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Everything posted by mtpeak2

  1. Sure, no problem, you can adjust any pose, as long as you do it before export. [edit] In fact, you can use the user properties to set the poses, instead of the pose slider window. This will retain the the settings of the poses after export, but the order of the poses get reorderd (an issue that can be fixed by Hash if needed). This will allow you to open an action again and readjust if needed (before running the install plug-in).
  2. Hmm..... never had any exception errors, Paul, in my tests anyway. Which poses were confusing?
  3. That sounds great Richard.
  4. Richard, do you think that your compensate plug-in can be incorporated into the install rig plug-in? Or have the install plug-in execute the compensate plug-in when it's finished its task?
  5. Looks great Caleb. Love the pose.
  6. Rich, next release has the update in v13. With a big thanks to the guys a Hash Inc. Can't wait for your results from the test plug-in.....Now that's going to be awesome!!!
  7. I'm glad you like it Mark. The translate_orange_carpal_install_bones (center_thumb_base_pivot) translate poses, sets the position of the thumb install bone.
  8. Well it's a little early to release, but had a request to post it. The issues I had with this method will be in the next release of v13 (monday). V14 alpha 6 has the fix for the roll issue on export and importing model with materials, but a new issue has cropped up, images for decals do not import (decal and stamp are intact). This can be worked around by opening the model first bringing in the images into the project, then import the model into the installation rig. You will need the install rig plug-in, there is a copy in the zip folder I posted. Just drag and drop it in the hxt folder of the version of AM you are using (v13 or v14) This version contains the bone face rig......... A five finger foot gizmo version coming soon, four fingers if need and a quad version if it's worth the effort. So to use the rig, open the "v13_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_Posable_Installation_03_05_2007" model. Import your model, SAVE AS "your models name_install" so you don't override the rig or your model. Open an action and follow the steps using the pose sliders. Once finished positioning the bones you can save the action, if you need to make changes (this will mean reassigning and recompensating). Once you finished positioning, right click in the action window and export model (SAVE AS "model name_export"). Start a new project and open the model. You have to delete the installation poses from the user properties and the installation relationships from the relationship folder. SAVE model. (if you have trouble doing this, just let me know) Open the "v13_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_03_05_2007_relationships_installation" model and import your saved model. Run the install rig plug-in and your ready to assign cps. Follow David Simmons' video tuts for recompensating the rig. I will at some point write up a check list for the order in which compensating needs to be done. NOTE: you can use this in the current version of v13, if you have no materials or import your model as an action object. Just save the project or action and export when v13s comes out. Removed attachment- updated rig on page 4
  9. Yes, v13s will have the fix...14 alpha 6 has the fix already, that's why I will probably post it this weekend. Also was told importing a model with materials has been fixed in the alpha, not sure about 13s, I'm sure it has.
  10. Ok, not what I expected. I thought the technique was an oil painting effect. Still cool though.
  11. That looks cool Ken. So what's the technique? Hmm, why does the image look better that the mov file?
  12. Check out the "Tech Talks" on cp weighting.
  13. It's still bone placement and cp assignments. You shouldn't need to smartskin this model, cp weighting should be enough.
  14. Case, he had the cps assigned to the wrong bones. I think he's got it worked out.
  15. Did you take the rig from another model, instead of using the 2001 skeleton? The leg bones are not showing (thighs and calves) you have the thigh geometry assigned to the pelvis and the calves assigned to the knee pointer bones.
  16. I need to see it from the modelling window (bones mode, where you installed the rig and assigned cps), not an action. Sorry, I should have been more clear on that.
  17. It still looks as though there still is a bone placement problem, but I can't tell without looking at the bones. Can you post a render of the model in bones mode?
  18. Is this the 2001 rig? It looks like you adjusted the foot bones to point forward when you installed the rig. The foot bones need to be pointed straight down.
  19. Try locating it on the disc using file>open.
  20. It doesn't show in the library, go to file open and locate it on the disc.
  21. What version of AM are you using?
  22. Use the 128 patch sphere.
  23. V13's squetch rig will work just fine in v14.
  24. Great stuff Marcos.
  25. Open the relationship folder, you will see bones (smartskin) and user properties relationships, delete the bones to remove all smartskin or open the bones to see all the bone that have smartskin and delete the ones you don't want.
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