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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by trajcedrv

  1. trajcedrv


    John, I seem to remember that in one of your previous posts there was screen capture of one of your characters that had some sort of on-screen facial controls... Could you (PLEASE) explain it in more detail, and/or (both preferably) giveaway some example model (you did give away your knight, mind you, only without facial controls...) AAAAND, I said it few posts earlier, I am very glad to see your capsules alive and kicking Drvarceto
  2. thejobe, your sister is playing with some strange & dangerous toys ?!?!? ;oP Cool knife, keep us posted drvarceto
  3. David, I've just downloaded installable version... and browsed through PDF... Man! Do you rock!!! I am going to install this rig in one of my models first thing I do!!! Thanks Drvarceto
  4. Cool model so far, I think she needs more detail on the feet part (It feels that upper and lower half don't match) Keep us posted drvarceto
  5. Inform us about the progress (cool house, don't change its shape LOL) Drvarceto
  6. I didn't have old actions to notice any problems, but I am playing with Squetchy Thom every day! Great fun! Can't wait to see it in some model with more pronaunced features! (instalable version... nudge, nudge,wink, wink ;oD) I would very much like to see some animation tests with the loons squatching and stretching... Keep us posted! Drvarceto
  7. Great start! I presume that this is anime - style portrait of the person, otherwise the eyes would be too big (of course, this is just my oppinion) Keep us posted! Drvarceto
  8. Those are really fantastic renders (and are even better in stereo view)... Great work! Drvarceto
  9. You can use BitMap Plus Plugin with some nice granite texture... I've seen some on the Internet... IMHO it would take a lot of load from your back ;oP... Of course, you should make nemed groups to apply it... but I guess you already have done that... Drvarecto p.s. yo coul also take a look at the Darktrees... you may find something there
  10. Good luck! You have some great stuff there! Go for it! Drvarceto
  11. John, I've just took harder look at the wire and final render: to the best of my understanding, A:M subdivides each patch to 16 (so to say) subpatches when rendering displacements and that's it... however, I've got the feeling that level of detail is bit too high, especially in the region around the brests... Is the final render only done with displacement, or there is another LOD over it (bump or normal)?... anyway: cool, simple and elegant basic mesh and even better displacement... I think that she would fly like zeppelin (fairy ain't she? ;oD) Thanks Drvarceto
  12. John, thanks for sharing your experience... It will really help to improve A:M to Zbrush and back workflow... (or in my case, A:M to Painter and back- and yes, one can paint displacement maps! it just hurts a lot ;oP) One little thing! It would be really cool if you could post wireframe of the model, so that we could see 'the starting point'... Also, did you have any experience with normal maps? I think that they could add new layer of expressivenes on top of the displacements... Keep us posted! Drvarceto
  13. As a matter of fact, wires are always nice, so that we might see how the things are made (and the wire of the whole character would be even better... nudge, nudge, wink, wink ; o P) Really cute character, it would be nice to see him animated... good work! Drvarceto
  14. Good idea! HEY cool ... um ... egg!!! Good mechanical modeling, keep us posted! Drvarceto
  15. Cool idea! I would have never thought of this use of A:M! I've seen your stamps, I like them and I am going to use them! Thanks! Drvarceto
  16. HEY! I would have never thought of that!!! .... 'unsquetching' solution, I mean... Thanks David, you are wellspring of amazing rigs and useful information! Drvarceto
  17. I LOVE new head squetch controls!!! Great job, David! I can hardly wait for the 'installable' version of your rig!!! Please, just remember to put normal number of fingers in it ;oD One question, though: when I squetch this guy all over the place, I have problems bringing controls back where they belonh, to 'unsquetch' him (I just invented new word). If you were me, what would you do? Once again, GREAT WORK! Keep us posted! Drvarceto
  18. I just had to resurface this topic! I keep wondering what happened to the project which started so amazingly? Any news?
  19. Cool ... um... thing ;oD btw are yoy THE Chris Thom (one that published 3D stuff in some (now gone) magazine that actually made me buy A:M [it was Raf Anzovin's article, that did the trick, but he was in good company there])? Drvarceto
  20. Hey! Thanks Drvarceto
  21. Hey! I like your finished bunny... One little thing, though... I Think that his head should not be straight up on the neck, but shoult protrude to the front (I dont' know if I am clear, so here is some asccii art) O ----head / ---- neck B O D Y that would bruig up 'animal' in him Drvarceto
  22. Amazing work for the first try! (of the human characters, I mean) Keep us posted! Drvarceto p.s. ...um... could you post some wires?
  23. Somewhere (I guess in the WIP thread) there was your model of the bunny which is your avatar... I' ve just took a look at it (HEY! this rhymes!) and I must say that I really liked it (The half of it anyway ;oP) I really think that you got something there... maybe you should 'copy flip attach' it, try some rig (I would add Mark Skodacek's rig) and try to make something of it. I wish my first organic model was half that good... And, thanks for the office supplies ;oD Drvarceto
  24. I couldn't agree more !!! An' as a good wine it gettin' better an' better as the time goes by;oD Great work David!
  25. trajcedrv


    John, very glad that you are back with capsules! I love the concept, models, renderings, idea!!! GREAT! Keep us posted Drvarceto
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