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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. Cool, I got the current version now. Thanks, Mark!
  2. I may be wrong, but is that an older version that was uploaded last, Mark?
  3. Cool, I'll do some double-checking on the latest update tonight, Mark.
  4. Sounds good to me, Mark. I'll do some more looking tonight. Very nice work on this, as usual.
  5. I found a couple of things, Mark. The first one is that when you rotate the foot using the "Right/Left Ball Controller", the knee didn't follow the rotation. I re-parented the "Right/Left Leg Hinge Roll Target" bones as children of the "Right/Left Ball Controller" bones to fix it. The second one I didn't come up with a solution yet. When you rotate the head on the 'Z' axis and turn off and on the "Head_Controller" Pose, the "Neck_geom" bone does some unwanted rotating on the 'Z' axis. Maybe some roll targets and a couple of extra bones would get it to bake things in place. I'll do some more looking and see if I can find anything else.
  6. Sorry, that was tongue in cheek - even I installed it once a long time ago to try it out. I was trying to give an idea of the huge complexity of it. I should have put a in there...it's hard to read tone in a text message. Sorry if I came off wrong, it wasn't my intention, Caroline. The biggest job in installing the Squetch Rig is CP Weighting, the second biggest is resetting compensates (hopefully, that will eventually be automated).
  7. Mark hasn't made an installer yet, Caroline...once he gets everything ironed out, that will follow. A character without any constraints at all could be animated. You wouldn't have IK, which would make some things more difficult, but it could be done. Using just euler constraints would give you problems when the limits are reached in a lot of instances. It can be done, but you might end up fighting the rig sometimes. The goal is to give the animator a system that doesn't work against them and is easy to use. Too much automation or too little can both cause extra work. Where there is something automated, there should be a way to turn it off if the animator would rather not use it. I've got plenty of damaged brain cells, believe me. Once I get the update for the installation tutorial done, I think it will be a lot clearer. I'm not far from starting to put that together, once Bertram's modeling is finished I'll be using him for the tutorial.
  8. I'm probably not understanding what you're thinking, Robert. I do know that a "roll like" wouldn't need a compensate since its' position and present rotation doesn't matter.
  9. Thanks, Mark! You were right about the fingers...hopefully, I'll have something to show on those in a day or two.
  10. Looks good...perfect. Thanks for your help, Nancy!
  11. When I first read your post Eric, I think I misunderstood. Now that I read it again, I think you mean that the updated face should be more like the version that is my present avatar? If that's the case, is it that the updated version looks less friendly? My present avatar image is from a frame that wasn't the default pose for the face...he's sort of smirking. Or is it something else?
  12. Here's an update that should fix Bertram's torso and face. The five point patches on the corners of the mouth are moved to a better place, I eliminated the hooks under the nose, added some chubbiness to the cheeks, put a little more pout on the lower lip, added to the "love handles" and pulled the stomach in some. I'm still working on the hands, so ignore them on these.
  13. I think I agree, Eric...if I'm understanding "Mayberryish" to mean like a character from the "Andy Griffith Show"? I unintentionally took some of that out of him in rounding up the head, but I think I've gotten it back in the next version I'll post late tonight. Bertram is a personal project that I've been wanting to do for a long time. It started as a single animation that I wanted to do of an overweight redneck gymnast that smokes and drinks heavily and has evolved into a series of animations that I'd like to do with him in several situations (I think I've got seven or eight at the moment...we'll see how many will actually get done). I think of him as sort of a "Yosemite Sam", in that he is always the same person no matter the setting or costume. This is sort of a push for myself to actually get some of the Bertram stuff finished and an attempt to improve in the areas that I need to work on (there are quite a few of them).
  14. I should be posting some images late tonight, Mark. I think he lost a little personality in his face when I made it less flat, so I added back some chubbiness to his cheeks, moved a five-pointer that was at the corners of the mouth, got rid of a couple of hooks under the nose, increased the density of the splineage on the torso, increased the "love handles" pulled the gut in a little and am still in the process of tweaking the hands. You're probably right about the fingers, I'll add that to my checking tonight, thanks!
  15. The good news is that there shouldn't be any difference between an older version of the InstallRig plugin and the most recently posted version, Sebastian. So, using the old one you have would be fine. I don't have a Mac, so I can't check that version of the plugin...if someone else on a Mac could confirm the problem, and one that we know works gets posted, I'll replace the one in the released version of the rig. I hope that made sense.
  16. I had to look for it, but I found an emoticon for "scary"....you are a very scary man, Eric!
  17. Thanks, Robert! His stubbiness is just how I saw him as a character...it is tougher to do the CP Weighting on a character like him though. He started off as a redneck gymnast that let himself go, I still want to do some animation of him doing gymnastics too. Initially, his gut was a lot bigger, but it would make it difficult for him to do things like sit at a desk. This is the third version of him that I've made, so he's gotten a lot of back-story since the first concept. I've rigged him more times than I can count and textured him three or four times...each version gets better as I get better at A:M. I used him when I was first learning rigging and building the first version of the face rig. Thanks adam&oliver! The first version of Bertram was made in 1998, so he's not based on Mr. Incredible, but there are similarities. As soon as the modeling is finalized, I'll start rigging him while making the updated Squetch Rig installation tutorial.
  18. I think you're right, Nancy. The visuals helped a lot. Thanks! I'll do some more tweaking on him tonight. Eventually I'll get it nailed down.
  19. Try these tutorials: Basic Splinemanship Continuity explained Understanding Gammas Hope those help.
  20. I did some modifying to Bertram's face and torso...I'm not sure if I went far enough or not, so I figured it would be good to get an opinion. I made his face less flat, added some slight "love handles" and brought some of the chest muscle under his arms. I'm presently working on his hands...I think one of the things Mark was seeing in the hands is that the knuckles needed to be on more of a slant. I put a simple hand rig in to check, and adjusting the middle and pinky knuckles made a big difference. While I've got the simple setup in the hand, I've got an experiment with the fingers that I'm going to try...hopefully, I'll be able to post the results in a couple of days.
  21. Yves has a tutorial that starts here. Hope that helps, Sam.
  22. Nice character so far, Sam! The only crit I have is that there are quite a few edges that look like they need beveling.
  23. Nice so far, Mark! I did a little messing with it and didn't find any problems...it seems to handle very well. I'll do some more testing over the next couple of days. Top notch additions! Thank you for all of your hard work!
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