I know all about weighting, Matt.
The weighting dialog box changed in v16. This was a request from Robert I believe (And maybe a few others. I had a partial hand in it), to automaticly adjust the weighting of the other bones according to the last bone weighted (you can lock a bones weight). I'm not too sure if I like the way it works now though. For example, it is very dificult to weight 4 bones equally at 25%, which I do alot in the hands. I have had to bring models back into v15 to do some of the weighting. Three bones isn't too bad (when you remember to lock the bone you want to stay), but four is a pain. I have a base way I weight a model, then tweak from there.
I'm also having problems with the "MirrorBones" plugin and exporting from an action. I need to setup a test case to send to Steffen.