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Found 3 results

  1. Rose City Comic Con September 21 - 22, 2014 Reno Comic Con November 21 - 23, 2014 Emerald City Comic Con March 27 - 29, 2015 Rose City Comic Con September 19th - 20th 2015 If you are going to be at any of those shows stop by the booth and say Hi
  2. So this will be the Comic Con post(yeah it's late and I'm out of it) A:MStills FaceBook One Day Down! I Know you hate my pictures but Tim gets there later tomorrow to take good pictures and Kayela gets there friday so you guys wiil be over loaded with pictures. it's been a long day I'm out!
  3. So I got the Webcams in the mail today. Even though they listed at 'HD' they are not. they are only 640. We are not going to be using them for Comic Con. It's just to much work to bring them for how bad the picture is. The problem is most software using the cam resolution but the cams we bought native resolution is really poor. We are going to try to(but sometimes that can not happen) upload every night to facebook and http://www.hash.com/stills/ also check out our facebook because everyone there will have a email to upload all the pictures they take with their phone to https://www.facebook.com/animationmaster. There will be a lot more images starting Friday since that is the day the girls land and well all guys but Tim Swank really suck at taking Photos. And also If you guys keep complaining about the images I'm so not posting any haha! If you are going to be at Comic Con stop by booth 1322 and hang out or have a drink! Comic Con Map! Hope to see you all there: Jason Simonds
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