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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. I got a little side-tracked the past few days working out some things in the rig documentation formatting. It has been a while since I've messed with any HTML or javascript and embedding Quicktime videos has changed a little. I'm happy with the results, so the time wasn't wasted. I've also gotten back to working on Bertram's shoulders...hopefully, I'll have something to show in a few days.
  2. For decaling try here. For converting Icarus or Voodoo camera data, try here. Hope that helps.
  3. It works for me, Rodney. I want to hold off a little before I show the final setting...I need to do a lot more populating. However, it will get a showing before it's finalized so that I can get input on it. The header image is just the top of the main page, the other material is going to be mostly videos. Thanks for the help, Rodney!
  4. Here's the first thing on my to-do list this evening...an updated documentation header image using Rodney's suggestions (I also had to change the width a little to work better with the format I'm using). If anyone sees something that could be improved, let me know and I'll do some more tweaking.
  5. Fantastic stuff, Robert! I think you should put your website and blog info in your signature...it would make them easier to find.
  6. Here is a v13 Project with both the YellowDude and GreenDude set up in a choreography...everything should be embedded in the Project. I just put both characters' arms at their sides to show that things work correctly. Rotate the bones, don't translate them...that's how these characters are rigged. Hope that helps, Kyle. v13_Yellow_and_Green_Dudes_project.zip
  7. That is a fantastic looking character, Paul! He looks like a Clint Eastwood caricature. The eyebrow hair could use either more density or more thickness at the base of the hair and the specularity etc still needs more tweaking, but other than that, it kicks ass.
  8. I'll make another version using your suggestions and post it tonight sometime. Thanks, Rodney!
  9. I've got several things going on at once that I'm starting to get back to after a month of pretty much working and sleeping. This is an image for the header of the biped version of the rig documentation I'm putting together. It's loosely related to Bertram, because I'm using Bertram to iron out any problems and install additions to the rig before releasing the next version. I'm just starting to get my legs back, but I'm going to put my head down and see if I can start getting something done again. If anyone sees a problem with the pose in the image, or sees any other problem with it, let me know so that I can correct it before I get to a point where I can't go back.
  10. Yessir, it's part of several things I'm working on.
  11. Sorry for not posting for as long as I have...December/January is the busiest time of year for me at my job. I'm starting to get an hour here and there that I might be able to squeeze some work on Bertram in. I've also started to put together some documentation on the rig...I'm trying something a little different, but I think it will be a lot better. I'll be getting back up to speed sometime this week.
  12. itsjustme


    Very cool lite rig, Holmes! I haven't tried the installation, but I messed a little with RobbyLite. I have three quick things that might be helpful...it's your baby, so it's for you to decide if they are helpful or just hot air. First, the leg squetching is also being transferred into the feet. To avoid that, you can parent the feet geometry bones outside of the legs and use constraints to connect them. Second, the feet rotate on their 'Z' axis when translating the hips left/right. A roll target for each foot bone would fix that. Third, I don't think the euler limits on the biceps are necessary. I don't know how these changes would affect your installation, so you might have to do them differently than what I'm thinking (if you decide any are useful). Here's a RobbyLite with those changes added as an example. Hopefully, this is helpful. When I get more time, I'll do some more stress testing. v13_RobbyLite.zip
  13. Mark beat me with the answer...I'll leave the video attached. Hope that helps. 2008_head_and_neck_Sorenson3.mov
  14. First, I'm not an expert. I like everything about the animatic except that I think you need another half second of the woman relaxing (satisfied) after stabbing the pen into the boss' picture. I watched the clip about thirty times and that was the only area that felt a little jarring to me. Hope that helps, Mark.
  15. I have updated the last test video post with some fixes to the forearm CP Weighting.
  16. I added a version of the sleeve cloth test with the cloth hidden in my last post.
  17. Here's a little better test for the cloth on Bertram's sleeves...aiming for only slight cloth movement for a couple of reasons. First, the sleeves are pretty form-fitting, so I don't think they should flop around too much. That also gives me fewer problems because I don't have to worry too much about interaction with the torso...I'm going to ignore any cloth penetration that isn't extremely obvious (there is no deflector on the torso, just the arm). Second, I want the cloth to be something that I don't have to tweak too much...it would be ideal if I only have to set it up once and then ignore it, but I'll probably still have to mess with it in extreme circumstances. Third, I want to make sure I eliminate any jittering in the cloth that I can. The sleeve is set up so that it is anchored to the bicep "geom" bone that is attached to the shoulder with the least amount of rotation (there are now three rotating bicep bones in that location in the rig...I'll go into detail in the installation tutorial when I get there) with all of the CP's below the shoulder assigned to that bone with a cloth material applied. Now, I need to go back and re-do some of the torso CP Weighting...I wanted to get the sleeves worked out first. ------------------------ EDIT ------------------------ I added a version of the test with the cloth portion of the sleeve hidden so everyone could see what is being reacted against and how much of the shirt is cloth. ----------------------- EDIT ----------------------- I've updated the test videos with some CP Weighting in the forearm fixed. Bertram_12_09_2008_sleeve_cloth_test_Sorenson3.mov Bertram_12_09_2008_sleeve_cloth_test_no_sleeve_Sorenson3.mov
  18. Cool! The bow rigging looks perfect. Great job, as usual, Mark!
  19. I did some work on the sleeves for Bertram. Initially, I just used CP Weighting, but I wasn't completely happy with the results. I decided to do some testing with cloth to see if I could do a little better using that. Since I built the arms under the sleeves, I already had a deflector for the cloth. This is just a very quick "proof of concept" which makes me think that's the way I'll be going...I still have a lot of testing and adjusting to do on it. I'll post a better test when I get more done. Bertram_sleeve_test_12_2_2008.mov
  20. Lots of things can affect how long a frame takes to render, Jeff. Some of them are things like reflections, particles (hair), subsurface scattering, ambiance occlusion, multi-pass rendering, motion blur, size of the image, displacement maps, etc. So, it depends on the scene. As for the size of the video file...you should be able to get that down to a few MB using compression. Hope that helps.
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