sprockets The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D New Radiosity render of 2004 animation with PRJ. Will Sutton's TAR knocks some heads!
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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. Not a girl (hopefully obvious by this point) but I say some of those things all the time. Especially the "I'm not watching it I'm listening to it while I work".
  2. Hey Mark, I love what you've been doing on with the 3D puppets. That's what Tech was supposed to be when I made him for Epic Gamin, but you've totally nailed the movement style and mannerisms. Also a comic is a great idea coz you could sell it separately as the graphic novel of the film. I can't make it to Dallas but good luck with the Con.
  3. Thanks for the feedback Rodney, I have no problem with and welcome constructive criticism. You should definitely check out chapter 4. As you can probably guess having listened to chapter 5 there's a death scene in that chapter and based on some of the feedback I've got from other places it worked out exactly how I planned it to. As for wandering, I'd say Max is somewhat of an unfocused person, right in the first chapter he reveals that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life. But that will change as the story progresses, let's just say he has a lot left to go through before he comes out the other side...If he comes out at all. As far as actual writing goes I'll take your feedback on board and do my best not to meander. I'm probably wrong but I don't think anyone else is doing what I'm doing. I've found written stories people have released chapter by chapter and I've seen people recording short stories as audio that tell an entire story in one go. But I haven't found anyone else doing an episodic audiobook. At least not on the internet, I know there are audiobook specific radio shows. Plus most audiobooks don't have music and sound effects it's probably closer to the old style radio plays that the BBC did before TV. Much in the same way as some things that happen in a book don't translate well visually, that's probably true audibly. Do I need to say "There was a loud bang," if I'm going to put in a sound effect? Or do I just play the sound and write the reaction. I'm sure I'll refine the style as I go along. For now though I'm just grateful that there are people like you and the others around here and elsewhere online that give my stuff a fair chance without immediately tearing it to pieces and writing it off as 'shit' and 'pathetic'.
  4. I got sidetracked with being hated on (http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=45855&hl=) and almost forgot to mention there's a new Breckridge available for viewing/listening to, for anyone who's interested. http://blip.tv/aceco/chapter-5-6717747 Dan
  5. That's gonna be a hell of wide image vs height. How much extra room on either side of a shot do you need? That's either gonna make everyone look too wide if it's just stretching the image to fit or leave masses of space on either side of the centre of the shot. Would be nice for a panoramic view of a landscape but what's the point otherwise. I don't need to see the rest of coffee shop Bruce Willis is in to know he's in one.
  6. Not sure how I've never seen this before but that's a damn pretty looking room.
  7. Hats off to you Rodney. I just looked at an example script for Pygame and my brain crashed. I'll either be making the game in Multimedia fusion 2 or Game Maker pro. They both offer a very visual interface for programming. Things like "collision between X and Y - destroy Y. I find programming very difficult to wrap my head around. It's hard enough remembering all the terms but then you have to make sure you've written it exactly or the whole thing will fail. I remember getting an Amstrad Notebook word processor for christmas one year and it had the ability to let you program using BASIC. I spent hours copying an example from the book it came with to make a clock appear on the screen and when I was done.... "Syntax Error".
  8. I recently finished work on a new character called Reiko Isn't she cute? She'll be starring in my new video game project. I haven't made any firm decisions other than it'll be a heavily story driven adventure/puzzle game with 8 directional movement. Over the last couple of days I've been working on getting some basic things organised. Such as Reiko herself being controllable and her being able to walk around objects. Below is a quick video of what I've got done so far. Sequence_01.mov
  9. It kinda doesn't look like I've mentioned it on here, but as well as Breckridge I've also been doing Parallel Worlds as an audiobook. Episode 1 - Pleasant Dreams can be seen here - http://blip.tv/aceco/parallel-worlds-episo...diobook-6644462 and Episode 2 - The Screams of the Void is here - http://blip.tv/aceco/parallel-worlds-ep2-6714137 PW will eventually get the fancy intro treatment like Breckridge did but right now the focus is getting the story established. Those of you that read the first 2 chapters I posted here a while ago will probs notice that episode 2 finishes about half way through the second chapter. This is due to the fact I'm splitting them up because I don't like releasing 30 minute long videos. Anyway hope they appeal to some of you and lemme know what you think.
  10. Thanks John and Kathryn Happy to announce that Chapter 4 is now available to view (Well listen to I guess for the most part) at http://blip.tv/aceco/chapter-4-6712496. As I mentioned before, this episode was recorded using a recording box so hopefully the audio quality will be better. Thanks for watching if you decide to. This chapter was one of my favourites to write and to record so far. Dan
  11. Hey guys Breckridge update time. Just finished the new intro so thought I'd post it. Episode 4 is recorded (with a recording box as per Tony's suggestion) and will be out soon. New_intro.mov
  12. Nice one Karen and a Happy Christmas to you too.
  13. Thanks Robert, she was supposed to be the co-host of Epic Gamin' but I made her about 3 years too late.
  14. Ho ho ho guys, it's Christmas episode time again and year it's on time! A:M wise we have Tech, Gwen, Game and a whole new Christmas themed short starring Ace, the Ace.Co mascot. http://blip.tv/aceco/full-episode-6702486 This year the team checks out a 1994 SNES game called Daze before Christmas, educates the world on the European legend of Krampus, throw in some 2D cartoon goodness and Game tries to make something 'a thing'. Had a lot of fun making this one. Dan
  15. Hey thanks Tony! Definitely seems worth a try.
  16. In my home home office, it's by no means a professional recording space. Just my USB mic hooked up to my laptop on a tripod in front of me. Plus aside from normalizing and noise removal ( not that there's a ton of noise, my mic is pretty good where that's concerned). I'm not a pro when it comes to audio.
  17. Thanks Kathryn, very kind of you Been toying around with a new intro for the Breckridge Audiobook. Built the sealed corridor along with a stormy set and made the sequence below. Sorry it's so low res, Don't wanna render it out in HD until I'm totally happy with it. lightning_flash_test.mov Still tweaking and sound to add but there's always something else to do right Dan
  18. Annie and I would like to thank all of the Hash community for your continued support.
  19. Annie's pretty much done, just need to rig her fingers and eyes/lids and toy with making her transparent. Really happy with how her top turned out. Thanks Nancy by the way coming from you that's high praise.
  20. Hey guys. It's been a while since I've posted something that's actually model based. So here's my work in process model of Annie Johnson, a key character from Breckridge. Whether she's friend of foe I'll leave you to surmise. But in case you're wondering, yes she's very much dead.
  21. Breckridge episode 3 is up on blip.tv http://blip.tv/aceco/breckridge-by-dan-ske...apter-3-6687775 For anyone who's interested.
  22. Hey Simon, yeah so long as it's stopping after the logo has finished and the chapter number has been displayed then it's meant to do that. I'll add more visual elements as and when I get them done. Currently sketching out designs for the central ghost character. The shadow in the window is meant to represent her but at the moment its a stand in. It's actually a 75% transparent model of an anime character called Mikuru Asahina made completely black to hide the fact that the model is a mess of tri poly's and then the arms quickly rigged to get her out of the T-pose. I'll replace her with the actual character when I've built her.
  23. I use an M-Audio Vocal Studio USB Mic. Then clean up in Audacity.
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