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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. I did some more testrendering for a project of mine. Format Full HD with quite a few big models in it with shadow, reflections, toonrender on. I know I should use singlefile format, but just for a general test , if it would work at all, I choose Quicktime with high quality. So what happens with my scenes they render quite o.k. with times from 5 to 15 minutes till all of a sudden from one frame to another the rendertime rise exceptionally to 40 minutes or higher, seems like it is stalled somehow. Can I forget and quit this now or does it make sense to show some more patience? What might be the reason? Not enough ram maybe? Would this happen with tga or png also? (I could quit there and start from that problemframe anew) Any ideas and expieriences somebody?
  2. nice design. what do you plan to do with him?
  3. Wow, that raven looks excellent as well!!!
  4. I would say, it`s for once some good cheap advertising for AM (as long as it`s not cracked) but misleading to the customers on the other hand since it`s no demo really. Maybe they didn`t do this on purpose but just out of carelessness though.....
  5. There is no demoversion. That is a websubscription (valid one year ) you will have to buy in the hash onlie store...
  6. WOW!!! Oustanding. ( Especially the guy with the torch looks quite photorealistic! ;>) ) Great work, there is something strange with the left eye though..........
  7. Neat design, very smooth good animation looking forward to a great short!
  8. Very nice character, cool reminder of the looks of Mr CK aka SM..
  9. What would possibly be the best and least rendertimeexpensive way to create a rocket engines jetstream matching the TOON WITH FALLOFF? style? (I am experimenting with some glowing transparent shapes at the moment.) Lensflare,streaks maybe? Has anybody by chance final working examples for this topic? Any FX matching with toonshading would be great...
  10. Very nicely done. Could you please add a bit more detailed step by step information about how this is done? (no videotut necesarrily ;>))
  11. >Here's a quick prop I threw together today for the next couple of strips I'm working on. The idea of this was part of the original animated story McCrary and I worked on. This is the Indescribable Treasure of the Coconut King. Big thanks to the MatCap shader. Really makes the gold look cool. Reduced 80% 1280 x 960 (355.53k) Very good stylized and unique and interesting! Especially love this treasurechest.
  12. I read some place, that when you use let`s say 3 instances of AM to render a scene you can put the first instance to render every 1, next every second, third every third frame. Somehow it escapes me, what the great advantage of this procedure would be compared to leting the first render the first 50 frames, the second the next 50 and the third the last fifty. Is there any advantage and if what is it?
  13. I cannot detect any difference between " toon with falloff" and "toon with multiple lights" tested in a chor with the default chor lights and some toonmodels. So what is the difference supposed to look like?
  14. Is there a way to scale a light bigger especially the bone in order to get a better grip and handling on it in big chors
  15. That would be my presumption as well. When your file info indicates more then 15000 patches for one model, the handling is usually like you expierience it at the moment. Just drag one cp around and see , if you have involuntarily duplicated you model (maybe several times). maybw post your mdl file here for further investigation....
  16. Well so many new entrants in such a short time a little bit odd, if not trollic maybe?
  17. Looks great! The zoom isn`t working yet, I presume? Else everything is working perfectly smooth and fast. Even the loading time was not that bad....
  18. Very funny from the perspective of today is his view on the gaming industry. Very interesting interview!
  19. no, the meshdensity....
  20. Hi Steve, great improvements. Here is what I feel still could be improved: -What I did notice , is some strange "snaping" in the knees , when they change direction. -From front view, I would also rotate the pelvisbone a bit right/left up/down when the feet hit the ground to take away some stiffness from the movement. -The feet slip a bit left/right from front view as well.
  21. I wonder if it would be a good way to use a spriteemiter doing leafs for a tree and then just "freezing" it, so that you get a tree with many leafs usable for more distant trees. Does anybody ever used this or has any ecxpierience with that? Just asking, if it makes sense to investigate into that direction....
  22. Thank you! Great work!
  23. >For you and any others that the video may not work. This link should work for everyone. CLICK HERE Don`t want to loose it, because I still have the proversion on this.
  24. Its`about copyright between google and the Gemma (musicrightsdeputation)
  25. Can`t see it, because you obviously used some music that you tube has blocked for my country.....
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