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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. This goes out to all the smarty's in the audience. I found a piece of software that'll allow me to make realistic looking faces. The software's exporter will export a neutral face model and then a bunch of morph targets based on that model. So when it's done you end up with Neutral.obj and Angry.obj for example I can obviously import both .obj's into A:M as 2 separate models. What I'm wondering is if it's possible to make a new %pose in model 1 and import or copy over the CP positions from model 2 in order to make a pose slider that shifts from neutral at 0% to Angry at 100%. The two models have the exact same spline allocations as far as I can tell but the CP's are obviously rearranged to match the face expression. I've tried making a new pose for both models, going into angry, setting things control point mode, select all and copy, then try pasting into the model 1 pose but it does nothing. Any ideas? As this would save a ton of work on facial animation.
  2. Cheers Nancy, that'll save a lot of faffing about making those transparent frames. I was looking for something that specifically said transparency. Didn't realise that the percentage thing was actually how visable it was. Cheers though.
  3. Figured out a way to do it. Need to make the decals an animation with 2 frames, one frame with damage and one transparent. Then just have to switch between between the frames as needed, essentially on and off.
  4. Thank Steve! There'll be plenty of spooky sounds in the trailer I can promise you that. On a different note I had an idea to use materials to decorate the rooms in the sealed corridor and then using decals to burn the living hell out of it. I've overlaid a test of some floor damage to the floor (obviously) but the idea was to render a camera sweep across the room flashing between the room being fine and the room being burned. I'd hoped to achieve this by switching off the damage decals at certain points. But I can't find a setting to make them invisible. I've got extra options enabled but there isn't an active option for the decal just things like application method. Is there a way to do this or do I need to rethink? Thanks guys
  5. Fair point, I s'pose sparse could also be interpreted as 'clean' from a medical stand point. Also this picture in with the regular stock medical room images. Out of place much...
  6. For what it's worth I think if you decal a couple of medical looking posters and charts onto the walls it'll make the scene look more complete. I think that's why the room might feel a bit sparse.
  7. Looking good Simon, liking the cars going by effect. Also "Light Penetration" *Immature chortle*
  8. Good luck Rodney, 3D printing is a very cool technology. How much did your printer set you back?
  9. Many thanks to Rodney for showing me how to use the Treeez plugin (and where to find it). Below is an updated pic of the South Block's overgrown quadrangle.
  10. Thanks Rodney, Once I've made something decent I'll post a pic.
  11. Hi guys, quick question. Can any of you tell me where to find the tree plugin? I think it was called treez or ztree, anyway looked all over and can't seem to track it down. Thanks
  12. Been doing a few things with Max's bedroom today, the room now has base boards and crown molding, a radiator, bedside chair (that he uses as a bedside table), a mirror and the bed is now a bed as opposed to 2 big white oblongs.
  13. How's it going everyone. Hope you're all having a terrific Saturday so far. Been doing some more Breckridge related work. Happy to say that aside from a fire escape at the back of the building that nobody is ever likely to even see. The exterior of South Block is done. I finally installed the fire escape doors on the 2nd floor and an escape ladder. Did some landscaping and added a pebble dashed, concrete waste bin out side. Also, the rain gutters are up all around the building and there's an illuminated fire escape sign above the escape door. Speaking of things no one will ever see. Do you guys find yourselves adding details to your models even though you're probably the only person who'd even notice or care? Like I don't even know how much of the building will be in the trailer or for how long. But details like the gutters and fire escape ladder would bother me eternally if I hadn't done them. Even though the average viewer wouldn't even notice it or give a crap.
  14. Might be nice to have hooked up to the TV to save faffing with cables. Although with the state of my internet since we moved (4G satellite with 40gb a month up/download limit) streaming or downloading pretty much anything above 240p is a thing of the past. Nice idea though, I'm still waiting on the full PC watch with 3D VR projector screen. You lied to me the 80's.
  15. I'm planning on making a trailer for the book using the stuff I'm building. I tried making a fully animated show before and the time requirement was way too high for a one man band running an I5 laptop. between modelling both the sets and characters, rigging, animating, rendering and post production I think I managed 4 minutes of footage in about 10 months. As it was gonna be a webshow it just wasn't feasible. Believe me though I'm a very visual person. Everything I write has to pass the mind's eye test. If you can't read it and actually see it happening in your mind's eye then it's not good enough.
  16. Happy to report that the exterior of South Block is just about finished. I still need to add a couple of details but the main chunk of work is finished. That building on the left is the old gym and unlike the building it's based on it has a big clock on it. I had toyed with the idea of having a clock tower instead of the gym but thought it would be a bit cliche.
  17. Hey Doug, quick mention as far as adding quick shading to a toon image. If you go to options-settings-Toon Render-On-Override shading-on-Method toon-click the triangle beside method to open gradient-right click on the gradient bar-presets. Then you can select some pre-done auto shading options. I added a couple of pics to show how to get to the settings and the different results (from left to right - Thermo/3 tone/anime) Sorry if you already knew about that just thought i'd mention it coz I saw you were talking about making the toon render less flat.
  18. Thanks guys. Sorry about the audiobooks Doug. The original plan was to release the story episodically on my Blip.Tv channel and hopefully make a bit of revenue through their ad scheme. But when Blip was bought out by Maker Studios and then they were bought out by Disney, it was decided I wouldn't be part of their plans going forward. Now the plan is to self publish through the Kindle store and I'm considering doing a promo where you get the audiobook free on MP3 with proof of purchase. Also looking into the potential of doing a deluxe edition with concept art and the Audiobook on CD. But gotta finish writing it first lol.
  19. Hi everyone, It's been ages since I posted here. Been busy moving and working on Breckridge. I'm 15 chapters in and just over halfway through (Things are hotting up). Because I hope to get this published eventually and Ace.Co Entertainment has been dissolved, the links to the audio book chapters are no longer active. Although I've been focusing on writing recently I haven't abandoned A:M and instead of using it to make stuff for my webshow I'm now using it to make promo materials for Breckridge. Below is the beginnings of Main character Max's bedroom. It was nice to find a use for all those models I made for Epic Gamin'
  20. Sorry to post about this, but I searched for the last time I asked about it and came up empty. On new years day I broke my Laptop and so now I have a new one. I'd like to move my sub over to the new system but I can't remember what to do in order to have it done. I had to download a piece of software and email the report it spat out to someone and then I got a new Master.lic but I can't remember exactly. cheers for any help Dan
  21. Yeah, amazingly he did bible animations and bible based games before he made FNAF. Bit of a jump from Jesus to possessed homicidal animatronics
  22. I have fired off an email to his contact info but got an automated response thanking me for the email but to remember he gets hundreds of emails every hour so he can't reply to all of them. So I doubt I'll be getting a personal reply on the matter.
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