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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. Maybe there is something broken with model internal lights in 15f? Whenever I save some lights with my model and reopen it later after restarting AM all the light(bones ) are just gone. Can somebody test this also to doublecheck if I am not the only one, please.
  2. Seems everybody is avoiding this topic, leads me to the conclusion, that it is very difficult to handle. I have never seen a convincing example of some carlights in this forum also. Maybe because all the carproducers around here are just doing stills and no animation. Maybe it was the control/click copying of the lightbones inside the model that caused the trouble? I will return and build the different lights externally from the model and then draging it on top of the model one by one as a workaround. Lets see , if that makes a difference. (If its a known "critter", please tell me, so I could fill in a report.)
  3. sorry , I meant control /click
  4. Seems I have been happy too early. While copying(dublicating) the backlights(bones) for some directionallights(bones) with control click, afterwards I tried to switch just this conesize, but couldn`t find its property any more, simply vanished. Then restarted AM , property there again, switched it from 60 to 80 and my rendering went ballony. Seems to have switched all the conesizes at the same time, though its not telling it.. and the rendertimes went through the roof. So is this some kind of known sturdiness in this field or am I simply doing things wrong in the handling? Am I not meant to be able to alter the conesizes after dublicating alightbone with control/click?
  5. >it allmost looks like thats where the ground intersecs the light from the cameras point of view after some more fumbling around, I guess I managed to achieve some convincing carlights? Critics welcome-
  6. Must be still something else...
  7. >You may want to first experiment with a plain white ball. Then, when you are comfortable with the process and all the available options, use more complex models with reflections and textures and stuff. Fuchur, now I can see a difference, you were right. A looks better to me HDRITestA.mov HDRITestB.mov
  8. Did some experimantation with Image based ligthing and an HDRI picture along the line of Stians Tutorial. Managed to get an effect from the enviroment map on the big sphere to be visible on the vehicles. But what amazes me is: There is no visible difference, when in the chor properties I additionally activate the HDRI image or if I keep the default set to no picture at all. ( See pictures A and B ) So, what does the property there do? building_probe.zip
  9. I am trying to build some headlights for a car. But I cant seem to get it right. I get some strange kind of "offset dublication" and a very sharp edge at the end of the cone. (see pictures) multipass 5 passes Any ideas, how I can get rid of that? Any good example of a headlight and backlight somebody could post? And also, whatfor is the lightwindow that opens up, when clicking a light object in the PWS? It only seems to stay all black for me. Headlightsettings.bmp
  10. Seems to be the same issue like in the teddy bear thread...
  11. >I've never played around with HDRI - don't need it for Image based lighting. I don't know how it would impact IBL. It would be great if you ran some tests - and then tell us what your conclusion is. No visible difference at all. So I must be doing something wrong...I guess. Will continue tests next week....
  12. >Simple trick for you to try is to use expand property triangle for chor - choose Global Ambiance type=Global color=white - just try it! - it's so simple - play with the Ambiance intensity (AI) to 50-75% (if you leave your other lights in) and leave Ambiance Occlusion = 0%. Play with the color, play with using an image instead for lighting (eg use a blue image for night time) . Another trick for just isolating characters from their background is to create a "fake rim light" material - a gradient material that has an ambiance color, set in the second attribute only - drop this material on your character (whole character) - and see how it gets highlighted...(this trick courtesy of Holmes , courtesy of Matt Campbell) - play with the edge threshold, and ambiant color, intensity. Invaluable hints! Just followed your advice and started to play around with these options and it opened a whole new world to me. (Though AM tended to get a bit touchyon me, probably because I wasn`t really knowing, what I was doing..... Thanks a lot! Does the Image have to be HDRI to influence anything else but the color? Why leave Ambient Oclusion alone? Just because of rendertimes?
  13. Ha, Ha very good and funny and somehow true. Very nice cinematic as well!
  14. Hi Nancy, Thanks for your help. Managed to use a material effector boxshaped to make that red zack line in the chart visible one by one. (This little animation is for some animated icons for a pdf-presentation presenting some coaching guys work.) ManniMan_Unternehmer_Sor3_200.mov
  15. I am trying to use a material effector with a transparent material to make a part of a modell invisible in a chor and can`t get it to work. Does anybody by chance have an example project or mini tut for this matter?
  16. >Well after a ton of work Great result. How much time do you estimate, went into this? I guess, it`s no harsh critic from me, when I say, that your work could still be improved quite a lot with some more effort put into the texturing and ligthing section. I admire how fast and dedicated you are getting a hold of A:M and animating. Keep up your good work ;>) Jake
  17. >Jake- I agree it's hard to assemble sets in actions, I also prefer to assemble in chors.
  18. Thanks Nancy, but what is the advantage over puting it together in a chor and saving that chor? I find it kind of clumsy to move objects around in an action...
  19. >Theres a good tut for this Attached File(s) FLATTEN_TUTORIAL.zip ( 4.67mb ) Number of downloads: 6 All went well... until I tried to copy/pastedmirrored the muscle cps (corrected overlaping) Nothing is happeneing. it just want change the other side. My model is symetrical,I tested it with mirrormode on and draging around one half of the face. Does anybody have an idea, what I can be possibly be doing wrong? I am on PC with 15f (Don`t want to kidnap this thread, but I think everything else is said here already, right?)
  20. Looks good so far. Dumb newbie question maybe: How do you get these Action Objects? Do you put together the scene in a chor and export as action?
  21. I would recomend a nonexpensive Videoprogram like Magix Video deluxe for postproduction: http://www.magix.com/de/video-deluxe/?part...main_100clc_mep for simple cuting you could use Quicktime pro.
  22. Sometimes when I try to readopt the timelineview to the keyframes that exist, I find that a negative timeline shows up also. What is the use of that negative timeline?
  23. This is from Anzovin, Since they no longer sell it, I guess it`s o.k. to post it here. QuadrupedManipulation.zip
  24. >Alot of times I make my faces assymetrical on purpose. but I understand what your saying. Thank you! for example if you paste/mirror keyframes with muscleinfo ) and to model the assymetry in a pose, so that you can activate your "final" look with a poseslider or an on/off switch. To questions related to pose handling read my late threads in the Newbie section. Jake
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