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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. Hey guys, If any of you that like what I do on here have facebook, do me a favor and like the Ace.co Entertainment page. I need at least 19 more likes before I can view stats for the page and seeing them would be really useful for me. the address is www.facebook.com/acecoentertainment You can also follow the show on twitter @epic_gamin Thanks for your support!
  2. In the first season of Epic Gaming something happened that had ramifications beyond our world. A story began but was ultimately left unfinished. In November the rest of that story will be told as we pay tribute to a legend. Think you might know what I'm talking about? Let me know below!
  3. Thanks Rodney, It's good to hear that someone likes the show. You're right about the idea of gaming show for none gamers. I've always (especially since Simon quit) tried to make the show accessible for everyone. I try and make the skits as universally appealing as possible and keep the humor at a point that wont alienate non-gamers. That's also why I cut out all the swearing and tend to review games everyone can enjoy. Oh and I mentioned earlier that the set was nearly done.... ta da! Rendered in glorious 1080p HD (Which is also what the new series will be filmed in). Changed the color scheme to fit with the new logo, made the whole thing look more sci-fi with the suspension chamber on the right, complete with floating E.G Logo (Which will be animated in the show) and more video gamey with the giant Joystick sculpture.
  4. So I've been away for a while busy working on stuff and most recently spent the weekend in Hospital (turns out I'm diabetic, who knew). Anyway I recently finished a new intro for the show so I figured I'd post it here. I'm also working on a new set for the new season which I hope to unveil soon. new_intro.mov The new theme tune is made by me so I don't need to worry about someone complaining that they've heard it before so that's a bonus.
  5. Ladies and Gents it's announcement time again. I've been away in England visiting family (for the first time in 3 years) and it's been great. While I've been here, Epic Gamin' has enjoyed a large jump in viewership over on Blip.tv and so it would be silly of me not to bring the show out of retirement and make season 2. So expect more E.G goodness in the near future.
  6. Just quickly rough sketched this to give you an idea of what I meant. If it's a single alien it won't need a big ship with lots of controls. I left a corridor in the back to give the idea there's more ship beyond. but again if it's just one alien it wouldn't need a huge ship. Maybe just a bridge and some sleeping quarters.
  7. Looking at the model I'd go for something high tech looking but minimalist. Purple light strips might look pretty neat to.
  8. Rodney, PW is still very much my main focus (In fact I'm taking a break from one of the panels to reply) but moving forward I want A.C.E (see even the acronym is ace ) to appeal to a broad audience and not be a one trick pony. The plan is to build Ace.Co as a brand with its own original programming but eventually bring in outside talent under the umbrella. Although I admit that's a long way off. Robert, no I wasn't the mole, I was a wolf called Zach. He's in the first comic with the Barry the Ram and Koby the panther. The mole was based off the stores produce manager. Her real life counterpart was a small woman who thought she was the best produce manager in the history of produce managers. The only problem being that she was awful at culling her department and so there was always rotten things on the shelves. The joke became that she was blind so I incorporated that into her character. Moles are petty much blind when they're not underground and they're small rodent creatures so they were an obvious choice. I also made it so her character actually had glasses that made her eyes look huge because the prescription was so strong.
  9. Hey guys A couple of years back (before I lost my job as bakery manager) I made a comic starring anthropomorphic animals in a grocery store environment and based loosely on life at the shop I worked at. Being promoted to manager seriously limited my time and the comic ended up sidelined, recently though I've been thinking about the characters and situations I'd planned and I'm thinking about adapting it to be a web show. The format will be a fly on the wall documentary/reality style with staff interviews. Characters include a produce manager mole who is practically blind, a womanizing panther, the store owner who is a ram, the store manager who is a white tiger. A big dumb brown bear that works in the deli, A cowboy cockerel who owns a paper bag company, a marathon running homing pigeon and a boy scout troupe who happen to be a swarm of bees. To name a few Below are a couple of the comics I made back then to give you a feel of some of the characters. Obviously this a side project to Parallel Worlds, but that's a very serious show and this a comedy.
  10. Unless I'm missing the point, don't you select the group in PWS and the Hold Alt while you click on individual CP's or Patches if you have patch select active?
  11. Happy B'day Holmes. Hope you have a great day
  12. Spot on Rodney, Next job is to tart it up in photoshop. Add more definition to the lines in places, I think I'm gonna darken up the grey areas on the car.
  13. Nearly finished working on Pleasant Dreams Cemetery for the opening scene of PW. Figured I'd post it in it's current none edited form.
  14. I honestly kinda like the little animation things. My favorite is the little red dragon that blows a little puff of fire then grins at the camera.
  15. I know E.G.A is supposed to be on the back burner. But I just wanted to post these renders I made before the decision was made to move on to Parallel Worlds. They're all for the prologue of E.G.A, Sonic is taking a nap under a palm tree when he is awoken by a messenger drone inviting him to Dr. Robotnik's fortress. It's an invite he cannot refuse because Eggman has captured Sonic's friend Tails. He angrily sets off to confront the doctor and save Tails.....but not all is as it seems. I really wish I could continue with this story. Maybe one day
  16. Hi everyone, As you may have noticed Ace.Co Entertainment has been given its own special topic section. To even be considered for one of these would have been a great honor in itself, so to actually be given one is amazing. So I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who was involved with the decision and promise that I'll work my ass off to keep this area maintained and interesting. Thanks again Dan
  17. Lookin' nice Will, looking forward to some action packed fight scenes
  18. She's definitely smoother than she was before Simon. P.S I didn't mean any criticism with my previous comment. I just meant the guys had a spring in his step.
  19. That guy has definitely got the funk.
  20. Probably a monitor calibration discrepancy. The monitor on my laptop died months ago following a tumble off a table and since then I've had it hooked up to a 29" LCD. He looks very dark grey on my screen with lighter grey patterns. i'll try tinkering with the monitor settings but if I remember I turned the brightness up on mine a while back to make it easier to see. Just restored my graphics settings to default and it seems I did have my brightness set higher. I see Rob and nancy's point about how black shadow looks, I'll adjust him
  21. He is mostly black, but his chest fur is dark red and his body is covered in dark grey tribal patterns.
  22. PW:EF continues to roll and it's time to introduce a new character. But before that a little history In the picture above of the main PW cast from way back in 2002, it's hard not to notice especially for those of you that have followed my stuff. That one of the characters bares more than a passing resemblance to another of my characters. This is because Tech started life as a life size stuffed toy replica of this character who's name is Shadow. When it became time to make the puppet Tech for Epic Gamin' I didn't have the money to buy new materials to make him. So I sacrificed Shadows' body and used it's material to add a mouth flap and eye rig turning him into Tech. So the character needed re-imagining for the motion comic and after rummaging through my old sketch books I found a pencil drawing I'd done of the original Shadow covered in tribal markings and incorporated that into new Shadow's design. So without further ado. This is Tyler's guardian and most loyal friend Shadow. fixmaybe.bmp
  23. Hi Rich, I think the biggest issue with the background vs foreground is the textures (Decals). Planar application has this tendency of looking great from the angle you applied it and then awful from another angle because the decal has gotten stretched and blurred. The best way I've found to combat this is go into say front view and hide any patches that aren't facing right at you. Apply the decal. Then switch to another view and repeat the process until the whole thing is covered. On a complex shape this usually works best if your decal isn't a uniform pattern. The proper way to do this though is to "unfold" the object and texture it as a 2D shape. If you search 'flatten tutorial' in the search box you should find a good tutorial by Jim Talbot Alternatively, you could tweak a dark tree rock texture to the colors you need and do it that way.
  24. Happy Birthday dude, hope you have a blast
  25. Nice one Mark. Those are the kinds of things kids remember forever. "Hey remember that year uncle Mark made the J'onn J'onz cake for me" Good times
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