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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by flashawd

  1. You're so smart Nancy - that was it. ;-) Thank you.
  2. Hello - I am creating the mouth poses as pose sliders for a dope sheet - one of them (pose sliders) isn't editable "Edit Relationship" for some reason when I right click on it - is there a setting or something I missed... didd't do anything different than the other ones - only having the issue on the one. I have closed out the program and rebooted the computer, which didn't fix the problem. Thanks - Eric
  3. That actually worked - I put a decal on it and created a pose slider - set the decals percentage to "0" at "0" - then "100" at "100". Then when I slide the pose slider from 0 to 100 - the decal fades in. Thanks
  4. Hi - I am working on a character for a client and she want the char's cheeks to turn pink at a certain point in the animation. Is this possible to do w/ a decal in an action over let's say one second - having the decal transparent at 0 - then non-transparent at one second? Or even set as a pose slider? Any suggestions on how to solve the cheek problem would be great. Thanks - Eric
  5. Thank you guys. ;-)
  6. Is it possible to make bone movements during an action - for example a 5 second walk cycle is it possible half way through to manually have the character's head turn to the left or right? (not a part of the actual action) I tried to key the neck bone and rotate it, but it wont turn until after the 5 second walk where I created a new chor action. Thanks - Eric
  7. Thank you Rodney.
  8. Hi Rob - the character is on a curved path, so I opened up a new chor and put him on a stright path - and he has the same slipping problem. So I'll rule that out and work on your other suggestions - thanks again Eric
  9. I created the walk cycle and it looks great and no slipping when it is viewed from that action. When I attach the character to a path and have him walk using the created walk action there is a slight slipping of one foot - I have set the "has stride length" correctly and even adjusted that several times to try to fix the slip, but not having any luck. Is there something else I might not be setting correctly to get rid of the slip? Thanks again for all the help with this whole walking thing. ;-) Eric
  10. Hi Robert - just wanted to thank you again - I was able to go in there and see exactly how to do it. Have a great weekend - Eric
  11. Thank you Robert - I'll download it when I get back it. I appreciate your help, this is beginning to drive me crazy
  12. I have figured out exactly what the problem is. I manually placed a charcter in the chor - he is standing there w/ his arms out. I drop a "walk" action on him and move it over to begin at 1 second. This work fine, right at one second he starts walking. If I do anything manually before the walk like rotate a right bicep down - this makes an issue w/ the "walk" action like walking with no "right bicep" motion because I moved that bone before the walk. What am I doing wrong? Thank
  13. Hi Rodney - thanks for the file. You mentioned "Purists will probably suggest getting away from paths" - you talking about moving the character forward by it's root bone during the walk instead of using a path? Thanks for all your help, Eric
  14. Hi Rodney - thanks for your reply. I was playing around with two different actions and transitioning between both and have that down. My problem is simply how do I move my character into a position after the walk cycle. When I key a "left foot target" for example at the end of the walk it screws up the walk becuase I keyed it. I tried to key it before the walk and had the same problem. My idea was to key it before the walk then after the walk and then skip a few frames and the move the "left foot target" but I am not getting that far becuase when I key it before or after it is screwing up the walk. I know it is something simple, just not sure what I am doing wrong. Thanks again for your reply.
  15. Hello - I have never really created actions before and used them in animations and I am running into a problem. I created a character and a walking action. I then created a new chor dropped in the character - created a path and put the character on it - and dropped the walk cycle on the character. All that works great, the character walks for 10 seconds and ends at the end of the path. When I go to move the character's bones around from the final walk pose to a standing position it screws up different parts the 10 second walk - depending on what bone I adjusted after the walk. When I set it to "hold last frame "0ff" on the walking cycle, it shoots from the final walk pose to character straight out arm position. How do I manually get it from the final walk pose to a standing position - or really any animating pose to any manually positioned pose? I hope I am explaing myself to where it makes a little sense. Thanks - Eric
  16. Thank you everyone for links and project files ;-) I have never used a forum with such great support and helpful people - thank you.
  17. Hi Al - thanks for your reply. I only have Fireworks and it will not let me export as a .tga, so emailed to a friend to do it. I'll see if I can search for Caroline's tutorial. Thanks again - Eric
  18. I have a client that I am making a character for and she wants the eyes to be able to change from white to black when angry. The problem is I have a decal applied to the eye that has a white background when I make an action to make the eyes black you can see the white background of the decal. Is it possible to apply a decal w/ a transparent background? Or does anyone have any ideas how I can make this work? Thanks - Eric
  19. Found a fix if anyone runs into the problem. I opened up the character and moved a pixel around and saved it under a new name - then when I opened up the walking action it asked what object to use and I used the character w/ the new name. Then I have the copy and paste mirrored function back. So it was either moving a pixel around or saving under a new name that did it - I would guess the new name. Anyway, if it happens to anyone else. Have a great night - Eric
  20. This is odd... I have been using the "copy keyframe" and "paste mirrored" creating a walk cycle for a chacter and it has been working fine - then for some reason it will not "paste mirrored". It doesn't paste anything. I have shut down AM and restarted it, and also rebooted the computer and still have the problem. Has anyone ever had this problem?
  21. Hi Rob - thanks - I just got a mental pic of how to do it, when you mentioned treadmill. Yes, #5 is the lesson I am refreshing with.
  22. Alright - I am simply trying to create a walk cycle and having problems.... when you move one of the foot targets forward to step forward, you obviously have to move the hips bone to line up above it - that moves the whole character forward. Throughout the whole walk cycle do you move the "root" bone to keep it centered the whole time? Also, when you "copy keyframe" and "paste mirrored" it doesn't seem to paste the root bone? Can someone fill me in on what I am missing. Thanks - Eric
  23. Chris - I appreciate the info - thanks for taking the time to explain and make all the printscreens - it is much appreciated.
  24. Hi Bruce - yes that was a typo Thanks for your answer I will try now.
  25. Hi - another walking question. I referenced exercise 5 "Take a walk" - and created the 4 poses at 00:00:00, 00:00:05, 00:00:10 & 00:00:15 then I copied the frame and mirror pasted. The walk cycle looks good. When I bring the character into a chor and apply the walk action and have it repeat lets say 10 times. Each time it repeats there is a 'jerk" motion when it starts over, so there isn't a smooth transition between the last frame 00:00:15 - going back to 00:00:00. Is there something I am doing wrong... some setting I didn't set or something? Thanks again - Eric
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