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I just Googled a bit - RoboDemo - RoboHelp - are perhaps something - you have to have a look yourself! http://www.sohosoftware.net/webmaster-tools/robo.htm RoboHelp® Office X4 The Industry Standard in Help Authoring RoboHelp Office makes it easy to create professional Help systems for desktop applications (Windows, Mac and Linux) and Web-based applications, including .NET. RoboHelp Office is the Industry Standard in Help Authoring and has won over 55 prestigious industry awards. RoboDemo® The Best-Selling Tutorial Software RoboDemo is the easiest and most affordable way to create animated, interactive Flash simulations of any application without knowing Flash. The simulations you create are in Flash format, making the file size small, while retaining high resolution. http://www.mactech.com/news/?p=1006079 Have a look - and you are welcome back - reporting on your findings! http://www.robowizard.com/RoboWizard/NewPr...ny_on_Skins.htm
No! Not really - I believe practice is the way - practice to sit down... PS Here has the coffee pot reached the highest peak of Himalaya or perhaps sunken to the deepest grave of the oceans. Who knows? Only I? Perhaps not even I! DS Perhaps the coffee pot has reached the hypnagogic state... http://dictionary.reference.com/wordofthed...2001/01/21.html Hypnagogic, sometimes spelled hypnogogic, ultimately derives from Greek hupnos, sleep + agogos, leading, from agein, to lead. . . . the phenomenon of hypnagogic hallucinations, or what Mr. Alvarez describes as "the flickering images and voices that well up just before sleep takes over." --Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, "The Faces of Night, Many of Them Scary," review of Night: Night Life, Night Language, Sleep and Dreams, by A. Alvarez, New York Times, January 9, 1995
Not so common to see - but perhaps believable? A coffee pot parting with silence - getting eyes and a mouth and an I and still a part of all embracing silence... For sure a bit crazy... but how to get us to search the silence in today´s turmoil? So what to animate and what still images to make? What values to seek? What stories to tell? Just copying what others already have done? Yes and No! No and Yes! Perhaps Nes and Yo? Yo and Nes? Googling on Yoga I found this: http://www.dlshq.org/download/easysteps.htm A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION First Edition: 1939 Eighth Edition: 1999 (2,000 Copies) World Wide Web (WWW) Edition : 2000 WWW site: http://www.dlshq.org/ This WWW reprint is for free distribution © The Divine Life Trust Society ISBN 81-7052-098-3 Published By THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192 Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Himalayas, ndia. 3. Who Am I? I This is a world of diversity. Intellects are different. Faces are different. Religions are different. Sounds are different. Faiths are different. Colours are different. Faculties are different. Tastes and temperaments are different. But one thing is common in all. Everyone of us wants Nitya Sukha (eternal happiness), infinite knowledge, immortality, freedom and independence. These things can be obtained by knowledge of the Self alone. Everybody wants eternal happiness that is not mixed with sorrow and pain. Every effort is to achieve this happiness. But he does not know the place wherefrom he can get this supreme bliss. If you want to enjoy supreme bliss you will have to realise the Self, or get knowledge of Atman. The best means to acquire this knowledge is the enquiry of ‘Who am I?’ This enquiry has the potentiality of producing the quiescence of mind which will enable it to wade through this ocean of Samsara. It demands a subtle sharp, pure intellect, bold understanding and gigantic will. Enquiry of ‘Who am I?’ is the Vedantic method or Atma-Vichara. This common place ‘I’ that everyone is glibly talking about and relishing acutely every moment of his life, from the babbling baby to the fabulous old man must be clearly analysed. 4. Silence 1. Once the disciple Bhaskali approached his Guru, Bhava, and asked him where that eternal, the Supreme Infinite, the Brahman of the Upanishads is. The master spoke not. The disciple asked him again and again but the master did not open his mouth. He kept perfect silence. At last the teacher said: “I have been telling you again and again but you do not understand me. What am I to do? That Brahman, the Infinite, the Eternal cannot be explained but by deep silence know it. There is no other place for Him to dwell in, but the one eternal deep silence! Ayam Atma Santah—This Atman is silence.”
Here are tutorials on Alpha Channel and Layers: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15989
I also need some tutorials! Why not have a try yourself doing one? It is easy and fun. Clicking the Pause-key a couple of times to make some Screen Captures and then inserting some text to describe what is going on. And Rendering it to get a .html- and a .swf-file(Flash file). That is all - will take you an hour or two. PS And the good thing is - we can document all the good advices on the different Forums - so they are easy to find - not getting lost in some topic having disappeared after a month or two.
Model, rig and animate a wheel tutorial_on_model_rig_animate_a_wheel.zip
Smart Skinning SmartSkinning_Tutorial_MadeWithWINK.zip
Skylights skylights_intro.zip
Building a Room from a Photo using Rotoscope and Front Projection Target room_from_photo.zip
Radiosity part 2 radiosity_intro2.zip
Radiosity part 1 radiosity_intro1.zip
Some result steamengine.mov
Using Nulls for a SteamEngine nulls_for_a_steamengine.zip
Using Null for Rigging Hydraulics rigging_hydraulics01.zip
And a variation to the last one can_can_clown06.mov
And using the clown mask with a rigged body can_can_clown04.mov
Some result: lipsynched_clown.mov
Looping a Movie on a Layer looping_a_movie_on_a_layer.zip
Part 2 part2_alpha_channel_and_layers.zip
An Animated Ball on Layers part1_alpha_channel_and_layers.zip
Layers instead of modeling layers_instead_of_modeling.zip
To make a Jump Action let_your_model_hope.zip