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Just a link to the Cartoon Laws of Physics: http://remarque.org/~doug/cartoon-physics.html And there are some Amendments too!
What do the Religious Right say about your image... They have not told you yet! Why not put the microphone a bit downward - and - they will turn up at once... telling you what is Right and Wrong! I do myself not really understand what you will tell us with this image.... Have you got some texts... so we can understand... what your opinions are... and why this image?
" I'm really glad that most of the songs dealt with peace and understanding. There's hardly any one of them that says: 'Go on kids, tell them to sod off, leave your parents.' It's all very 'All you need is love'. There was a good spirit behind it all, which I'm very proud of. Anyway it were a grand thing, The Beatles" Paul McCartney To me it seems that those times are gone! Now people - even leaders use the sign of the devil. And some people are proud of that they are devils - act like devils. They are believing they understand their own best. I regret them. Sorry - I believe in Love Peace and Understanding qualities you hate - you are laughing at - trying to joke on - turning your backs at. But I do not believe you are devils - even if you like to praise yourself acting like a devil. I believe you are deceived of the ones trying to govern you - not asking for your permission - going to war on lies - they want to split you - conquer you by dividing you in groups hating each others - taking your money - your job. And you cannot see it - they have made you blind, deaf and mute. And they have a lot of money to pay the ones doing this to you - the media. I hope you will wake up - seeing how silly it is to praise yourself for being evil to others. Understanding that only love, peace and understanding will get you and everyone else to live a good life. I hope still there are someones understanding we have to try to live searching for Peace Love and Understanding. Hopefully you - reading this still believe in those values. Perhaps you can tell this to others! Hopefully they will change.
To test myself the opportunities using Magnet Mode on recommendation from cfree68f - I made this picture with melting clocks - you have to scroll down. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=107934 As you perhaps know I think it is good with tutorials - and tutorials made with WINK - small ones - 1 MByte - and made fast and easy. Why not a tutorial on Magnet Mode and the Lattice Tool - showing the possibilities? cfree68f are you willing to do it?
You are welcome to the topic Surrealism to add your own!
Sonofpat has done some good instructive tutorials: http://www.sonofpat.com/Tutorials.html I have been thinking of WINKing a bit from his ideas. He is using some nulls I believe... But I think WINKing on the 2001 rig seems better because more are using it. Inserting some fan-bones in the elbows. Rigging hands are there any tutorial on that? Willis mouth rig I would also see a bit explained. itisjustme are coming with a new face rig and a tutorial. His face rig is a bit complicated... why not start with something simple? Keekat giving him some more Relationsships? I have done so many tutorials. I am hoping on somebody else...
Nice - really nice but not photorealistic to 100 percent - it is hard to get that photorealism - I believe in some Photoshopping if you will get more near the 100 - perhaps it is the only solution - or Mr Poissant perhaps has the solution? And if I were you - - I would have something in the foreground to get more depth in the image. but still nice!
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/galloway.html Tuesday, May 17, 2005 George Galloway, Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, delivered this statement to US Senators today who have accused him of corruption Extract “I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims did not have weapons of mass destruction. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to al-Qaeda. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on 9/11 2001. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that the Iraqi people would resist a British and American invasion of their country and that the fall of Baghdad would not be the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning. "Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies.
And why not say something about the animation(s) I want to loop? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14637 Or it - they are too good? or bad?
There are many ways - do you not know that?
I belive it has to be something like this to loop a .mov-file on a HTML-page: http://www.afactor.net/toolbox/notes/Sound...edMOVsound.html <embed src="movSound.mov" controller="true" autoplay="true" loop="false" height="20" width="20"> Using some video instead I believe is about the same s-t! But I want to loop the .mov-file as default - turning the looping on then I render in A:M using Sorenson compression - and that seems impossible - Apple wanting to have 30 bucks for letting me do it...
Thanks a lot! Sure I can find it - wait a minute... But it will not solve my problem posting .mov-files to the Forum - I want to be looping... Linux - why can it never grow-up so we can get rid of the big firms - Microsoft and Apple! trying to profit on us... The germans and the chinese has understood this - perhaps some americans can get it too? PS Just trying to start a new troll discussion - waiting for the evil clown to turn up... He is nice - the evil clown - I believe - sometimes we can discuss being nice to each other. Perhaps he has something to tell about looping .mov-files...
To tell you a little more about this animation - what I like to do is to learn to animate fast telling a story. I believe there is a need for that. Commenting on something... Soon we have Internet on the mobiles.. We have to react fast to what is happening around us. I am using two characters with lipsync with a background - a Rotoscope image - with a model using the image as a Front Projection target. You can learn a little more about it here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14419 As you can see I have used lipsynching without bones. The mouth is Shaggys! Learn a little more about lipsync without bones here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14010
Apple is as bad as Microsoft - or what do you say? Big corporations - elephants - wants 30 bucks - for a shitten button... So no one knows about a .MOV-EDITOR?
Just keep on saying it: Wha wha wha - do you feel the rythm? wha wha wha! The rythm is not all - you have to listen too - to Mr Griffin - give him an hour... http://www.911blogger.com/2005/04/proper-r...in-madison.html And you will say: wha wha wha ha! Hopefully more ones will catch that rythm... Description: David Ray Griffin takes a critical look at the official 9/11 Commission Report. Professor Griffin argues that "omissions and distortions" in the report amount to a cover-up by government officials and says that the available evidence suggests that the Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Professor Griffin covers topics he says have been inadequately answered by the commission. These include questions surrounding the attack on the Pentagon, the way in which the World Trade Center towers collapsed, and the behavior of President Bush and his Secret Service detail following notification that a second plane had hit the WTC. The talk was hosted by the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth (www.mujca.com) and took place at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Includes Q&A. Author Bio: David Ray Griffin is professor emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, where he taught for over 30 years (retiring in 2004). He has authored or edited over two dozen books, including "God and Religion in the Postmodern World," "Religion and Scientific Naturalism," and "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11."
The music playing - suddenly it stops. The world is not the same. Who stopped the music? Who played the music? In a silent world we have to begin to think and feel trusting ourselves and each other. Sharing some warmth in a cold world. Why are all those questions about 911 unanswered still? http://whatreallyhappened.com/9-11BasicQuestions http://www.911truth.org/index.php And why not take one hour of your life to listen to David Ray Griffin's "historic April 18th speech to the "Muslim, Jewish & Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth" at the University of Wisconsin in Madison is now available online. Broadcast by CSPAN and entitled "9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?" this ovation-drenched teaching marked the first time the full case for 9/11 truth has ever been presented to a national audience." Perhaps you will get something to animate - having get some clues the media have not told you. Animation: Sometimes called social animation, From the Greek word anima (life, soul, fire, auto-movement). To stimulate or mobilize a community so that it moves itself, so that it lives, so that it develops. warmth_in_a_cold_world01A2.mov
What is going on? What has happened? Someones are trying to find the answers? Others do not want to listen and most are just moving on in the landscape invented of media shrugging their shoulders. tune01A.mov
Trying to tell something - dragged the lipsynched action twice to the choreography because the first one got lost! But turned up after rendering...???? jump01D2.mov
Well - I only want to change the settings in the rendered file I get from A:M from stop to loop - and I have to pay Apple 30 dollars for that! Why cannot the Sorenson compression menu in A:M give me this opportunity? Just a button... some programmer... insert it! or you are forbidden to do it? I hope there is some .mov-editor...for free... some little program... just to use to change the settings in a .mov-file... A .MOV-EDITOR - SOMEONE - WHO KNOWS - about this goodie? Thanks for the tips on rendering in A:M to get a nice looping movie! Perhaps a little WINK on it. Rodney has done some good WINKing on rendering in A:M but he forgot this tips... Perhaps he can insert a page on it - in his tutorial on rendering?
Already has it! But how to change the settings in a .mov-file from stopping after being played to looping after being played... a mov-editor - but what is that! Where to get it?
Are there MOV-editors for free? I do not want to render the file once more in some video editing software - like Premiere or Quicktime Pro. Just change the default setting that tells the .mov-file to stop after being played. I want to set it to loop! Why can I not do it in A:M? using Sorenson compression to render the file? There are no options to set the file to loop. I can do it in Premier but then I get a nasty big file... OK! A MOV-editor I tried to search for one on Tucows - but no MOV-editior to find... I Googled on "mov editor" not much to find... Hope on some link to a mov-editor - just changing the settings from stop to loop... And resaving the .mov-file...
No something much simplier! I want to make the .mov-file loop. Setting loop to default in the rendered .mov-file I get from A:M- So then someones open it - it will start again and again... I can do it in Adobe Premier - but I get nasty big files from that program. And I will be able to set loop to default in the .mov-files I get from Sorenson Squeeze. In the Quicktimeplayer the onlookers can choose loop - but I want to decide myself from the beginning that the .mov-file I am distributing are set to loop as default. Hope you understand the problem... Or do I have to have Quictime Pro to be able to instruct the .mov-files they are looping by default?