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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by ddustin

  1. Funny I just made a material for building siding as well. The only method I know of getting rid of those lines is to crank the multipass up really high (like 32 passes). Have you tried making a bump map of the image as well? That may give you some differentiation on the surface. Reply if you need instructions on how to make/add/use a bump map. David
  2. Too dark on my messed up screen as well.
  3. I like the lumpy look as well. Excellent work!! David
  4. We all have days were we might say or do something a little off. Don't worry about it..... Nice work. David
  5. Kam, can you post the image you are using and the setting? I'd like to test it. Happy belated birthday also you're the same vintage as I (older than dirt). Thanks, David
  6. Serg, It's been a while since you posted. Is the Studio Max logo on the top right corner any indication of the software used for this, or is it your studio name? David
  7. You need to render out each segment from the individual cameras. There is no camera switching in AM. You can just move one camera to different locations in your chor. The move is instant so it will look like a cut to a different camera. My preference is to do the individual segments them edit them together later, so you can do fades etc. David
  8. Dang, my ice scraper scratched my monitor........ Looks great!!
  9. Maybe what he meant to say was "I'm making a PROMO and I was wondering how I could make SOME MEN look realistic"? Sorry for all the jibes Steven, just one of those topics.................
  10. Thanks to all the respondents. Here are the results (as of 2/24/2006 7:30 AM EST) in graph form (engineers like graphs). When the results are listed by category: Hobby-15 Freelance-8 Limited Freelance work-3 Freelance AM Main tool-3 Contests-2 Other-2 AM at Work-1 After combining the categories (Hobby & Contests) (Freelance, Limited Freelance work, Freelance AM Main tool) I was surprised to see the percent of people using A:M for paid work. Somehow I had the notion the percent of A:M users doing paid work was around 10%. Now obviously this is not a scientific poll as there were 34 respondents out of a total user base of (thousands). It is only indicative of forum users and poll respondents over the course of one day. Still think it's interesting....... David [attachmentid=14666] [attachmentid=14668]
  11. It was excellent!!
  12. Look out Rodney (crude attempt at ASCII rocket) <OOOOO< *~*~*~*~
  13. We're going to start animating today, should be really cool. See... it's this is a government project where they are assembling the new anti-terrorist homing missiles (ATHM). When they're done, they'll be launched from low flying aircraft into hotspots around the world. The missiles carry special sensors that can detect terrorist brain waves, then zero in on them, sending them to be with (boy I want to use a reference to an almighty being, generalized by Eastern religions buy I won't) God. There will be an extensive testing program where the process is fine tuned to get the accuracy (because close only counts in Horse Shoes, hand grenades and Atom Bombs). Of course the TDF (terrorist determining factor) is controlled by those who know the good guys from the bad. One mistake here and Pennsylvania could be accidently vaporized, that would be bad... Disclaimer: All information shared here is of a classified nature, disclosure of said information will place your name at the head of the TDF file. You have been warned.
  14. Animation Master The client gave us a CAD drawing and said make it like this, so...... TL, I asked if they had any photos of the facility that we could drop it in and they said nope. John has done an awesome job I think! David
  15. Doug, It looks good. Nice jump! David
  16. John Burch and I have been collaborating on an industrial visualization project. John has done an excellent job, particularly considering his exposure to industrial automation was zero before he started on this project with me. John's website is http://www.lizardfire.com check it out, he has some great stuff there, and also consider him for contract work. This image is for an automation company. Their client wanted to see a virtual example of what the 2d drawing looked like. The work is meticulous and requires great attention to detail. David
  17. Tim, I use a Dell M50 for rudimentary things in AM. Granted it's only a 1.8 Ghz with 512 Mb ram (64mb video card, but it is tolerable for simple AM use. My desktop is an Athlon 64 with 2 Gab of RAM, and it rocks (although V12 realtime seems slower than V11.1 did). My render farm is a mixture of Athlon Xp's and Athlon 64's. The 64's are always faster rendering frames. David Render Farm??! Very cool. Are there any tutorials on setting up a farm? I happen to have a few systems lying around presently collecting dust. What OS? Would I need more AM Licenses? How many systems in your farm? I realize that certain things add to the length of a render, but I rendered a 5 second short last evening on my laptop and it took about an hour and a half. Pretty detailed, but is there a "test" render out there somewhere with times on it so that I can verify speed? Thanks for any info! -Tim Tim, You would need to buy Netrender. My favorite OS for the render "slaves" is win2k. Basically you set up one machine as a Server (same machine can also be a slave), the slaves talk to the server which distributes frames to the slaves. You will receive a "dongle" to place in your server machine which contains the license. There are 2 levels if I remember right, a 3 slave license and the unlimited. I wouldn't be with out my farm. It makes complex renders go really fast. Hope this helps. David
  18. Tim, I use a Dell M50 for rudimentary things in AM. Granted it's only a 1.8 Ghz with 512 Mb ram (64mb video card, but it is tollerable for simple AM use. My desktop is an Athlon 64 with 2 Gb of RAM, and it rocks (although V12 realtime seems slower than V11.1 did). My render farm is a mixture of Athlon Xp's and Athlon 64's. The 64's are always faster rendering frames. David
  19. Seems to be a recuring problem for more that just you.
  20. <user group> "Hi Colin" <users group> "hey man"
  21. I should probably refer (not to be confused with reefer) to it as the Atlanta A:M Users Group, but it's not as humorous.
  22. Hrmmm, obviously a poor attempt on my part to illustrate "muscle tone"..... [attachmentid=14507] Dude, If that's fat, you must have pretty high standards. Excellent work! Perhaps Colin can talk you into coming to the next Atlanta Users Meeting (that always sounds illegal to me). David
  23. Yeah...been gettin that concensus...gonna work on fat'n her up a bit. A navel would help, unless of course she's not human. Very nice job! David
  24. It looks good. The lighting isn't consistant with the moon unless you are going to have some type of fire or light in the center of those trees (where the light seems to be eminating from). David
  25. You may want to be a little careful hanging your hat on a single picture. Sometimes the perspective from an image can throw you off. Looks great to me as far as detail. David
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