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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. Yeah I know, it's just a pain to adjust each guide individually. When say all I want to do is add a little volume to the hair nearest the scalp. It'd be nice If I could run the brush over the Top CP in the line and it lift up that section. Not a big deal mind, was just something I was thinking about while I've been working on Gwen's new hair.
  2. does it bother anyone else that the hair 'brush' only affects the CP at the end of the guide hair?
  3. Not to worry guys I have a feeling the Chor is messed up anyway, It hangs my new system whenever I load it so I'll just scrap it. Not like I couldn't make that light set up again.
  4. Yeah I've got a chor saved separately as lightroom.chor, but say I use it in Episode 1.prj, When I import it into Episode 2.prj it has all the models from episode 1 in it still (Even though I saved the chor when it was empty) So I just wondered if there was some way of making it not do that and just be empty with the lights.
  5. I saw it a discussion somewhere the other day about saved choreography's transferring whatever is in them when you used it last to a new project when imported. I was just wondering if there was a way of turning off this 'feature'. I have a chor with a lighting set up I like but I'm getting tired of deleting characters from other project every time I want to use it. If it's not possible I'll make do but if it is I'd like to turn it off.
  6. Version 16a render time min:sec - 04:14 CPU Brand and model - Intel Corei5 Actual CPU speed in GHz - 3.0 how many cores A:M is using: Pass OS Windows 7 64bit
  7. Okay I know Rodney told me to steer clear of hair. But I've got a character who until just before Christmas was covered in the real thing. I just had to see what Tech 2.0 looked like with Fur added. I think it looks pretty sweet and it only took a couple of minutes to render so it's practical unlike my old PC which woulda taken 30 minutes (and that's being generous, it woulda more likely have crapped out and crashed). Anyway check him out. Oh and I know about the tuft of fur sticking out of his shirt
  8. Delete this post I can't figure out how
  9. Thanks for the tip Rodney, so hair and cloth effects etc aren't "expected" for your work to be considered above average?
  10. We'd been working with a short skit/intro/Game review/outro model for the last year. But due to the fact that new games are so expensive and that there are ton of videogame review shows already on the internet. I decided to shift the focus of the show away from the reviews and instead expand on the skit concept and make it into an ongoing plot.
  11. Hey guys, Sorry it's been a while since I posted anything, the truth of the matter is that I've taken on a job at the Niagara on the Lake Medical Center, scanning the backlog of documents and test results into the computer and then putting them onto the patients charts. It's tedious and a little soul destroying but it's only for a couple of months and I get paid for it (which is more than can be said for E.G lol). Anyway I've only got the evenings to work on the show now so that's why there hasn't been any word from me or updates. Today though I was able to sit down and finish off the other major antagonist for the new Season. Bowser, the Koopa King himself. He's the first model that's been made mostly on my new machine and i've experimented with using hair. I was gonna use Hair to make his scales and then I found the Darktree Dino Skin and thought it looked pretty nice. Anyway Hope you like him.
  12. I'm not in entirely the same boat but the results are similar. I lost my job due to some mental health issues and was unable to find another job (a. because there's no work out there right now and b. because no one wants to hire a guy who's been fired over his mental health) So I decided to do something I love doing and the Epic Gamin' webshow was born. Like Roger said it's difficult to get a fan base going, but if your stuff is good then people will watch it. E.G's viewership has been rising steadily over the past few months and I envision things will improve greatly this year. The downside is that until the show starts making serious money (I've made some money just not a lot) then our household has effectively one income. I've been extremely lucky in that my wife has complete faith in my ability to make this venture work, but if I'd been on my own there'd have just been no way. Also due to the 1 income situation we have no money for luxuries. We can't just go to the store and buy a new DVD or Game etc without thinking about it. It's hard and very frustrating at times. So what am I saying here? Well following your dreams is awesome, I enjoy doing what I do every single day. But without my wife the dream would be a nightmare. Sadly Money rules 90% of our lives and if you don't have the money to follow your dream or if you're happy with your lifestyle then I wouldn't recommend it.
  13. I'm liking the 3rd one best but agree with John that the second half of the word needs more illumination.
  14. Wildsided


    Lotsa awesomeness on the go there dude
  15. Well being as the show is called "Epic Gamin' " it'd be a bit weird if there weren't any game characters in it......
  16. Hey guys, thought i'd post these before I went to bed. Christmas is over so it's back to work. Allow me to introduce Dr. Ivo Robotnik, nemesis to Sonic the Hedgehog and one of the 2 main antagonists of the upcoming season. Note that this isn't a specific Robotnik. It's not Classic, modern, next gen or either of the cartoons. It's my interpretation of the character and takes aspects of his many different forms. Anyway hope you like him. Also thinking about diving into cloth and giving him a cape like the Toon Robotnik. There's still some tweaking to be done and he needs rigging but I'm happy with him over all
  17. Thanks Rodney, how did you like the more story oriented approach? I can't wait to start moving the plot forward. In the upcoming episode you'll be introduced to at least 1 of this season's antagonists. In other news I've put an e-mail in to Hash support asking if they can transfer my sub to my new work computer. I can't wait to see if it can do hair and fabric without freezing up and passing out. But I know it's only the day after Boxing day so they might not get back to me for a couple of days.
  18. For better or worse I've decided I want to tell a story, there's way too many videogame review shows as it is. This is what I do, draw stuff and tell stories. I've got a bunch of characters I've designed in the past and a bunch of story ideas. So going forward it'll not just be E.G. As I get more guys built I'll expand the universe. But that's all in the future. I may lose viewers but my viewer base isn't large enough for it to be a huge impact. I honestly don't think the review concept was working out all that well and Gwen and Tech have too much potential to just have them in 30 second skits and saying hi and bye twice a month. Plus I can't afford to be buying new releases (or even renting them regularly) all the time, but I can write and make characters. My lovely lady wife also bought me a new laptop for Christmas with an i5 processor 6gig of ram and a dedicated 1gig of video memory, which puts my old laptop to shame. That reminds me I need to contact support about transferring my subscription to the new machine.
  19. Well folks it took me until Christmas Eve to get it done but the Christmas Episode of E.G is up and ready for watching. There's more animation in this one than ever before and lays the foundation for the upcoming year. http://blip.tv/EpicGamin/epic-gamin-more-t...ristmas-5845883 Enjoy
  20. She'd need to be a Saucy Villain, just ask Caesar and Marc Anthony
  21. Cheers Robert, I figured it'd be summat like that. To be honest I just needed to vent some frustration. It's been a looooong week where the show is concerned. Mostly down to my Laptop being a piece of junk these days, my power cord has been giving me problems for about 3 weeks. I assume a bad connection coz I had to wiggle the wire to get it working. Today it blinked off. I picked up the wire to to jiggle it and no word of a lie it melted off in my hands. I was not impressed.
  22. Alright I'm not complaining here.....actually that's exactly what I'm doing. What about? Net Render that's what. I set a 54 second sequence rendering and was told it would take roughly 8 hours at 2 frames at a time. When it was done I compiled the Targa Sequence and discovered that Gwen's Eyes were set at 100% right for the entire sequence. Even though I know I animated her eyes. Went back into A:M erased the key frames for the eyes and re-animated them. Watched the sequence back to confirm all was well and saved. Set up a new pool and job an set the sequence going again. Again roughly 8 hours. Went out to run errands, came back an checked on the rendered frames. Again Gwen's eyes are set fully to the right for the whole sequence. Went back into A:M again. Checked the eyes again, watched it back, all was well, decide to render it in A:M this time. Now here's the kicker, the estimate time? Roughly 8 hours at 1 frame at a time. What's the point of Net Render for us with dual core processors when it takes net render the same amount of time to render the sequence 2 frames at a time as A:M takes at 1 frame at a time. Sorry about the rant but that was just another problem on top of a whole crap load of problems I've had with this episode.
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