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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Keates

*A:M User*
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Everything posted by John Keates

  1. I haven't tried using it yet but the results certainly look good! I think this is some of the best animation that I have seen from you. I would like to see more!
  2. This could be a shadow bias thing. Try raising the bias value.
  3. That is a really nice looking car. Having done a little car modelling I can vouch for how hard it is. You have tempered the tendency of splines very well but I think you are asking a little much of the 5p patch to the side of the headlight there. I would be tempted to add another radial round there to smooth things out and get more control.
  4. Great to see it finally out there for the public to marvel at. Nice to see my name on the credits too... though what I did is nothing next to your massive achievement. Now get back to animating you lazy bastard
  5. Really great modelling texturing and rendering. I can't wait to see you try rigging and animating!
  6. I journey into London now and then and there have been meetings on occasion. They fizzled out recently but we will see... I like your work by the way (looked at your website).
  7. You should be able to access the chanel type widget in the pws if you crack open the model. HTH
  8. Wow! I had no idea that you were such a high achieving animator.
  9. Nice character and I like the dismount. Maybe you could find a way to get some secondary motion on the hair? The run is a little odd in the way that the legs suddenly pop backwards once they have left the ground. Also, the amount that the body bobs up and down is kinda between a run an a jog. In a jog, the body bobs up and down a fair bit, but in a fast sprint (I guess this is what you are going for here) the body doesn't really bob so much.
  10. It is a really nice peice of work. Quite professional and I like the modelling and facial expressions. The animation was a bit "pose to pose" for my liking... if you see what I mean. Maybe break the motion up a bit.
  11. Mulitpass is faster if you only use 1 or two passes - in most situations.
  12. Good tips Vern. Also, use dark grey and never black. Black....... BLACK... .... A fly....... TRAPPED!! ... in the dark. A cold cave.... lost... can't breathe.... etc etc.
  13. That was really heartwarming to watch!!! What a good community this is. And there is some nice work in there too.
  14. definitely female. Looking good. I think the hair needs a little work but it is very good otherwise. I would avoid normal maps. Bump maps will do for this.
  15. Hey Paul, This is really nice stuff. At this rate you will have completed your own version of the movei before the rest get there
  16. That was very well done!! Lots of drama there and everything. Are you going to enter it to am films? I would like to see it with more bandwidth as it got a llittle lost in the compression at times.
  17. Nice photo. Still not what we asked for it it? Render and wireframe from the same view, or an admission.
  18. I agree with Vern here. I could tell you why the images you just posted don't fit. For anyone with half a brain they are farcical. I could paint arrows on images pointing to things, I could repeat questions that you have failed to answer. I could ask you to explain your explanations. But this would just generate more words and I have had far to many of those types of argument. I could make myself look clever by saying exactly why your explanations don't fit (for instance that the image you showed just wouldn't work as an environment map for the scene as the lighting is UTTERLY different), but I have far more efficient ways of pleasuring myself. [EDIT] I just checked that bump map. Apart from the fact that it is tiny and messy, it doesn't even tile!! Look... 3d is hard. One of the things you have to develop is an eye. A good eye is an honest eye. I have been thinking of doing a poll to see how many people are suckered by this. Frankly I find it hard to believe that anyone is, and if more than 2% of people here think that we are dealing with anything other than fraud then my feet will feel like they have been shoved in the freezer. As Parlo has stated, the standard thing is for you to show a wireframe and a render of the view as in the original post. We shouldn't have to ask for any more than that and it should be perfectly easy for you to do so as you have already rendered those images (surely?). There are only two roads to go down now. The choice is yours.
  19. Not exactly what I was asking for though is it? A render of the same view as in the add shouldn't be too much to ask as you already have one surely? I am not at all convinced that the environment map on the studs is right. There is clearly some soft reflection (of the mask) on the ones on the advert and you would have had to use far more than a little layer to get the overall lighting effect. A reflection map would then be un-necessary. Now that I look at it, you have made a blundering ommision. There is a black rod that comes down and fits into the white material near the studs which you havn't modelled at all. You just don't have the splines to do it and one of your renders shows clearly that the curvature isn't there. You are also missing a tonne of detail on the white rim around the edge of the thing. Niether your map or your modelling have the detail which is there on the advert. A low res image map which you have used would not do the job at all. It would be far better to use good lighting with no image map to get the crinckles from geometry, a displacement map and bump mapping. By trying to combine a diffuse map with the the kind of lighting (GI) which you would need to get that render would lead to problems where they combine incorrectly. The black mesh in the advert clearly is not a 2D plane and has depth with complex reflectoins of an area light. This contradicts your claims as to the method behind its creation. Don't try to convince me that you hand corrected that mesh - it woldn't have been worth it when you could just take a photo. How did you create the complex light filtering down through the mesh and onto the lable? Can you show us the bump map that you used to get the wobble on the black rod round the top? How did you produce the bumpy effect on the writing on the head strap? Why does this head strap not go through the circular fixing on the back? You claim that the image couldn't come from a photo because the helmet is too small but it isn't like people don't make a living from portrait photography is it? I could go on and on finding inconsistancies in your argument and pointing out things in the original image that you would have to explain. Maybe some people can't see it, maybe I just have an eye for these things but it is absolutely clear as day to me. The longer you let this go on, the worse it will get for you, although it would be one wicked exercise for you to try and re-create the original advert. Nice try though. You modelling is coming on. Maybe you will get there one day.
  20. Hey chris, you could always down-sample to the same resolution as the first image and use jpg for now. I am mostly interested to see how far you went with AM before touching up. Maybe if you are having trouble posting a large render then you could just post sections of the hi res image also.
  21. Well I wouldn't mind seeing the original render rather than a scan.
  22. I am going to have to stick my neck out also. I am willing to bet large sums of money that this is a photo. I could give a long list as to why, it gets longer each time I look at it. You must at least be able to show us the render before print.
  23. I have to assume that the last posted image is not the final model that you used. I would love to see the actual model in front and side views.
  24. That is a very nice model. The fact that you have a skeleten really shows through. I like the way that the flesh hangs off him.
  25. I would say that one of the main reasons for this looking toy like is that the camera is set up to be quite telephoto and the car is viewed from quite high up. I would place the camera closer and lower and use a wider zoom. Maybe you could experement with different specular shaders also. There are some here: Here (ish) I don't think this is the right page - you have to find the v10.5+ version. Strangely many of the pages are not working for me. I have the shaders on my HD but I don't know if I am allowed to post them. There is a nice glossy shader and some others for subtly different effects.
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