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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. >You did not post the after. Here it is. and a screenshot of the settings. I tried some more times with no succsess: reinstalled 15e Web and got newest mirrorbones plug-in again. Made sure the "mirrored selection" button is off, deleted the head tail all with no difference. The model itself is all symetrical. (Still have to doublecheck on another computer). SimpleRigManD_ST4_R08_15_140109.mdl MirrorBoneSetting.bmp afterplugin.bmp
  2. Yes, I have the latest plug-in and I also tried it with a different character. Same result. Mainly the toes and fingertips are affected. Things that come to my mind I could try: Reinstall AM 15e web. Try , if its the same on my laptop-computer. Maybe do I have to use RMWeight before hand? Did you use that on my ST1 model? Ask, if anybody else here has a similar problem? It`s things like this, which throw me off my drivingseat and lead to longer intervalls in my efforts.
  3. Hi Mark, After quite a while I came back to my project and completly redid it from the beginning and got stuck again when trying to mirrorbones. Some cps don`t get asigned. I have no explanation. Even uping the tolerance to 1.5 made no difference. I enclose the model before and after mirroring. Maybe you can find something? I am on Win XP with 15eWeb SimpleRigManD_ST2_R08_15_140109.mdl SimpleRigManD_ST3a_R08_15_140109.mdl
  4. I do highly recomend it. It`s one of my favorite choices. The advantage of a book is, you can take it to bed with you and read in it during sleepless nights. (Not to speak of other location you won`t take your computer with you) ;>) Jake
  5. Your model is really beautifull. Thank you very much. I never used the cp bias-tweaking a lot so some question occurs to me while experimenting with your model. Seems that the applying of decals is more difficult then. Are there special things to do for reaching good not too twisted results?
  6. Seems that this comes from the z-buffered shadows of the rim-light. Increase the map size or switch to raytraced shadows. (Nice model, by the way!)
  7. Don`t be ashamed, show us your splines. There seems to be some creasing in the cheeks.
  8. Steffen did an update lately for my TSM2 (actually Carolines ala rig thread ) rig thread. Maybe you havent got the latest updated mirrorbones-plugin?
  9. Hi Mark, Thank you for your advise. I will repeat the process from the begining for learning reasons. Wouldnt it help to set the tolerance to maybe 1.5 to solve the problem with the mirrorbones´-plug-in?
  10. Hi Mark, This is what I have got so far: CP asignment still needs some corrections in hand and foot and especially in the shoulder. (Maybe you can tell me to which spline ring I should best attach the shoulder fanbone? ) Also there are resulting some unassigned cps at the left side and some showing bones in the left leg and a strange thing with the footcontroller. -Is this due to the problem with the mirrorbones-plugin? - Maybe I shouldnt have moved the right foot controller null to the middle of the right foot in the front view before installing? Also I wanted to add some bones for the "headtail" with dynamic constraint. These bones strangly disappeared during the installation process. When will be the right time to add these? I enclose the model in three different states and some pictures to illustrate the issues. Thank`s a lot for your help. SimpleRigManD_ST1_R08_15_261108.mdl SimpleRigManD_ST2_R08_15_261108.mdl SimpleRigManD_ST3_R08_15_261108.mdl
  11. Hi Mark, Thank you for that great rig. I am starting my own thread, where I try to rig my Simplerigman with 2008 rig following your instructions. ;>) Jake
  12. Hi Elm, >I made the candles look ssscattered in After effects by composing these passes pretty experimentally... to import into aftereffects? Great work, hope you will be able to do some feature or tv-length work in that style once! ;>) Jake
  13. Very nice designs, very nice modeling, looks like a fun project! Seems there are more and more interesting projects like yours and like largentos for instance and some other people pouring out lately, that cover not just one aspect of AM like modeling but are real small animation-projects. Very encouraging. You can use this peacemaker of mine, if you like. ;>) Jake RevolverBig15_310805.mdl
  14. Excellent, You really learned a lot of the different sections of AM in a very short time. Most users are stuck to modeling for the first few years ( like myself )
  15. > With the TSM rig, your best bet is to setup your fan bones and fan constraints AFTER the flipper plugin and BEFORE you run the rigger plugin. I'm not sure when you are trying to do this, I haven't read all your posts or your PDF. some double right leg and right arm bones with the left instead of right in there names after running the mirrorbones plugin. So I thought it would be correct to use the flipper before mirrorbones. Well, maybe something else went wrong, I am going to continue my experimenting on Monday. (Maybe Steffen Gross will find some answers.) It`s done quite simple in Photoshop ( since its the app I know best ) with screenshots and sticked together with the free tool "pdfsam". It took me about one day to put together. Maybe this technique would be apropriate for your installation-tut as well? Well its not wink and not Camtasia and not very sophisticated at all, but does does what it should quite well, I think. Since I have a double-monitor setup, I can follow the tut on one monitor and work on the other. What do you think?
  16. David, I tried AM 13t also with no succsess. Which version do you use?
  17. probably the normals of these patches are pointing in the wrong direction. Choose > Tools > Options > Modeling > display normals then select these patches and flipp these normals by pressing the F key.
  18. -Hmm on my behalve "mirror constraints" is still not working. I "reinstalled" the plugin, have the relationshipwindow open, but still 001. I am on PC WinXP with AM 15d. Very strange, I send an e-mail to Steffen Gross, may be he has another idea. -David, you talked about "resetting the compensates of the shoulder and hip-cogs" Could you please shed some light on this topic: Why would this be necessary and how would this be done? -do you have any comments about my tutorial? Thanks a lot for your ongoing help! Jake
  19. David, I am a little bit frustrated. Reworked all the constraints you pointed me at. Deleted the wrist constraint and made it all new new according to my tutorial. But still mirror constraints is not working on my model. Maybe you have any further idea? I would very much like to finish this workshop succsessfully. Maybe is it , that I made the fanbones invisible like Caroline suggested? I enclose the modell in two different stages. SimpleRigMan15D_TSM_St1_291008.mdl SimpleRigMan15D_TSM_St3_291008.mdl
  20. with the consent of Caroline I am posting a "beta-version" of a fanbones-and cog-joints-tutorial for TSM2 charas here as a supplement to Carolines tut. Please have a look at it and tell me, if something is wrong or quirky. >The crashing problem appears to be caused by the "Error Loading String 4386..|right hand" on the "right wrist 1fan" and "right wrist 2fan" in the "Fanbones" Pose. Delete those and it should work. I would like to incorporate this into the tut, so everybody would be able to handle this problems by themselves. If I get everything working smoothly I would like to post my simplerigman in several steps as well. Would this be better in a different thread? ;>) Jake (Just corrected one minor mistake) FanbonesForTSM2.pdf
  21. >There are bones on the right side with "left" in their name, that might be the problem. Hope that helps. But now I thought I have the perfect model, metiouscoly controlling every step, even deleting the eyepointer null again, thinking maybe canot mirror its constraint. still the mirror constrain not working. I am stuck now. Maybe you could take a look at my model in this state again, to see what`s wrong? SimpleRigMan15D_TSM_St2b_241008.mdl
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