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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. I'm not a Hash employee or representative, but I can tell you that I know of at least one user in South Africa...as far as I know, he had it shipped there.
  2. I missed putting in a pose for Mark's shoulder update, this fixes that...sorry for any inconvenience. Thanks for double-checking me, Mark! The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  3. A significant shoulder upgrade in this one, thanks to Mark Skodacek...it's very cool. Also, all of the Preston Blair phonemes are set to a 40% dopesheet default. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  4. This update improves the shoulders. There are now poses in the "Animation_Controls/Arm_Controls" folder. When the "right/left_arm_move_with_shoulder" poses are "on" the arm will move with the shoulder in the way it was prior to this update, with them "off" (the default), the shoulders will be able to shrug without adjustments. Thanks to Robert Holmen for pointing this one out. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  5. Moved the ear targets to get better control...that's the only change in these. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  6. This update adds another controller for the eyes, the new slider and on/off poses are located in the FACE controls folder at the bottom. Now you have two options for controlling the eyes. I also fixed the eyes in the Quad rig, the nulls needed to be renamed. Sorry about that one. If anyone finds a problem, let me know. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  7. Sorry to update this one so quickly...I didn't add some of the things I thought I did, I think. I added the "auto_Hips" and "auto_Shoulders" poses in this update. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  8. Here's the updated Quad Squetch Rig...I updated the tail, the ears didn't need updating. Here's also an add-on for three basic toes for each foot of the Quad Rig. You can just import the toes model into your quadruped model that has the Quad Squetch Rig in it, use the installation bones to position the toes and then run the "InstallRig" plugin. If anyone finds a problem let me know. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  9. Here is the present state of the Quad Squetch Rig...in case the DVD hasn't been finalized yet. The neck is now a three section IK chain. I'm probably going to upgrade the ear and tail controls tomorrow, at least that's my plan. If anyone finds a problem that needs to be fixed, let me know. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  10. If you do your CP Weighting in an Action, you can use the poses to hide or unhide bones. Another method would be to run the InstallRig plugin again, then all of the geometry bones will be unhidden in the bones window. I don't have to use a list of bones or unhide them since I'm so familiar with the rig, I'll be showing where all of the geometry bones are and what they do in the next installment. I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to the tutorial...I should be back on it in a week or two.
  11. You are extremely kind, Rodney. I think there will be more installations popping up once I get the tutorial completely finished...it's been tough to get back to it, but it's the second major thing on my "to do" list.
  12. Let's see if I can beat the deadline for the Extras DVD with this one. Here is the Quadruped Squetch Rig and its' MirrorBones version. At the moment, there aren't any installation instructions, but, the legs are identical to the biped rig with the exceptions that the front legs bend the opposite direction, the torso is horizontal as opposed to vertical and there are ear and tail bones with dynamic constraints. The face bones setup isn't in this...that works best on a human-like face (although it might be able to be adapted, maybe in the future). I left the bones and poses for the tongue in since they would be useful even if setting up the face poses using muscle movement. There will be additions later, like individual toe add-ons and such, but this is the present state of the installation. I'm pretty sure I have fixed any problems in it, but, there may be something I missed. If you find something, let me know and I'll fix it as quickly as possible. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  13. Okay, now I'm getting downright irritating...I know. The reason for this update is that I decided that it would be better if the white leg installation bones ended at the base of the foot bones. So, when installing the legs, don't scale the white leg installation bones to where they end at the floor, scale them to end where the base of the foot bone will be. If you scale it to the floor, it will still work as it always has, but scaling to the location for the base of the foot bone is better in my obsessive opinion...it makes the underlying bones neater. I'll have to go back and edit the installation tutorial when I get to that point. Hopefully, this made it before the Extras DVD deadline. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  14. I'll try to answer as best I can...I'm not sure I completely understand what you're asking in all of these, so I'll make a few guesses. 1. Yes, you can use an image on a set of patches to do 2D animation, or you could use those pictures as rotoscopes and make 3D characters using them as guides. Colin Freeman has a tutorial on using rotoscopes for making a character here. 2. It would be extremely hard to use those programs with Animation Master...it could probably be done, but there is a program that is made to work with Animation Master models that is very good called 3DPainter, you can find it here. 3. I'll give you a few good resources for this one. David Rogers has a book which covers everything in Animation Master, you can find it here. There is an online technical reference located here. There is an online glossary of terms used in Animation Master here. There is an Animation Master Wiki being put together here. 4. Sure, there's a section of the forum for it located here. 5. If it's on VHS, you'll have to get some hardware to get it into your computer. For something like that, you'll need either a video capture card or a camcorder that has USB or Firewire output. If I need to get VHS into my computer, I use a set top DVD burner (cost me around $130) to burn a DVD and then rip it to my hard drive using a ripping program like DVD Decrypter (that one isn't available anymore, but there are others). As for cleaning up the video, don't expect miracles...if the video is horrible to begin with there is only so much you can do. I don't have a specific program to recommend for salvaging the video, but I'm sure someone else will. Hope that is helpful.
  15. Thanks, Rodney! Sorry about the bad link...I was logged in when I made it, I'll correct it in the future. I hadn't tried to add a link on the front page, I wasn't sure if I would be able to. The "Squetchy" page was made around the time that the rig was first selected...it is actually supposed to be "Squetch". Thanks again!
  16. This update is kind of ridiculous, but, I want to have a version without any stupid errors on the Extras DVD...so, this updated fixes the v13 Five Finger installation version having the two white leg installation bones hidden. Those are unhidden in this update. I didn't want to confuse anyone installing for the first time. I have also thrown in something I had a request for a few days ago, an installation that had only the arms and shoulders. Since it is from the Squetch Rig and I don't know what bone names are in whatever it would be installed in, I left the parenting the same. As a result, you will get several errors when the InstallRig plugin can't find the indicated parent bones. You can just hit "OK" on the errors and then just re-parent the bones that require it and it should work fine. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  17. I'm not sure, on the Mac that may be true. On the Windows version, the plugin will work as far back as v11.0. The rig will only work as far back as v11.1 because that is when Expressions got ironed out. The code for the Mac is a different story, that is one of my blind spots. There was a stretch where the Mac code lagged because of a change in the OS, that may be why. Thanks for the heads-up, Mike!
  18. Here's the update that fixes the problem with "copy/paste mirrored" on the head controller in v13...v11.1 and v12 I'm still experimenting with. Just trying to get as much off of my plate as I can for now. As always, if you find a problem, let me know. The InstallRig plugin is located here.
  19. Mark Strohbehn found a problem with using Paste/Mirror on the head control bone that I think I have gotten fixed....it had something wrong with the bone that wasn't apparent on the surface, I ended up replacing the bone with a new one and in testing it seems to be fine so far. Before I post an update that fixes that problem, I just wanted to make sure there isn't any other issue that needs to be addressed. If you have found a problem, post it in this thread, PM me or send me an e-mail and I'll get the fix in the next posted version. Thanks to everyone for your help. ------------------------ EDIT ------------------------ It looks like the Paste/Mirror problem is the result of some legacy stuff. If the head control bone was made in v12 or earlier, it has the problem with Paste/Mirror. So, it appears that in the v11.1 and v12 versions the fix won't "take". I'll do some more testing to make sure.
  20. Okay, everyone give this one a serious look, I want to make sure that Rodney gets something on the Extras DVD without problems in it. This version changes the orientation of the "WFingersXCalc_left" bone and changes the Expressions for that bone in Steve's Hand Gizmo. That should allow for correct mirroring of the Hand Gizmo without changing the way it works. There are a couple of minor things that wouldn't affect anything as well...mostly labeling. The "MirrorSplines" versions are renamed as "MirrorBones" because I think Steffen's plugin is going to be named that when he releases the next version...as far as I know. If anyone finds a problem, let me know and I'll fix it as quickly as I can. As usual, the "InstallRig" plugin is located here.
  21. From the side view the neck seems too short and the head too small...at least it appears that way. It's looking good other than that view. Nice modeling job, Steve!
  22. Sorry about that, just wanted to make sure we were looking at the same thing. Thanks again!
  23. Nice catch, Richard! I missed that...thanks for isolating the problem and the detailed description, very helpful. So, there will be another update. If anyone has found anything else, let me know. ---------------------------- EDIT ---------------------------- I think it's actually the "WFingersXCalc_left"....right?
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