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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Animus

  1. Thank you! No I didn't make the model, it is Barry Zundel's from whom I bought a DVD on animating a couple years ago; that's the model he used for his tutorial. Nice tutorial, by the way. Still available(sold) at http://stores.lulu.com/barryzundel. I have added a prop(TV), eyebrows, and some facial improvements(I hope). TVpower03.mov Michel
  2. Thanks Holmes! I am aware the lipsync is not convincing, I might start it over since I have time to practice. I agree eyebrows will help a lot. I had not tought of creating new poses, it's a great idea, not only for eyes, exagerating the jaw could him a less rigid look too. Thanks Matt! Yes I could use a TV set, I would change the beginning of the clip, and have a better introduction to the subject. So it's all the traditional way with the scanner; I wonder how much work that represents, compared to 3D animation. You can easily create new characters every month[assuming you can draw], something that would be too much work in 3D. Michel
  3. I like it very much! Great cartoon style, I love your drawing and composition. Keep going, it works. It sure looks like fun to draw the animation, I know nothing about Flash, and I feel I'm missing something. It's mostly 2D clips that won lately, and there are really good ones. I have no idea what software they use to assemble all this; are they using Flash? I think it's great that all methods of animation can be submitted. Here is a little update after a few more hours of work. TV_power.mov Michel
  4. Hi John! I have entered the 11second club 3 times so far, and never made in the first half. Still is a good practice frame. I don't like lipsync so much but the voters judge it very seriously So, I will send my animation, but I don't care about the ranking so much. And there are not many threads about animation on the forum. Michel
  5. Hi! Been away from animation for quite awhile. I liked the sound file of 11 second club this month, so I have been playing with Barry Zundell's Will model I got from his excellent animation CD. The text : "You see... TV is power. The power to lull, and to pacify. And then when all eyes are glazed, and all minds are jelly... power to hold the world in your fist." My eyes are glazed, and my mind is jelly, after a few hours, 11sec_oct02.mov Feel free to comment, still lot's of time. Michel
  6. Very funny, great work! Michel
  7. That's beautiful and special! The slight blur adds a sense of warmth to the scene too. Michel
  8. Nicely done, it gives very good reference, Thank you! Michel
  9. Thanks Matt, that's a threat to watch! Michel
  10. Looks good Mark! You took a realistic model for a start, those are hard, our eyes are experts with those guys. Do you have 0 slope on the first and last frame, there seems to be a break in the cycle. Is he walking along a path, or just cycling the action?, since there are no shadows or other reference object, it's hard to tell. Anyway, I think it is nice to try on a path, this way it is easy to try a cycle at different speeds. We build cycles with 24 frames most of the time, but everything is not happening in 1 second. I think with this action, he could move faster since he seems to be putting some effort with his arms forward and head rotating. Our forearms don't go very far in a relaxed walk. I wonder, since you have a rig handling BVH, is it possible from there to bake a cycle, get rid of the Bvh link, clean it up, match the first and last frame match and create a cycling walk action from there? I am very interested in BVH, but had very poor success with linking the skeleton. Michel
  11. It works really good! And thanks for writing the making of, it is very interesting. Maybe holds between the blocks of letters appearing would give more punch. Michel
  12. Very interesting, it works pretty good! Michel
  13. Great idea, fun to watch, nice render! Michel
  14. Thank you! Glad you liked it. The clip turned out to be pretty much like the images I had in mind before starting. It's not often the case, that's why I like to have a theme like pass the ball, to stay short and focused. The animation is simple, Sir Nigel doesn't even have any facial poses; luckily most butlers wear the poker face. And there rig is obsolete, I missed The FK-IK switch I use all the time. But those models(Jim Talbot) have strong personalities even in a T-pose. Michel
  15. Thank you all for your comments! Nice lighting, good pacing. Just a few jerky bits in the stopping of the waiter, and Lady Goodbody's grabbing is a little robotic. But I love the concept, and the dejected look he has when she tosses the ball. You are right about those 2 points, I have to smooth the blending between the actions. Wish there was an IK FK switch on there rig. Michel
  16. This one could be too slow and long for the final, I wanted to try something with the 2 beautiful models by Jim Talbot. The rig isn't great though, the rigs have so much evolved since those guys were modeled. I might install the 2008 rig "in them". Sir_Nigel_ball.mov Michel
  17. Thank you for your comments! I agree it is a little sudden, I tried a little stretching, but I'm not sure it shows much. Added one more actor.the_ball_02.mov I have an idea for another one different next. Michel
  18. Nice characters. I think her face could be more differentiated from him. She looks great, but she looks more like a twin sister than a mate. Just an observation, your actors are superb. Michel
  19. Everything i s gorgeous, the design, the rigging must be great to animate so graciously, and superb rendering. Michel
  20. That works very well! Funny and inspiring. Michel
  21. I like the pass "the ball" idea, very... open. It's still a little rough, the_ball_01.mov Michel
  22. The Squetch rig is versatile. And to add to the reasons mentioned before, you have seamless IkFk switching that TSM2 doesn't have. Not only arms, legs, also torso, every switch actually. Squetch rig is so much "modern". Michel
  23. Yes very nice! the render and the animation. Michel
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