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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. Thanks for the advice gents. I decided to abandon outlines entirely. I don't think it particularly needs them. Here's a pic of Andy's D&D avatar Corazon de Leon demonstrating the lineless style.
  2. I've decided to make the outside Xbox crew as 3D toons. Go the heads of the lads done for the most part. Although noticing some weirdness with hair + toon render. They just don't seem to like each other. The outlines for the hair will only render if I put a solid object above the rest of the model just out of camera view. Otherwise, it loses interest halfway up the hair. No object with object
  3. Bernies basic rig is in so I threw this together.
  4. I was gonna suggest giving him a dick dastardly curly moustache, but then remembered he was more varmint than a dastardly gentleman.
  5. I just find it very time-consuming, weighting a shoulder that needs to be able to rotate 180 degrees, for instance, is no fun whatsoever. That post was made right after I'd asked the mirror bones tool to rig me a left arm just like I'd rigged the right and it made some very questionable CP allocations (Like attaching parts of the right arm to the left arm and half of Bernie's face to his left shoulder) and I was feeling a little miffed.
  6. Well, folks, it looks like you're stuck with me for another year.
  7. Thanks Steve and thanks to everyone for being so supportive. Just in time for my subscription to expire (Hardly feels like I've done anything this year. Must remember to make more of an effort when I get my sub renewed). Anyway I've finished texturing Bernie, I tried going more detailed but I had a whole whack of issues with putting decals on top of the denim material. I don't think it takes much away from him and I might have another stab at it later. 3d bernie with body.mov
  8. Thanks, guys. He has a body now that needs flattening and texturing.
  9. Thanks David, Done some more work on him, got all his spines on and textured which very nearly turned into a nightmare, thankfully some editing in a pose window saved the day. Here're some renders of the nearly finished head. Still need to do the inside of his mouth.
  10. You could have Tonto be Canadian and call him Toronto-nto
  11. This is Bernie Snuffles. A character I designed for a kids' story series of the same name. I decided to make him in 3D to make illustrating the stories easier and figured I'd post what I've modelled so far. There's still lots to do, but he's coming together.
  12. Thanks, David, I was checking out your neighbour model earlier, she's looking great.
  13. Hello everyone, I haven't been around a lot lately and that's mostly been down to the fact that we moved in October last year and previous to that I'd spent the majority of my time prepping the house for sale and packing. I've been poking my head in to see what everyone's been up to, just not been commenting because at the end of the day my knowledge and skill pales in comparison to the majority of the contributors around here so I don't have a lot of constructive feedback to give. Anyway I was working on a train and it appears that I didn't post the finished render. I also made another quick animation for that youtube channel. They designed a car for the game rocket league which was so impractical that I was forced to model it in 3d. https://youtu.be/sZZ5y2imzy4 It was my first attempt at modelling a car and took way longer than it probably should have.
  14. Maybe try doing the texture as a bitmap+ material and then you can rotate the material in the settings to the angle you need? And you might be able to send the sprite producer along a path that you made swirls in to force a swirl?
  15. Done. Didn't realise there was a whole other thing you had to sign up for to submit bug reports, but done.
  16. Copy and Pasting an object with a decal still doesn't copy the decal and just creates a blank copy.
  17. Cheers Rodney, Been a trying couple of days, getting the wheel mechanics installed but they're in now for the most part. I've uploaded a shaded render of the wheel motion loop because it takes quite a while to render because of all the reflections I suspect, damn this train is shiny. Took all day to get everything rigged and animated and I still ended up frame-by-framing a whole whack of it. Rigging is not my forte, but it's a train, it's not like the drive wheels turn (around the Y axis) so the loop I've put together should suffice for most situations. Anyway, now the engineering bit is in, anything else is pretty much window dressing. Needs head lights and pipes connecting the steam chamber to the wheel mech. More valves and all that good stuff. More Train with Engine mechanics.mov
  18. Thanks Martin The Train is coming along slowly by degrees. Added more parts and Toon lines to the render and I think it accentuates the image without being overbearing. It still needs the actual wheel mechanism and the bogies need colouring. But it's getting there.
  19. That's the thing, Rodney, usually, it says Locate xxxxxxxxx.jpg for example. But for a bunch of my models, it just asks me to locate nothing.
  20. Robert is right of course a shift q render does give you a decent idea of what things will look like when rendered. Although it doesn't do toon lines for whatever reason. Another weird quirk (which I'm sure is entirely my own fault) is that a lot of my models tell me there's a file missing when I import them. A:M doesn't identify this missing file. Just asks me to locate [blank field] then I click cancel and it loads with no issue.
  21. Not entirely the same thing, but I've (and no doubt others) got a similar result by turning off all the objects that move in a scene and then rendering out everything that doesn't move. Then flipping the active and inactive objects so the moving things get rendered separately. Then I just layer them over each other to make a complete scene. Saves the renderer having to render everything for every frame.
  22. Hi everyone, Not a complaint or a bug report, but does anyone else here know what I mean when I say the 5-second lock? It doesn't matter what version of A:M I've ever used across at least 4 systems or varying specs. 32bit or 64bit. 1 light, 6 lights, no effects or a whole whack. There doesn't seem to be a particular cause. But whenever I tell A:M to render a scene with (Q) render mode one of 2 things will happen: 1) The scene will render over the course of however long it takes depending on the complexity of the scene or.. 2) The counter in the bottom left of the screen will count up to 0.00.05 (occasionally 04 or 06 but mostly 05) and lock up. The program will stop responding and after a little while, it will cancel back to the unrendered choreography/model/action/pose window. This happens seemingly at random but across any given session of using A:M I am guaranteed to encounter this phenomenon and I was just wondering if any of you guys have experienced the same thing or if any of the smarties know what causes it. Not because it bothers me particularly, just curious.
  23. I've been considering starting up a new YouTube channel (although to be honest things don't seem so great for content creators at the moment). Anyway, after a bit of quick research, I've discovered that nobody seems to have a channel called Game Train and as trains and games are two of my favourite things, I thought if I'm gonna do it then Game Train would be the name. As such I've been working on a model to use for an intro and promo related stuff and so far I've come up with this. Bare in mind it's nowhere near finished.
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