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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. Concept drawing, took about 20 minutes to do. Posed the 3d models and then added battle damage.
  2. As promised guys, here's the series' main protagonist, Tyler. Seeing this guy in 3D after only seeing him in my drawing books for so long is kind of a big deal for me. He was the first thing I tried to model in A:M way back in March 2007 (That was a disaster)
  3. Okay as far as I can tell Amy is ready to roll. Next up Tyler.
  4. Neither does my wife, everytime she walks into my office she says "What's going on with her pants" and now you've got me wondering the same thing. I've tried making half-tones in photoshop before with very mixed results. I hear there's a program called Manga studio that does tones really easily so I might look into that.
  5. And so having finished the base model I can adjust it to her body type and dress it and we have Amy with a body. Once she's rigged I can pose her any way I need.
  6. Ladies and gents allow me to introduce. Base girl A base around which female characters will be built. limbs and proportions can easily be shifted to create different looks but essentially they'll be built around this model. It's a heck of a lot faster than creating a whole new body for every character and once they have different hair, facial features, clothes and proportions you'll probably not be able to tell that they were created around the same model. I'll make a base guy next.
  7. I betcha that would look really nice as those Christmas garland decorations that you string across the ceiling
  8. 2 splines! old hair where have you been all my life......hang on that just sounds wrong somehow......classic hair that's what we'll call it.
  9. The Elite Force is a team assembled by the U.E.G (United Earth Government) to combat threats that would otherwise be outside of the scope of the U.E.D.F (United Earth Defense Forces) or to carry out clandestine missions that the U.E.G council want to keep quiet. Each team member was recruited due to them each possessing abilities beyond those of a normal human being. Be they of a natural origin or abilities that the individual has gained through some kind of physical augmentation. But no it`s got nothing to do with Star Trek, the 'Elite Force' sub title really came out of necessity. Parallel Worlds was the story`s original title but as the concept developed I realized that i had a lot of ideas that explored different themes and while they all took place within the same universe they couldn't all be one story. So I split them into different stories 'Elite Force', 'K-8' and 'M.I.A'.
  10. Hello! Being as though I've put Epic Gamin' on hiatus, not cancelled, it's just a copyright mine field that I don't have the time, money or inclination to wade through. I've decided to make a whole new topic for my shiny new project and when I say shiny and new I mean for you guys, for me this project has been on going since 1999. I won't bore you with the details (unless someone asks), but needless to say the plot and characters of the story I intend to tell have been around for a long time. I mentioned over on Dan's Epic Gamin' stuff that I'm moving into motion comics and as I've been flirting with the Anime art style for years I decided to go with that style for Parallel Worlds: Elite Force. Below is the first step toward making this new show a reality. Her name is Amy and while she may be cute...Well lets just say looks can be deceiving. To make production quicker, the only parts of the comic that will be hand drawn are the eyes and mouth. Everything else will be modeled in 3D and posed in A:M, exported to Photoshop and finished off.
  11. That's fixed it, cheers Rodney. I'd already tried deleting the ground, but putting a chunk of geometry behind seems to have done the trick. Now I can get back to styling that mop I dumped on her head.
  12. Morning all, Been working on a new project and have run into an an odd problem. So quick (hopefully) question. Does anyone know what might be causing this? It's like toon render just gets bored when it gets to the top of her head and stops. (Note: that's not final hair or anything I'm just testing)
  13. Hello!! It's 2013, the kids are back at school which means it's time for Dan to get back to work. A while back (about a year) I was discussing motion comics on the forums here and have been playing with the idea ever since. Anyway I've decided to take the plunge and try making one. The primary reason is that the 5 minute Christmas episode took a heck of a long time to render and the general video watching populous of the internet have short attention spans so you need to have consistent releases to keep their attention. I cant afford to spend a couple of months animating and rendering an episode and then have nothing new for another 2 months. Anyway I just got through making a little test frame and I think it looks kinda nice so I figured why not post it. Also it kinda looks like a screen shot of a video game and oh how I wish it was!
  14. Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages! It's finally here, the Ace.Co Entertainment Christmas special has landed and there's a link to it below. http://blip.tv/aceco/ace-co-entertainment-...al-2012-6488297 It's been a journey getting this one done, so I really hope you all enjoy it. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and here's to more stuff in 2013!
  15. That is possibly the funniest thing I've seen all year and with only 3 days left to go before the end of the year I doubt it will be dethroned. Also how awesome would it be if this were an actual version of chess? Minus the pissing maybe
  16. Is the global tab there when you go into options?
  17. Certainly does Robert. To fix the background/foreground syncing problems I rendered the whole thing all at once and his head went all jiggly again. But I saved over those frames with the finished ones. It's not a huge deal I just thought you guys would get a giggle out of it.
  18. It's the first time it's ever happened to me and only happened at that one particular spot. but it's the same choreography and same instance of Tech for the entire scene. I double checked the timeline for the head bone and it's keyed at one position at the start of the cycle and turned slightly at the end of the cycle (Because he's looking at Game as he walks over). When I rendered that segment with A:M's built in render system it renders fine. But Like I said loading that exact same file into Net Render caused his head to practically shake off his shoulders. In Fact I couldn't wait to show you guys. If you're drinking anything I suggest putting it down lest you snort it through your nose. shake_what_your_designer_gave_ya.mov On the right we have the correct render and on the left we have Tech looking like he's not had his cocaine in a while
  19. That looks mint Gene. Is that all A:M or Some After Effects?
  20. definitely wasted Rodney. After I'm done with the Christmas ep I'm gonna post Netrender's interpretation of the segment of animation I'm talking about. It's a seemingly simple shot of Tech walking over to Game. But even though his head bone was not animated or set to be a dynamic constraint. Netrender decided to move the bone at random anyway and it looks like Tech has Parkinson's disease. But in my experience, the easiest way to get fast render times is to avoid particle hair wherever possible. Unless you have your own render farm that can do a whole whack of frames all at once. My i5 processor only has 4 cores and 4 frames every 15 to 20 minutes on a render longer than a few seconds takes forrrrrrrever to finish.
  21. But also be mindful that if you change something in the choreography (say move the camera later on in the timeline) in between rendering the foreground and the background. That those changes don't have an unforeseen impact on the earlier section. I lost a whole bunch of time earlier in the project when I rendered the characters and the background/foreground independently. Did some more work on a later segment thinking the earlier part was done with. Discovered an issue in the earlier segment and then the re-render didn't match up properly. Sorry if that is a bit hard to follow.
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