Hey, thanks for all the feedback!
It is the TWO rabbit. The ears were dynamics makes this character fun to animate, a lot of free animation.
I just animated the main contol bone and dynamics did the rest.
I think I will try this as a HAMR project. I know I will have to make a few changes. What you cant see on screen isn't pretty. I will probably just scale the character down to 0 when your not suppose to see him.
Thanks Mark,
I don't know what it is but I hear the Aardman's comment all the time. Even my daughter who is five
said that as soon as she saw a Aardman's commercial. I think for the most part it maybe I use too many keyframes and sometimes leave a lot of interpolation on linear.
Nope, I haven't subscribed to Keith Lango's VTS service but I did read his article on timing and spacing. Really enjoyed that. You just don't hear anyone talking about spacing in 3d weird.
If you don't have it already...Preston Blair's character animation book is awesome. I litterly wore the cover
off mine. It's not a 3D book but It really teaches how to animate not just 3d tricks.
So for scooping up character animation training thats all I can say. (its all I have)
Ohh and watching lots of Ren & Stimpy