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Everything posted by mtpeak2

  1. I would like everyone to use the same model, but you can use your own if you want. The reason is, if you're having a problem, I can figure it out easier. Then, after going through this exercise and you rig your own model, you will have a better understanding on how to install it.
  2. For those of you interested, I will be setting up a project with a model and the posable squetch rig. Together we will install the rig in the model provided. I will post the project in this thread. For each step of the process I will start a new thread, to make it easier to follow and for you to post questions that have to do with that particular step. I have selected a model, but I am waiting for permission to use it from the creator. As soon as I here from him, I will post the project.
  3. Right click in a blank space of the action window and select export>model. (see attached image) Is this what you are doing? If you are still having problems, you can send me the file and I'll take a look. I'll PM my e-mail address to you.
  4. Cool Model, I like it.
  5. After. Running the install plug-in will unhide the geometry bones and hide the rest. It also deletes the install bones and reparents the rig to the correct hierarchy.
  6. Are you right clicking in the action window and selecting export?
  7. I'm curious as well about how the compensating plug-in is going.
  8. Click Here for compensating text update.
  9. Hey Marcos. If you used the v13s version, the "v13_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_03_05_2007_relationships_installation" is no longer needed. I combined them into one model, v13s allowed me to do this. Hopefully, at some point, deleting poses and relationships will be a part of the install rig plug-in.
  10. Right_forearm_non_Z_geom would be used, for instance, tinmans forearm, where you wouldn't want it to rotate on the Z axis, or say, a jacket sleeve. I would recommend adding a spline ring to the forearm between ring A and B and weight 50/50 to the right_forearm_1_geom and the right_forearm_2_geom. And yes, assign ring A to right_forearm_0_geom and ring B to right_forearm_3_geom. Not adding the spline ring in the forearm will colapse the forearm when rotating the hand on the Z axis. As for the hands, I would just group the finger geometry and translate it on the X axis to where it needs to be.
  11. Added David's compensating text to my last update post.
  12. Oh John, don't get me started with trees. Nice tree.
  13. This is strange, is it just this project or all projects? I don't suppose you have another computer to try it on?
  14. I found a pose in the squetch relationships that needed to be turned off (I have a pose that turns the rig off). This may be the cause of the problem (bones out of position) I'll look into it more. Sorry for the inconvience.
  15. NEW UPDATE Import your model into the "v13s_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_Posable_Installation_03_05_2007" or import "v13s_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_Posable_Installation_03_05_2007" into your model. (it doesn't matter anymore) Create new action and follow the steps in the pose slider window. MAKE SURE YOU USE ONLY THE INSTALLATION POSES. After posing the rig to your model, export the model from the action window and "save as". Start a new project and open the new model. Go to the user properties and delete the installation pose folder using the delete key on your keyboard. Open the relationship folder>user properties and select the installation pose folder and delete using the delete key on keyboard. Save model. (hoping to make this part, part of the install rig plug-in) See attached image. Run install rig plug-in. (there is a copy of the plug-in in the zip folder, place it in the v13 htx folder) You are now ready to assign cps. V13s_Posable_Squetch_Rig_03_05_2007.zip resetting_all_compensates_03_05_2007.txt
  16. I usually assign the teeth to the maxilla and the lower teeth, this way they can be adjust in certain poses, I don't use them for the lips.
  17. NEW UPDATE Fixed constraint problem (broken constraint in face poses, minor) and renamed bones with geom (jaw, eyes, lids, maxilla and lower teeth), these bones will unhide after running install rig plug-in. Removed
  18. There is a jaw bone, but it's hidden. We should probably rename it with geom in the name so it unhides after running the install plug-in. The nostril targets should be placed near the corners of the mouth. The nostril geom, jowl geom and cheek geom bones aim at this null target. I also found a problem with one of the constraints and will have an update soon.
  19. This is fixed in v14 beta 1.
  20. Are you sure your lights are set to cast shadows?
  21. The trees in TWO that I made I use images the are branches with leaves, not just the leaf, works much better. If you want more branches, use a heavier mesh for the target.
  22. First, I'm not sure why the "right_foot_control_IK" is in the position it's in, the translate to and the orient like constraints probably need to be recompensated. But it could be the reordering of poses I did to allow importing the rig and exporting, I'll check it out. If you want me to check it out, just let me know and I'll send you my e-mail address. Also, could you post a render from the action, if you still have it, with the white, black and foot install bones showing, so I can see their position. Thanks
  23. Cool model, Simon. Can't wait to see the rest of your elemental unit. Love the texturing.
  24. Thanks, Simon. Hopefully we can even make it easier.
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