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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by NancyGormezano

  1. very interesting!
  2. Looks like it had a happy ending. (Did I just say that?)
  3. Put some eyeballs in those headlights and you've got a mascot entry
  4. For those that are interested - here is a nice description of Eulers, quats (and perhaps may give insight into Hash Vector implementation). I have not used vector interpolation in A:M. As the article points out, and as I have always known and believed is that gimbal lock is more a problem with using Eulers, rather than quats. This is why we used quaternions, when I was working for Link Flight Simulators (for navigation as well as image generation). However that is not to say that A:M's specific implementation might have a problem with quats and gimbal lock. Not sure why they would. It may be the internal setup of interpolation method? http://www.chrobotics.com/library/understanding-quaternions (I have not checked the accuracy of the above article)
  5. turn off the "show polygons" I hadn't ever used that - must be newish.
  6. Thanks - Interesting find I wasn't aware of Akvis - but it looks like it possibly could be used with animation as it has a batch processing mode on a sequence of images - so could potentially bring the modified images into AfterEffects or any other video editor - great! I have AE cs4, PS cs4 and Painter 13 - none of which, seems to be compatible - BUT it does have a stand alone mode - so no problemo! However, problem with filters (any filter, procedural processing) is that it is usually very obvious that a filter has been used, so it's up to user to cook up some combo of filters to disguise the fact and make resultant image look unique, hand worked. I am finding that most illustrators, publishers, art directors turn up their nose at filters, because it is instantly recognizable. Worth a look anyway. Thanks
  7. In A:M/ chor: One uses Global Ambiance type = Image based lighting, with an environment map (any ol' image you want to use, HDRI or otherwise) and a mapping type: latitude-longitude, light probe, mirror sphere, cube map (cross). Depends on how/what the image is that you are using has been created. I usually select lat-long and use any image that has the right coloring that I like. But I don't go for physically based lighting. light probe images, mirror sphere images are usually physically based. Regardless of image being used for IBL, environment map (no dome): You set the Ambiance Intensity % (optionally also can set exposure, azimuth, I never do) and can optionally use Ambiance Occlusion (or fakeao or ssao). If you want to use A:M native Ambiance Occlusion, then yes, you must set chor/camera/render options/Ambiance Occlusion = ON. For just Image based lighting IBL (no occlusion) - it can be OFF, and Ambiance occlusion =0% in chor. It's not that hard. Very easy. Not necessary to make separate renders for characters and background. You can use whatever background (camera roto, or dome with image mapped to dome) you want in A:M. The image used for background can be different from image used for environment lighting (IBL). If you want to use different background (can't decide) and composite later, then yes, make 2 renders - character and background.
  8. I just tried 18p - works the same as 17g - must toggle AO percent (or type of Global ambiance) for new image to take effect. tried with opengl3
  9. what version? If you just want to use IBL in 17g - you don't need to use AO as well - does not need to be ON in render settings. However, there does seem to be a glitch, in changing images to use for IBL, and doing quick screen renders (and maybe final renders) for testing. This glitch/bug has been there forever. What I do when wanting to experiment with different images: I toggle the % in AO setting (change to 1) and then put it back to 0% - then the new image will take effect.
  10. "The nagging upgrade prompts will stop after July 29, 2016, when Windows 10 ceases to be a free upgrade for Windows 7 users." I am counting the days. That's when I'll be free. yes siree! Uh...Not so fast, little lady. Somehow, I think the annoying upgrade prompts will just change to "windows 10 - get it now for $xxx.xx" sigh.
  11. I prefer version F where background is more obvious. But in either version, I find the flickering of the character on the right very distracting. I don't understand why one character is hand drawn and the other isn't. Is there a reason? Perhaps both characters should be hand drawn and flickering so attention of viewer isn't diverted. The choppiness of the animation is an issue also. Semi-realistic CG rendering and animation of humans is less forgiving than doing a stylized version of human. We viewers require less perfection of the animation style when the characters are stylized. We will accept the choppy and flickering easier.
  12. I remember back in vers 7.1- 8.5 days that A:M had the ability to change the icon on an individual basis for the model files for sure (windows 95? 98? etc) It was great and was sorry to see it go. Could get an idea of what each model looked like just by listing the content of folders outside of A:M. The ico image used was the same image that was generated with "make icon" feature in A:M (if I recall correctly). I also remember there was a feature to create a "clippy" bot type animation character agent - forget what those are called - the standard one that came with A:M was the merlin guy. But those didn't go over too well, as most people want to hide those annoying creatures when working.
  13. he doesn't make any mention of what kind of nvidia geforce...
  14. Hmmm...that phantom rotoscope problem was a bug in A:M long ago that got fixed. It also happened on PC side. Those roto items actually showed up in materials, models, chors, etc and you had to delete them manually (text editor). What version of A:M are you using? If you are using recent version of A:M then submit a bug report, with simple case. I have found in newer versions of A:M that if you delete all those phantom rotoscope items (in materials, models, etc probably created in older versions) from the PWS and then save your materials, models, chors, etc in newer version then the problem goes away, not to be seen again. It use to be that if you save anything while the rotoscope ickies are showing in the PWS, then the contamination of all files just keeps getting worse (ie more and more dum dum roto references).
  15. ok - this looks promising - have you tried it? And what's the catch? ie why is it free?
  16. from adobe and on same page perhaps page has not been updated? I guess the more important question for me is: 1) is there an encoder/player available from anyone (other than Quicktime) that can play different formats as well as assemble into some format from image sequences (generated by A:M) that can STEP thru on a frame by frame basis like the Quicktime player currently does ? and 2) does the adobe media player do it? ie step thru frame by frame and 3) is Adobe media player available for those who do not subscribe to CC?
  17. I think? Robert is asking for the assumed extension that comes up first when one saves a video file from the adobe media encoder (file format): - eg Save as Type? In quicktime, it is "save as type: movies" that video file gets a .mov extension. We associate .mov files with quicktime. And yes, as well, you can EXPORT many different types from quicktime: ie avi, m4v, flc, .3gp, .mp4, etc etc. And each file format has different codecs/video format settings that they use for compressing the file eg for mp4 file type you can choose mpeg-4 improved, basic, H.264. For .mov file type you can choose H.264, DV pal, jpeg 2000, etc etc Can adobe media encoder export or save files to file type .mov?
  18. yes it does go to the latest - I think Marcos is suggesting that the date is incorrect - your signature says Squetch Rig was last updated 5/20/2015
  19. okie-dokie I'll bite: what is this? Can you show a sorta maybe example-ish image okay I found an explanation by googling (other mapping algorithms also included). Taken from link: "The Least Squares Conformal Maps (LSCM) parameterization method has been introduced by Lévy et al. [7]. It corresponds to a conformal method with a free border (at least two vertices have to be constrained to obtain a unique solution), which allows further lowering of the angle distortion. A one-to-one mapping is not guaranteed by this method. It solves a (2 × #triangles) × #vertices sparse linear system in the least squares sense, which implies solving a symmetric matrix" http://doc.cgal.org/latest/Surface_mesh_parameterization/index.html images and CODE at link above. This type of mapping sorta, almost, not quite looks similar to the mapping done by the BitMapPlus kci:dnd Plug-in. Perhaps a place to start?
  20. okie-dokie I'll bite: what is this? Can you show a sorta maybe example-ish image
  21. Nicely expressed Rodney. These monthly challenges are usually flexible in letting the artist decide what format they'd like to do - as the purpose for mostly everyone (except for perhaps me) is to develop content for their portfolio's. And of course, to aim their imagery at the market they are after. Some people even do a comic strip panel. Besides children's books (seems like majority), others are after young adult market, others: editorial illustration, others: etc. But the emphasis seems to always be about concept and story. For me, this month, I was thinking this is more of a standalone poster (rather than a page out of a book). Other times, when I think of it as a page in a book, I am conflicted as to how much is necessary to reveal in the one image, and I usually assume (based on the text of course) that some stuff has been revealed in previous pages, and some stuff is still to be revealed. I particularly admire some of the illustrations done by others where they actually cut off parts of characters as if they are transitioning to the next page - very startling and provocative! I think there is a close connection with children's book illustration and animation, along with storyboarding and comic strips. I think animation is harder to pull off, because of the added element of timing, and having to limit the change in motion. The viewer has to absorb it in a flash, whereas with illustration, the reader sets the timing. They can explore the added details at their leisure, and get caught up in the imagery/story at their own pace. That could be why I enjoy doing animation as an activity, but I haven't really enjoyed viewing many animations. I always want to stop the motion to examine the details (as well as add more and more detail, usually too many, for comfortable viewing)
  22. Rodney: As I thought about what you suggested with respect to the wording, I'm now thinking that it probably would have been better to change the phrasing so that the piece could stand on it's own. As it is, it's not obvious that the words came from a fortune cookie. If I wanted that to be obvious, I should have probably added imagery to show that (like maybe a piece of typical fortune cookie paper, placed differently on the image, with perhaps maybe even the remnants of the cookie...or something like that). So thanks for the suggestion. It takes me a while to catch on to how valuable perception, feedback, critiquing from others is. It's more important in illustration for image to be clear, as opposed to fine art (which I've typically done), which can be interpretive, illusive, abstract, subjective.
  23. Ooooo...very nice! well done!
  24. Yeah - I didn't like the phrasing either - however, those are the EXACT words that were written on the fortune. I actually was looking for a fortune that was even more awkwardly phrased, in a style typical of bad translation that many times comes with the cookie. One that makes one go: "huh?". No such luck. Sad fact: My husband has been collecting fortune cookie papers FOREVER. He has a jar stuffed full, that must contain, and I do not exaggerate, a zillion, at the very least. It took me a couple of hours to settle on one. There were many other candidates. And I didn't go through them all. And I like your story. And I can also picture your family members rolling their eyes once again when it comes time to open the cookies. . I can't tell you how many times I've dreaded opening fortune cookies because I know my husband collects them. OK...ok, already... This ONE time it paid off. But I'm not telling him that.
  25. This months assignment was to illustrate the text found in a fortune cookie of your choice. My fortune cookie said "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do". So I rendered out a version in A:M and then hand "painted" the image in photoshop, to get a more scribbly, spontaneous feel. Here's both versions before and after PS. (EDIT: adjusted levels on hand rendered to bring out the highlights, tad more contrast)
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