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Everything posted by ddustin
I know ya'll like these so I'll post this as bad as it is. There are a bunch of things to fix on it. - the spin of the green car - how the truck sits wonky on the side of the road - green car noses too far The spin and directions came from the Accident Reconstruction guy, I just need to make them look more believable. I can post this cause you really make out the details from here. David http://www.dustinproductions.com/files/pd-7-7-06.m1v
Upgrading get you all the latest offerings (Darktree, Newton physics, Sweeper) plus your funds help support the efforts of Hash Inc. David
Rusty, The ship is huge! The camera motions were a little distracting to me, but I tend to like them quite smooth (when I can do it ). It looks like a monstrous project. Good job. David
To quote an old Polish friend of mine.. me too either.... (no offense to those of Polish ethnicity) David (my Grandfather was Polish)
Stian, This is going to sound like a broken record but........ You are doing absolutley wonderful work! In looking at it, I had a thought (being only allowed 5 free thoughts a year, I thought I should jot it down). Should/could your model be used for a very short promotional piece for you and A:M? Here is my thinking: I remember seeing a clip of the Bismark (http://www.meteorstudios.com/anglais.html) that was done in M^%$ showing it plowing through heavy seas. Could you do a short clip showing something similar? I can offer my render farm to help out, and have an interest in seeing H2O incorporated with A:M. There was another thread that johnl3d had done some animated water. I'm not saying you would need to do the stormy seas, perhaps just normal Atlantic seas. I know there is a plug-in for AE that can create a grayscale displacement map, that could be overlayed on an ocean model. Let me know what you think. David
Nice work but it looks like she only has one ear. I realize it is because of the angle they are inclined back. The big oil spot in the front doesn't look right, it seem too black David
Nice job on the water, a tute would be good. David EDIT: Did you buy the DIN plug-in?
Here I thought this was going to be a thread about Rodney randomly asking questions..........
1. Do a search for converting a bone to an euler (pronounced oiler). 2. Has to do with setting the "active" on or off property in the object in the choreography. David
Nice job, nothing sell an idea like an animation. David
Rodney, That is an excellent idea. We usually don't experiment too much with camera settings. What would be very helpful would be to have images of the same scene rendered out with the different camera settings so you could compare the end result. David
It looks like you have 2 separate groups of splines, where as the image you showed would best be created by a single group. You also have your splines peaked which is going to make everything angular in appearance. David
Is that the rendered image or an image of what you want to try to get your model to look like? David
FM, The outfield looks really dark. I am assuming it will be night game, so maybe some lights on poles etc. Looks really good! David
I can't comment about mac. PC: We use AMD primarily which render faster than Pentiums. PCIexpress video card with 256Mb of memory. 2 Gb of RAM is an OK starting point, 4Gb would be a good target to shoot for. Dual Hard drives 250 Gb each Dual Monitors 17" minimum with 19's being an excellent choice. No experience with Dual Core processors. David
Yes, but this dialogue - the words and the delivery - is very much tell-it-like-it-is, in-your-face in its nature, not some humming and hahing by some demure little mouse of a character. Maybe I think that way because I recognise the sound clip (Steve Martin in Trains Planes & Automobiles(?)) and feel the visuals need SM's delivery - which I think this anim mostly has. Stuart, I interviewed a PHD from the GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigation). The guy was a Forensic Pathologist, an expert in his field and extremely intelligent, yet he would not look you in the eye for more than a a second. There was nothing mousey about him. I don't remember that line from TP&A, so I didn't have that Paradigm. It comes down to (for me) the impression I got while viewing it. It made me remember that phd guy. David
A breast contest would be hillarious. Given the male dominiated audience here on the forum, it would be a "hot" topic for sure (sorry.. couldn't resist it). David
Does this happen on any other of the drop downs? Have you by any chance changed/tweaked you default windows "roll out" delay settings? Perhaps you can post your system specs (OS etc) so we can help you figure this out. David
Being completely out of my element criticising character animation, I'll give you my impressions as an observer of humans and our traits and idiosyncracies. 1. The feet seeming to grow is a slight distraction but I wouldn't have noticed it if it were not pointed out. 2. The lack of eye contact is ingenious (if it was intended). It immediately reminded me of those individuals that don't maintain eye contact. You know, when they talk to you they look to the left or right of you. Another cool thing would be to have him look directly at the camera but keep his eyes closed. It is the same annoying trait. 3. Perhaps a voice over asking the actor why he can't look someone in the eye? He could respond with "what are you talking about?" and break eye contact immediatly. More than likely this is not what you intended but it is what came to mind for me. Nice work. David
Stian, Better all the time!! Your modeling skills are truly exceptional. My guess is you could model anything you wanted too. You are real encouragement to the community. David
Sounds like you and Noah are in a contest to be the breast best guy. Sometimes I just kill me.......... wait that would be suicide........ can't call pigs anyway. Man dustin and jon your making me die here from laghing. A little humor is good for the soul (or was it sole............or was it Seoul......hmmm). Sometimes you just need to laugh.........
Sounds like you and Noah are in a contest to be the breast best guy. Sometimes I just kill me.......... wait that would be suicide........ can't call pigs anyway.
jon, can you be a little more specific (kidding!!!)
Bigger? No way, in fact they seem a little big for an elf anyway. My 2 cents.