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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by ChrisThom

  1. It kind of looks like one of those lizard guys from the original Star Trek series.
  2. Ditto on the zipper joke. It took me a minute to get it too. Very good though even though I thought the last pose was a bit suggestive (YIKES!!!) What program did you assemble the animatic in?
  3. Wow, very nice. What's the history of this image? When, How, Why, etc?
  4. Very nice. The only thing that I noticed is that towards the end of the ani his right foot travels through the landing pad. All in all very good job.
  5. I was about to say the exact same thing. Even with my cable modem this page loads SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! You could set up a batch automation that would reduce all these in just a few seconds. I'd be glad to help if you like.
  6. Since your going to fill it with water I assume that you're going to make the bottle partially transparent. In that case make sure you give it an inner wall or else the bottle will be paper thin and look a bit weird (a.k.a. - fake).
  7. OK, let's dispence with all the obvious jokes right off the bat. - Got Milk? Why, yes you do! - Hey baby, nice jug!!
  8. OK, maybe I'm a dope but I didn't know that holding down the SHIFT key while adding a point will not effect the other splines. Wow, that would have saved me a lot of hassle. You know, I should actually read some of the things on this site a little more instead of just glancing at them.
  9. There's actually a couple of clips from CQ on the FTP site. From doing a couple of Google searches it looks like it was either developed by or for the 3DO platform but I'm pretty sure the company's not around any more.
  10. This is great!! OK, here's a serious question. Victor, have you ever considered putting out some instructional materials like Jeff Lew and others have? I know that you've done an article about the making of Alien Song but it would be cool to have something really detailed with video. Just looking at your stuff I think that many of us could learn so much from you. I know that you probably don't have much time, what with everything going on at Pixar but maybe just think about it. BTW, congrats & blessings on you and the new bambino on the way.
  11. Here's a little project I thought would be fun to knock out but which soon turn into a lesson on the proper use of the Bias controls for the logo's flames. I definately feel like I learned how to control/unerstand them a little better because of this.
  12. Ken, Thanx for getting this stuff up on the FTP site. It's so great to be able to see these older pieces again. I really liked the Today show clip I just wished that they could have plugged you guys a bit too. Oh well. Thanx again.
  13. Not bad. Some of the camera and starship moves at the beginning seemed a bit jerky but all in all very nice. Did you hand model everything or use models from other sources?
  14. I'm a bit unclear on what you're trying to do and what the problem is. Are you trying to have the 2 objects merge together? If so, you have to manually sew the splines together. A:M does not do Metablobs or whatever some of the other 3D programs call that function.
  15. Very cool. I was also impressed with the water splash you have on your site. Any insights on how that was done?
  16. Was that 2 minutes and 32 seconds or 2 hours and 32 minutes?
  17. That's awesome!! I look forward to seeing those again. There was definately some imaginative stuff going on then (not that there isn't now). I can't wait to see the "HammerTime" video too.
  18. I'm tapping into the old caverns of the brain and I think I remember there being a demo movie out there that was on one of the original A:M demo reels called "Blocks" or "marbles" or something like that. It was a movie that had a bunch of marbles riding down roller coaster tracks the a block trying to do the same and smashing through a wall. Does this ring a bell with anyone and if so where could that be found? Thanx
  19. Has anyone ever seen or know what became of the completed project? All I have ever seen is the trailer which looks incredible but I wasn't sure if the whole picture was ever completed.
  20. Very nice though I think that Vader could stand to gain some weight. His arms seem a bit boney. Not what I would expect form someone who's supposed be pretty menacing.
  21. Very nice. I would check your reference for the logo on the black costume. This may not be the best reference out there but it may help you.http://actionfiguresbygofigure.com/media/b...an(classic).jpg
  22. Well first off, when you have anything with monkeys in it you already have a winner on your hands. Plus the fact that your daughter is adorable doesn't hurt things.
  23. I was just thinking back about shows I used to love as a kid and remembered the Shogun Warriors. So after I did some research, I decided to model one. Let me know what you think.
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