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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Interests
    fitness,3D modeling and animation!
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  • Hardware Platform
    Win 8.1
  • System Description
    i7-2600k, ssd, and sata drives, win 8.1, GTX960, 32GB ram, 12inch cintiq, and 24led monitor
  • Short Term Goals
    create a toon animation story with a 3D background setting in stereo 3D environment animation. First using comic book page turn layout, then long term in full animation.
  • Self Assessment: Animation Skill
  • Self Assessment: Modeling Skill
  • Self Assessment: Rigging Skill

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  • Location
    Portland, Oregon

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  1. oops

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    2. robcat2075



      Go up to the envelope icon at the upper right of the forum page. Click on it and choose "Compose New" to start a new PM.
      Put "Jason Simonds" in the "To" box


    3. ruscular


      finally got it install back on my new HD

    4. Jason Simonds

      Jason Simonds


         Every time I think I'm going to get on top of email something happens now everything is burning


  2. I was trying to inflate it I dont know if it did that, but it didn't hurt! LOL I should try for 200% and see what happens. It was my Spinal Tap moment!
  3. I didn't know I could go lower than .01 in the settings. It looks so much better like jello at .01 and the collision is really accurate and stable. Next step is get them to release a new version with parts deforming with Bullet!
  4. This is bullet from lightwave3d for a breast bounce setting using a weight map as deforming parts effected. I played with several setting and reset dynamic simulation each time getting very little differences of the bounce. I hope the next version of AM: will include more settings that can adjust volume preservation and shape retention. those 2 dials really effect the outcome of the simulation. Also the shape lock settings keeps the simulation lock to the nearest edge of the effected parts. Mind you that these setting in lightwave are a tad touchy as for stability. I can understand why AM: didn't include them, as for the simulation in here is fast and hasn't crash. I didn't find a way to assign the bounce to parts of the model. I did love the way AM: rigging system can add a spring to the skeleton and has enough settings to alter the spring and even add smart bone to the spring bone. It is my hope to rig a female character in AM: with spring bone and then export it to lightwave and use deforming parts bullet effect to the area that I want effected.
  5. I am very please on how fast it simulate and results were good with the example project file posted. Can you assign the bullet to a weight map or set of points that you want to be effected?
  6. Has anyone shown an example of bullet soft body animation yet? I just upgraded my version to V19 so I have not rig a character yet, but looking for tips on setting it up! I have done bullets in Lightwave, so I will assume that its close? Maybe?
  7. Can you show me example of soft body bullet?
  8. That was a very nice production quality animation! plenty of particle effects as well!
  9. Sorry to hear that AM track 2 isn't up to par for your needs. I have look at a lot of face capture program. I even got the Kinect V2 camera, and Lightwave with Nevronmotion. The developer left and didn't finish developing it for the newer improve kinect V2 so no face capture support for that camera, and no smoothing function for that camera as well. I thought maybe Brekel body and face pro 2 would be the way to go. I am sorry to hear about AMtrack 2 because I thought maybe I could create a face mesh in AM to be driven by Marker tracking face motion capture and turn it into a Cage mesh to drive the polygon face in Lightwave3D on the model. The cage mesh is basically a mesh that has a weight transfer of the original mesh and then use the cage to drive the model animation instead of bone. Hash animation master has a way to transfer weight from one model to another. Seems like with a creative coder could make something like that for AM: plugin. The other thing That I have seen in other program is have a USB gamepad as a input to control animation with the up or down button to control smile and sad expression. Or even a mouse wheel or tablets scroll function as a feature to drive expression. One other option, Moho studio now lets you throw a vector mesh over a photo of a face and then use the video of your marker facial motion caption and target each bone to them. You would render the face from your model and set it up for a 2D animation, but that would have limitation of head turns, you could still turn the head but slightly. Animate your character in Hash without a head and a green dot on the neck, and then bring it in AdobeAE or Moho and track the PNG render of the face to the green dot on your animation of your character. But again with limitation of head turn and body turn. Another option is animate the facial color map, and then use that animation to be a animated decal on the face of the character. I would also use the same motion capture to animate the bump map and displacement map. both Moho and AdobeAE have tracking capability.
  10. http://www.cherrycitycomiccon.com/ will you be there? I have to agree that most of the comic con are not what they used to be!
  11. Lightwave is back and further more Lightwave been use primary for recent movies and TV show, even GRIMM uses lightwave for their wogeing effect of the wesen character. Lightwave 9 was their pitiful performance, but 11 turn things around and built upon that. LWbrush plugin is a real nice addition for making retopology and triangles elimination brush comes handy for Hash obj import. 3Dcoat is about $380, and on sale for $100 till January 1st. I find lightwave and Hash is pretty handy together.
  12. will you be going to Cherry city comic con in Salem, Oregon? It is not as big as the other con, but the people who go there are avoiding the major star and drawing more comic book artist to the show instead.
  13. In hash retoploogy I have to be right over on top to place the pt on the surface, while in Silo it does a pretty good job laying the pt on the surface from the side of the object much more accurately, and therefore less turning of the model, and less frustration. The only thing to be careful of is not to accidentally attach the mesh to the back side of the model mesh work. In surface snapping you lay it out like your mowing the lawn across the object. While in retoplogy mode you can draw with a pen all the lattices of the model and when you are finish hit the enter button, and all of the mesh appear. I wish there was an erase button for that thou. I have seen others use 3Dmax and have frustration in trying to click it or grab pts while retopolgy. So far Silo is fast and less headache. I have not try blender. What I did is make a really fast and loose model, and and then use puzh it to make it fatter then import it to Silo and then use select loop and split loop around the detail area so I can lay it over a poser model, then use cloth fit over the existing model ( make sure all normal are correctly display) shrink it to fit. Then bring it in back in silo and move all the detail pt to be right where you want them to be. Bring back into Hash for a final model. Many of the model making program have the shell tool in converting all of the single layer mesh into a thicker front and back side of the same mesh. That shell tool is great for making clothes, Helmet, armor, shoe and so forth. I would say from what I have seen, ZBrush is hand down the best at retopology, but I am on the budget. Blender might be the cheapest route.
  14. http://cyberdreamcreation.tumblr.com/image/111648435920 I model the basic body in Sculptress, then export it to Silo2.3, and then retopologize with surface tool in Silo2.3 then import it into Hash Animation Master fix a few spline and add 5 pts patch for the body. Then bring the model back into Silo2.3 to make the bikini top and bottom. using surface tool make the mesh and then create a shell of the mesh. then import it back into Hash AM.
  15. I am on Picarto.tv where I can livestream my work and show you how to use Silo2.3 Skype me anytime and I can go set it up for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU1Wo7SWqD4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B40eeum3dDU Keep in mind that you would have to try follow Hash rules for modeling, avoid triangles and leave the 5 pts open to be filled in Hash. When you import it into Hash you can fix minor stuff. Hash imports OBJ file really well provided that you keep everything in Quad mesh work. You would also watch out for continuity of the spline and detach and re-attach can fix that.
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