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Everything posted by 3DArtZ

  1. Okay, I had sometime to try and start putting Tony'sbody together. I'm having a bit of rough go at it as I don't have Ideal reference. No T poses of him around the net.... Anyhows, I still have to add the body stripes(stuff there is just the maps I used for the head stripes.... to see how it could look), I want to fix the feet and add the hankerchife around the neck....and the tail ofcourse!!! but here's the progress anyhows... take a look if you get a chance http://www.3dartz.com/WIPs/nTorsoBA.mov Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  2. Where are you creating the camera data? You can export your camera data as bvh and import it to another app..... are you able to import bvh to the other application? Mike Fitz
  3. all the elements looks very good. I think it is a really nice image as is... but as far as what I think would be..... the phase that the splash is in right now, would be how it would look by the time the object hitting the water was already 90% under the surface of the water. If not totally underwater. Aside from that issue, this is a very pleasing image to look at. Nice job! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  4. Hey Zach, nicely done so far! Did you try putting more reaction into the flamingo as this action is taking place? I don't know, maybe that would be more appropriate if they were fighting infront of the flamingo hanging there. He just sort of looks a little complacent up there at the moment. Nice work Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  5. Hey Lance, thanks for the note. I used just regular 3 pt light set up. 1 Spot(key) and 2 suns(fill and rim). The toonrender is what gives the model it's look. I recently had some work that I used hash for and the clients models were toon in design. I spent sometime mixing a formula in the toon section and came out with this. As soon as I get an okay from them, I will post those too. Thanks Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  6. Hey Robert, thanks for the note. I completely agree with everything you wrote about the cheated angles in 2d. I've been thinking a lot about it too and I think I just came to the point that a compromise would work best. Certain major angles would have to stay true to the illustrated mouth, but at different minor angles, or rotation, the mouth just has to not jump out as totally wrong. Well it's all just hypothisizing on my end. But we'll see. I have some geometry for mouth in and I'm going to test it out. I'll post more as it goes Thanks for the Fred Flintsone reference, I might try and model him too!
  7. I would check the constraints pose you have. there might be data hidden in their that is fowling everything up. ie... you might have hidden the bones in the modelling window, but in the pose window you tested hidding it and turning it back on. that data is in the pose now. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  8. I just posted this at cg talk and figure I would post here too... So after years of staring at the cereal box, I figured I'd try and put together a model of Tony the Tiger. This is a movie clip of his head. Everythig is geometry, except his mouth, which is a texture map for the moment. I want to see if I can model his mouth in there while staying true to the illustrated version... Anyhows, if you get a minute check it out.... for you sticklers on detail... I know I'm missing the nostrils at the moment! I plan on modelling the whole body too, but I want to figure out the mouth before.... http://www.3dartz.com/WIPs/TTA.mov Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  9. Wow Frank! Great job, in my opinion! I think you did a great job laying out the splines - I think if I built that mesh it would have come out almost exactly as far as how you laid out the splines! Kept the patch count real low, while getting enough detail. Nice Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  10. Cool! Love the fro! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  11. the way you laid the splines out in there area that would cover the ear, corner of the mask could be laid out better, as there are enough connection points to make the splines flow more smoothly. But, the overall build is fantastic. I like it alot. You handle the face really well and looks like you used the bare minimum amount of splines to get the job done. Nice! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  12. Carl, nice work. I echo the advice, especially the wireframe stuff. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  13. First off, I think it looks great! The only thing that caught my eye, and I was looking really hard.... "Dissention in the ranks...." I think that they eyes should stay put at this point, not moving until she starts on her next words. The mannerism she is taking on looks as though for an instant she is caught up in the internal thought process of what that "dissention" phrase means to her, and the quick eye move during it doesn't fit with that. It's a minor thing, but since I'm able to watch it over and over, I noticed it. Nice work on the piece Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  14. Why so many splines to make up this mesh? I would have looped the eye socket and eyebrow splines down around the check and across the face to form the nose instead of running then down the face. But even still I'm wondering why so many splines were created to build the bottom half of the head, the check and mouth area? this is a wireframe of one of my models. Don't know if it'll help you solve your smoothness issues, but this layout with porcelain works for me. Mike Fitz
  15. Great work, congrats on finishing! The lip synch has really come a long way, and I thought it matched up!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  16. Not sure if there is a tutorial out there about it.... but just open up KeeKat and pickit apart. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  17. hey Ken. It's done that way so that the pupils can easily follow the surface shape of the eye. not sure who implemented that, I think maybe Raf? But it's a great wayt o make cartoon shaped eyeballs that have pupil geometry that follow the surface of any deformed eye. The only draw back is that they are circular and in the back of the head untilt he constraints are activated. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  18. I think everything looks way cool. Like the city a lot. You handled it with a great 3d cartoon style. Could really be a fun animation to watch I'm thinking.... The hero looks perfect with the style too. I have one question..... what is happening on his body? Is that a suit or is that skin and rippling muscles? Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  19. LittleAndy, this looks friggin great!!!! My only crit, and I think its just a personal preference.... Looks a little spline heavey. I know you can get the same detail with fewer splines, may not seem like a big deal now, but upon animation you would probably notice the difference, especially when assigning bones/control points and smartskinning, if you use it. But the model looks great, I totally appreciate the detail on the neck and base of skull. Looking forward to seeing more! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  20. Hi Gerry, like I said I think this is coming out great. As far as spline reduction, this is where I would start. You will have enough splines to mold the curvatures of the model. Of course make a copy of the original before you try the suggestions. Keep us posoted Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  21. I would say more round at thebottom of the eyes and you could definately kill some splines by hooking them to decrease the number or patches while keeping the same detail. But overall this is looking like a great model Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  22. Nerrazzi, what a great looking model you have going. My only concern is that animating it will be a disaster with so many control points. Sort of goes against what makes the patches such a useful feature though.... meaning that you can have great detail for organic models with very low patch/spline count. It is such a nice looking piece of art, but I'm thinking animation may prove very difficult Please keep us posted Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
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