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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by flashawd

  1. That is exactly what I was looking for - thank you.
  2. Hi - can anyone tell me a quick and easy way to make a perfect circle for an eyeball - also can someone point me in the direction of some eye images I can use as decals or tell me if you have any tricks to making them. - Thanks again for all your help.
  3. Thanks Paul - I'll give it a try.
  4. Hello again - been quite some time since I played w/ this program, so having to relearn - so probably many more questions to come. I have half of a circular tube - I had a full circular tube, but screwed it up, so now I have a half. I need to copy/flip/attach it but where do I put it to do that - it sets it right next to it. -Thanks
  5. Largento - worked perfect thank you, and everyone else for posting.
  6. Worked perfect - thank you everyone.
  7. Hello - I want to copy/flip/attach part of an object to make all the sides exact, but I need to delete a portion of it before I do - when I select the cp and click on "delete" on the keyboard it deletes the cp's, but attached what is left to other cp's - is there a way to select and delete the faces so it just removes it all cleanly? - hopefully I explainded what I am trying to do - Thank you.
  8. Thanks Muff ;-)
  9. Alright - got it. All I did was break several of the lines and reattached them - and it worked - there must have been something the program didn't like the way it was going. I'll just do that if I have the problem again. Anyway - thank you much.
  10. Hi Caroline, thank you for the quick response - I think you answered the question before I posted it. ;-) I tried what you mentioned and it still isn't activating the button. I had a version 11 from a couple of years back and upgraded to version 13 recently. I haven't played around w/ the program for a couple of years and wanted to jump back in it, so I was going through the tutorials - I don't remember having this problem w/ v11. I have moved each control point to make sure there were only 5 and there were, rebooted the computer and program - so not sure what the deal is. Anyway, thanks again so much for your reply - Eric
  11. Hi - I am running through exercise 11.5 - the face. I am having trouble w/ the 5 point spline where the eye and the nose meet. I have the 5 control points set up but when selecting the 5 cp's the "5 point spline button" doesn't activate. So I try a few more times and about the 5 time of selecting the 5 cp the button becomes active to where I can press it and it creates the 5 point patch. Is there a certain order you have to select the cp for it to activate - not sure what I am doing wrong. Thanks - Eric
  12. Hey Everyone, Thanks a lot for your input and comments - every one of them was greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking your time to look at it and comment. Take care, Eric
  13. Hello, I just finally finished my first animated short film. It took me 18 months to complete but finally got it done. I want to thank everyone who answered my posts when I ran into problems your help was much appreciated. Anyway, if you want to take a look at it, I would love any comments - good or bad - here is the website I created for it. "Samurai Gumstick - The Evil Fly" http://www.samuraigumstick.com (click on "LOAD: THE EVIL FLY MOVIE" button") Thanks again, Eric LoCascio
  14. Iomega HDD 80GB external harddrive for around $100, automatically backs up whatever files you tell it to whenever you want... will save you a lot of heartache. Take it easy, Eric
  15. Thanks Mike, I wanted to try to create a character I could have some fun with while learning the program that would make people laugh. I figured you can't go wrong with a 3" tall stick of gum with a couple of samurai swords, and an attitude. Have a good night, Eric
  16. Hey everyone, Thanks to you answering all my question over the past several months - I have created my first rigged character and put him in a short intro animation. I am currently working on a full 3 1/2 minute animation with him in it called "The Evil Fly", which should be done in a month or so. Here is a link to the animation: Character Intro Link Again, thanks for all your support in help in quickly answering all my posts. Eric LoCascio
  17. Great animation! - very creative, got a good laugh out of it. Thanks, Eric
  18. Hey Thanks guys, Yes, I definitely encourage the criticism - the only real way to learn. I also agree he is a bit out of proportion and boxy looking, I'll look back at him in a few years and at least get a good laugh. Amazed nobody commented on his feet... I actually copied and pasted part of his hands so I didn't have to start from scratch on the feet... bad, bad idea, don't recommend anyone repeat that one Have a great night, Eric
  19. Hi - It been awhile since I had him completed, but I finally decided to post my first attempt at 3D animation. I have never had any experience in 3D animation before I got the A:M 11. I started in April of this year going through the tutorial and got through it in a few weeks - THANKS to everyone in the forum for answering my millions of questions I posted. So then I decided to just jump into it and try to create a character. He was done after of few weeks of insane struggling. I Didn't want to post him, but figured why not - everyone seems supportive here. Eric LoCascio
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