previous post I said that every thing look fine into Fab integration but I haven't test the rendering ,

    I've noticed nothing wrong at first view.I suppose it render well but I'm not sure.

    Fab ? can you confirm that ?


    It appear that , here on my computer, the Winkeeville_Altest2.cho doesn't render well.

    it is super slow , I got circularity error on herb1.mat ( hair )...and it even crash hard my computer !!!


    I've updated my AM 13 to beta 2 a couple days ago, it was out dated... don't know if it's related ???


    I've try to track down the problem ( on my local of course ;))

    ...I've deleted Will adds one by one ...not there.

    look at the camera 1 option and render setting ...see nothing...problem remain


    so I don't know if you guys got the same problem or if I'm alone (hope not ;))

    I would like to know if :


    Fab do you have this problem ?

    Is this problem for you is previous to Will add on ?

    If yes, can you track it down ?

    If not , Will do you have any render efficiency problem on it ?



    For that purpose , I've uploaded a consolidated project (before Fab recent built up version ), where the choreo render fast and well...

    it is in this new directory :Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Winkeeville\Final_Winkeeville\Altest_only


    The choreo is the same as the SVN Winkeeville_Altest.cho , who is no more valid (Fab has modified files used in it ...the main_landscape size etc. and it mess up the first Winkeeville_Altest.cho .)





    About that aspect, it would be best if you follow some procedure when add stuff or use other's work.


    Cause when someone create a test directory under his name , people should not edit or change the files in it...but create their own test folder and use duplicated data if they have to modify existing one.


    in this case here...

    I've put in a Altest directory my view about the nature side of the winkee-village.

    Have I touch any files of somebody else ? no


    Fab, the best for your integration would have been that you use copy of those files and integrate it in the official version since you are the leader of the setup, it's your task .

    ...or if you wasn't sure integrate it in your own Fabtest folder...



    That way we won't end up with a Altest2.cho for the latest official named version ... see what I mean ?

    Altest should not be the name of the latest official version.


    For Will's latest add ,even if it was simple add, it should be the same procedure.

    Fab is the one in charge to update the latest official version.

    if you had put your add on a willtest folder first, Fab would had integrated it into the official one ...


    If we don't do that... it mean that everybody update the official version with his own view and it will sure end in a mess , frustration and lost of time.




    So I'll let you look to see if you got the same problem ...and if you can solve it.

    I've put the only version who work good to me, on a new Altest_only folder.

    Hope it is labeled clear enough ;)




  5. Hi Will


    I know, but if you can put your WIP (model,action and/or cho) somewhere like in prop.

    we would be able to look at your techniques and settings , like the image library and choreo layer.


    Some aspect of a hair setup depend on WIP setting like the landscape dimension. decal property and other setting .... so having a material is good but having the wip where the material is put on is better...


    About moving files, don't worry, I move only misplaced files, trying to keep thing in order

    in my task area...


    Will you can PM me at any time for specific discussion.

    or let set a chat session on our AM13 community

    I'm not very comfortable with skype...remember that I'm french, everybody speak so fast that I lost myself easily...




  6. Thanks Rhett,


    The wip is good...the voices sound nice to my french ears ;)

    Still lot of work to do but there is some nice character movement there !



    Here a crtitics...


    I think we should over-react the facial expression of characters.

    So it would look more funny...more cartoon


    IMHO The dramatic theme of music doesn't fit well ...it should be reserve for the Yoops castle.

    for the tin castle the music theme should turn around curiosity, questioning ,recklessness



    Nice work guys !



  7. I can't see it ...

    I get quick time component missing or something like this...

    on a pc XP


    Can you get it in some other format ?

    Once you had take some rest of course ! ;)




  8. Hi


    Those sketches are just inspiration guys.

    no obligation to follow those design...take what you'll find fit your idea.


    Keep us posted of that..we would put the blason everywhere in the castle ! coool ! :)



  9. Nice work Rodger,


    About the mesh or decals question for the stained glass window.

    I understand your concern and I say do it as you wish.

    We will adapt it later if there's problem

    ...and we would be able to use your work to render maps .


    Rodger can you get us a status about what's remain to do in the throne room from your side

    with a time frame to completion of the modeling , so I would be able to plan the next step asap.



    And to take with a salt grain ;)?


    Just want to add something about your modeling tolerance and professionalism.

    You are right in an engineer perspective but if you consider the overall project perspective

    you would admit that over-detailing every corner would be counter productive.


    If fact we should consider every effort from the camera point of view (POV)displayed in the animatics.

    ...of course we should keep some room for changes and improvement but we should stick to the camera POV as much as we can in a first step.


    With this in mind , if we look at the stained glass of the castle.


    1-there is no close up scene near the window.

    2-there is some window to fill in the outside castle...

    3-we got no sketches...or design specific for the window


    Should we use mesh or texture ?


    1-texture design can be set easily

    2-texture design will do perfect rendering work from the animatic POV

    3-texture will render fast and keep the setup mesh weight to minimum

    4-texture will not have lot of group color and material to setup


    This is serious good point for texture...


    But as I said upper...and you manage your time as you wish...

    if you want to get this window full-mesh, no problem to me.

    We would change it if there's problem in a overall project perspective

    but I don't think it would happen anyway...and I'm sure as old pro ;) you understand this aspect


    for the design...it look good to me and I'm confident that you'll find something to fit at the top.


    Nice work again

    PS :don't forget my status report




  10. Everything is looking find , Fab has done a great work !

    the action assembly are set into choreo on empty_model shortcut.

    ...one for the building , one for the landscape.


    That way you can add more hair_nature on the landscape action without fussing with those who work on the house...plus you can hide the landscape or house easily into choreo.


    I think this should work fine




    Nice work again Fab !



  11. looks really nice guys!!! We were working on the sky and lighting for the drawbridge scene right after this [during HashBash], so I would like to drop the same sky and lighting into this set, for continuity.


    Alain, lets discuss on Skype--or give me the go ahead...


    Please go ahead William !


    The village setup is lead by Fabrice...he redo the build up with two action assembly in choreo.

    It should keep the landscape and the houses & prop in their own action assembly...

    I'm sure you should find yourself easily on that...


    I haven't updated my SVN presently and I haven't check up latest Fab update.

    my AM 13 trial version is out... got to get a new beta


    so time your intervention with Fabrice.

    Fab and I should wait until you've added your stuff to avoid possible merge mess.




  12. AL, J'ai ..........ions sur SVN, tu peux déjà le voir dans le projet Winkeeville2.prj


    Fab, back in english... ;)


    You should not put two action on the same model shortcut in choreo...

    in choreo you should have 2 shortcuts :

    -a landscape model shortcut (main-landscape) with his action assembly ( including hair nature)

    -and a village model shortcut ( building etc) with his own action assembly. (where you've placed building with the help of a tempo landscape action object )


    So two models shortcut with their own action assembly...you adjust the two shortcut model together in choreo...



    hope it's clear enought ;)



    Two action on the same model shortcut ? well ...it's not a bad idea

    I'll look at your update as soon as I can...maybe it can be as good that way.

    we'll see




  13. Salut Alain,


    J'en profite aussi pour m'exprimer en français, je serai certainement plus compréhensible. ;)


    Ok pour le main_landscape, je vais l'aggrandir pour ne pas à avoir à changer la taille des maisons. Je pensais au départ qu'il ne fallait pas y toucher. D'ailleurs, je remarque que la base du pont ne touche pas correctement le sol. Est-ce que je peux modifier la hauteur de certains CPs du main_landscape ou est-ce qu'il est préférable de modifier le pont ?




    Oui, tu peux modifier le main-landscape , pas de probleme...update le SVN pour que je puisse recuperer tes modifs




  14. Nice plant and grass! :)



    On my latest grass-hair WIP of the winkee village , I've used the property driven decal diffuse color to get the color of the ground map to the hair grass, I've also use a special map for the density so plant grow where I want...a lenght map can be use too


    I think those option are a must for large area...


    The result is nice even if the overall look is a bit realistic.

    If you can upload your WIP into the prop/tree/zandoria_nature

    We would try them on the village to test ...


    Maybe at a point in time, we will have to make a compromise between hair density/realism and computer rendering/performance...think of it in your WIP




  15. Al, I don't know why but when I put all the houses in an action I must reduce them to adjust them with the main_landscape.

    I saw the size of the landscape is 130.86 % also I need to change the sizes of the houses. Is it good if the sizes are different from 100%?


    I put building.act and props.act on SVN. How delete the main_landscape object to these actions like you made on Winkee_landscape.act ? I've searched but I don't find any command for that.




    Comme ils sont tous au Hash bash et qu'il n'y a plus grand monde par ici

    je vais en profiter pour faire ca en francais ! hehehe ;)


    Se serait mieux je crois , de garder les maisons a 100% avec la grandeur des personnages.

    au besoin tu peux agrandir le main_landscape.mdl dans ton action assembly de maison.

    ... le principale c'est d'avoir la position relative des maisons et des autres elements entre eux.


    Dans la choreographie tu pourras ajuster (agrandir) apres coup le shortcut main-landscape sur le shortcut maisons. ... Je crois que c'est ce que j'ai fait...je suis pas sur la...



    J'ai pas tres bien compris ce que tu veux dire par delete the main_landscape object ??

    heuuu ? Sur l'action "Winkee_landscape.act ".ha !... cette action est applique sur le modele main_landscape.mdl

    je n'ai pas a l'enlever a la fin...je ne peux pas puisque c'est la "base" de l'action.


    pour l'action "building" , tu dois te servir d'un modele neuf et vide comme base de ton action

    ( fait un petit spline de 2 cp , save le sous le nom village_base.mdl)

    ...drop dessus le main_landscape.mdl (agrandis-le au besoin ) et positionnes tes buildings la dessus, a la fin tu pourras enlever"main_landscape.mdl" ou le cacher ... tu vois ce que je veux dire ?


    NB: tu peux aussi regarder de combien je ai agrandis main_landscape.mdl dans la choreo test...et utiliser ce pourcentage dans ton action assembly building pour grossir le main-landscape.mdl action object...


    Tiens moi au courant de la suite

    * mon clavier est US et je perd tout mes accents ;)





    ****j"ai regarder et

    le shortcut main_landscape.mdl a ete agrandis a 130.86 % dans la choreo_altest...

    les maisons sont toutes a 100%



  16. Thanks Ken


    Fab, I think that having two different action assembly would be usefull

    one for the landscape and one(2-3) for the house, bridge and stuff


    For the props action assembly , You can temporarily use the main_landscape.mdl into the action to position the action object props ( houses etc) into their relative position on the landscape.


    you can delete/hide this landscape action object to keep only the props in positions.


    For the landscape action assembly (look at the action I've made on the test choreo)basically drop the forest hair.mdl , grass hair.mdl , mountain ring, skydome etc on the main_landscape action assembly.


    That way the village setup would be built from 2 models in choreo :


    - one(building) with the props action assembly (including houses , well, bridges mid-tree etc.)

    -and another (landscape) with landscape action assembly (with hair and nature stuff)


    The animator would be able to update the landscape or the building only ...and it will break the overall complexity of the action assembly by keeping the hair nature stuff away from the houses and props.


    Since you would built 2-3 props action assembly( for the different village scene)


    What do you think ? Is this have any sense ?

    keep me posted




  17. Salut Fabrice


    I've finally come up with something not to bad for the hair-grass and ground texture.

    It's my best try to date, and it render fairly fast...SVN is updated with my new files

    if someone wish to give it a try or improve it ...go ahead


    So Fab , now you can resume your work on the action assembly of the village... sorry for the delay ;)

    *note that the landscape I've made also use an assembly action for the different hair model.


    I let you choose how you wish to set the action assembly with or without the landscape action assembly etc

    huh ?...hard to explain in a mail...


    any comment s are welcome




    PS: if you wish , I can look at a hair-roof for some of the houses ?



  18. Hi


    My opinion is that Jody is the "taskmaster" for the tin castle.

    Nobody should work on those files without advising him first.

    (minimum respect),


    If someone make change on the setup. Jody should be aware so he can

    (receive) update his local with SVN changes before uploading his new work.

    That way he can see if a merge can be done easily manually or if he want to use merge .


    Merge would work fine but should be avoided as much as possible.IMHO

    In my mind it's for rare case when heavy work is done by two people who hasn't been aware of each other works...a last option I would said


    ...Plus, there is other way to procede...a modified version can be added(uploaded in a tempo dir) for discussion etc.

    It's not for everyone to merge stuff as they wish at any time without advising anyone !

    ...this responsability is for the "taskmaster"


    Mark, of course your case is different , when you put rigs into character as other works on other aspect...facial rig , texture, etc

    merging files was a good option ...and maybe it save your butt some time ;) , but you had wait until the character mesh was completed before adding rig ? merge wasn't very usefull for you when someone change the mesh isn't it ?


    so...that's my point

    That's why I want to "officially"close modeling step asap


    ...hope I'm not out of the subject here. ;)





    If he's copy/pasting the new mesh into the original model then has to fix all the groups, any group changes that someone else did will be gone or he'll get a conflict. This is the whole point of the svn, ONE MODEL GETS MODIFIED BY ALL.



    Jody only work on a backup copy of his local SVN ...as precaution measure on his machine.

    He doesn't create new model and copy/paste mesh into it ?why he would do this ?


    I see no problem with that at this time

    anyway we'll react if something strange happen...like a fist in an ants ness. ;)



  19. Hi


    I've moved remotely the garden-proxie folder into the proxies directory.


    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\proxies


    And the skydome folder into prop.


    data\Shared Data\Models\Props


    *be sure to update your local with these before "sending" your local change to svn.


    Keep us posted if there is any problem





  20. Hi

    I'm trying to setup some hair-grass for the winkee-village.

    I got some difficulty to achieve some result.


    I want something fast to render with enought resolution for

    a range of 10 feet view to large open view


    ...brief :a general purpose hair-grass who render fast


    If someone have a WIP to share on this , I'll get some use of it.

    ... but it must render fast (around a minute for 640X480 for a valley of grass )


    Thanks for any help



  21. Well...an axe, an oil can?,

    maybe an axe on log ? between two unicorn or narval whale ?

    or I don't know...

    look at the URL I've posted previously.

    If you can show us some sketches before doing it in AM it will be great




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