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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. itsjustme

    STEP 3

    Yes, it's just meant to make it easier to see the roll angle of the arm...it scales with the entire arm, so it won't necessarily stay at the point of the elbow.
  2. That was my fault, sorry about that, Mark.
  3. LOL! To get that specific, I usually have to double-check myself by opening the rig.
  4. Not in an Action, open the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Constraints (do not touch)/Face Control Constraints" Pose...if you use an Action, it won't be part of the model. To unhide the "FACE-Interface Master" bone, use the "Show_and_Hide_Rig_Components/hide_FACE_non_tweaking_bones" pose (turn it off...probably best to turn it off in the model's "User Properties" so that it doesn't hide in a pose later. Turn it back on when you are done). That Pose will unhide the "FACE-Interface Master", "FACE-Interface Scaler" and "HeadProxy" bones...they are all located on top of each other, so you might have to hit "J" to hide the ones you don't need at the moment. Once you have selected the "FACE-Interface Master", right mouse click, select "new constraint/translate to" and click on anything that isn't a bone in the Pose window for now (so that nothing is selected as a target). Then, (with the "FACE-Interface Master" selected still) right mouse click, select "new constraint/orient like" and once again click on a blank place in the Pose window (so that nothing is selected as a target again). Once that is done, you can either click in the "target" section of the constraint and scroll down to the "head_control" bone (that exact name...there is also a "head_manual_control" that won't work for this) or you can unhide the "head_control" bone by using the "Show_and_Hide_Rig_Components/hide_non_tweaking_bones" (which would mean sorting through a bunch of other bones) or you can scroll down to the Relationship (while it is open) in the Actions section of the PWS, click on the "show more than drivers" red "X" on the right side (I think you need to have "show advanced properties" checked in the "global" tab of the "Options" menu...you can get there by hitting "Ctrl-P"), go through the bone hierarchy to the "body_SQUETCH_base/body_SQUETCH_pivot/body_SQUETCH_character/base_bone/head_orient_like_chest/neck_control/head_manual_control/head_control" bone and unhide it there. Be sure to delete the reference to the unhiding of the bone in the "bones" folder of the Pose. When you get the "head_manual_control" bone visible, you can use the eyedropper to select it as the target for each constraint...don't forget to hit the compensate button before selecting the target each time. Hope that helps, Steve. --------------------------- EDIT -------------------------- Here's an easier way, in the attached ZIP is a model with just the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Constraints (do not touch)/Face Control Constraints" Pose in it...delete the Relationship folder in your model for that Pose and then drag the Relationship from this model to your model. Then, all you have to do is reset the compensates on the constraints by setting them to 0%, hitting the compensate button and then setting them to 100%.
  5. I'm not completely understanding how you got to the problem you're having...you are saving out the in-progress rigging to a new Action and the new Action doesn't work? I have never had a problem like that. Are you inside the new Action when you are attempting this?
  6. It's not broken, Steve...you just need to put in a couple of constraints (the next rig version will have the constraints and will only need the compensates reset). In the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Constraints (do not touch)/Face Control Constraints" pose, select the "FACE-Interface Master" bone and put an "orient like head_control" constraint and a "translate to head_control" constraint (both with compensate) and it should behave as expected.
  7. Baking of constraints (which allows FK and IK to switch seamlessly), MirrorBone plugin, Transfer_AW plugin, SVN (for collaborating on projects like TWO), improved displacement maps, Ambient Occlusion...I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but those are worth the price to me.
  8. I'm trying to use squetch rig in Pzu Im using v14 beta 2 what i did ... 1) opened model ( Pzu ) 2) imported "v13_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_Posable_Installation_03_05_2007" model 3) followed all action' step 4) exported model as Pzu_pre_squetch 5) started new project 6) imported Pzu_pre_squetch.mdl 7) i found and deleted installation relationships folder but where's installation pose sliders ???? 8) where can I find " v13_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_03_05_2007_relationships_installation" model ???? this is my first attempt using squetch rig then I ask you patience and excuse for the cretin questions. many others will come Ooops...there is no "v13_Five_Finger_Squetch_Rig_03_05_2007" posted, I had uploading problems at the time. The v12 is identical and can be used as the v13. However, if you have the latest Posable installation, you shouldn't need to import any of the poses from another model...if you have poses other than the installation poses, you should be fine after deleting the installation poses, Marcos. I don't have it in front of me at the moment, but I think that is the case. The Squetch Rig is not far from a big update, so I probably won't post the v13's that are missing, since the v12 is identical and they are soon to be replaced anyway. If the installation sliders are still there, they would be in the model's "User Properties"...you would see them in their own tab in the Pose sliders window as well. If they aren't there, then they were deleted when you deleted the Relationship folders. Hope that helps, Marcos.
  9. Not a problem, Paul. If you're not sure about a pose, you can just delete the Relationship in the folder, drag that same Relationship into your model from the installation rig and reset them again. You can compare the constraints with the installation rig to see if you're missing something. If there's a constraint you can't locate, let me know...it might be that I was unclear in the instructions and I can make sure that it gets corrected.
  10. There's nothing wrong with your installation, Paul...there's another pose under the "Animation_Controls/HEAD/NECK" that is named "head_and_neck_orient_like_chest", that's the one I meant. I'll make it more clear in the next update to the instructions. Sorry about that.
  11. The "right/left_forearm_base_non_Z_geom" bones don't rotate on their 'Z' axis. The forearms have those and four other bones that rotate at different percentages on their 'Z' axis based on the rotation of the hand. They progressively roll more like the hand as their names suggest..."right_forearm_base_non_Z_geom" (0%), "right_forearm_0_geom" (25%), "right_forearm_1_geom" (40%), "right_forearm_2_geom" (75%) and "right_forearm_3_geom" (80%). There are three ways you could adjust them. The first way (and probably easiest) is to use the method that is used in the original installation tutorial to position the side that needs it (it would be a little different than the tutorial since the bones in the Posable rig are parented differently...they are more independent without the installation poses). After you have exported your model and deleted the installation poses, you can use rotate, scale and translate modes to fix the installation bones that need it. Then, you can run the InstallRig plugin and you should be fine. The second way, would be to unhide every bone and then move all of the bones to the positions you need. The third way would be to delete all of the hand bones, drag the hand bones from the non-Posable installation in, position them in the way it's done in the original tutorial and then run the InstallRig plugin. Could it be because you haven't deleted the installation poses? I haven't seen that happen, so I'm guessing. It means to change the enforcement to 0% on a constraint, hit the compensate button and then re-apply the percentage that was originally there. I show the process in the original installation tutorial. The bones that require compensating have changed since that tutorial, but there is a sheet that should be with the Posable installation that lists the new ones (except the face, which hasn't changed since the tutorial...I should be adding them to the sheet when I get time). Hope that helps, Paul.
  12. I updated the compensate resetting documentation, it's located here. It now covers the torso, legs and arms...the face compensates are covered in the installation videos, but I may add that to the written documentation in the next week or so if I get time.
  13. While doing some double-checking, I decided I should document the present resetting of compensates. Tonight, I only finished the torso and legs...I'll get more of it done tomorrow.
  14. I went in and started from scratch with a few poses by dragging new ones from the installation rig into this model. If you delete the "left_leg_IK_constraints", "right_leg_IK_constraints", "leg_constraints", "legs_SQUETCH", "Auto_hips_(IK_LEGS_ONLY)", "left_knee_orient_like_foot_IK", "right_knee_orient_like_foot_IK", "left_leg_FK_IK" and "right_leg_FK_IK" poses and then drag them into your model from this updated model, I think it will fix things. I'm pretty sure that was it, I may have missed some Posable rig specific things. -------------------- EDIT -------------------- I think what threw you off was that the "left/right_foot_FK_control_base" are the only bones in the "leg_constraints" pose that need compensates and that started a domino effect for everything else.
  15. The "LowerTeeth" bone was used by Mark Strohbehn when using muscle poses for the face to tie the lower teeth to...when using the bones installation, I very rarely tie any geometry to it. The lips are weighted to the "lip_geom" and "lip_roll_geom" bones with those bones eventually orienting like the "LowerTeeth" bone (so you can use the "LowerTeeth" bone to move the whole lower lip). The "Maxilla" bone is the same thing as the "LowerTeeth" bone, but for the upper lip. The only examples at the moment are the Tinman and TinGirl for TWO, but I'm working on the next "Squetchy Thom"...he has a face. The weighting on the lower lip merges into the "Jaw" and "jowl" bone weighting. The "jowls" widen with the width of the mouth and are children of the "Jaw", so they will move with the opening of the mouth. The "nostril_geom" bones widen with the mouth, which causes the nostrils to flare and the area between the nose and the cheek to angle upward. The A Face Rigging Method tutorial will give you an idea what everything does if you don't have access to Tinman or TinGirl...but there have been quite a few updates since that time, so don't expect it to be exactly the same (it's far from the same). Hope that helps.
  16. I'm not sure what's happening there, Simon...you could delete the geometry, decals, etc, save it out as another model and post it. It would make it easier to figure out.
  17. A little over 700 bones all together. I'm happy to hear you got it figured out.
  18. I couldn't get the video to completely load (sometimes my internet connection doesn't play nice), but, maybe I can point you in a direction that might help. If you turn the euler limits off, does it go away? Usually that would mean that the calf and thigh aren't at the same angle...but the Posable installation doesn't allow that, so I don't think that's the problem. Open the "right_leg_FK_IK" pose, then (in the pose) turn off IK. If the incorrect rotation goes away, then resetting the compensate on the "right_thigh" might cure the problem. Reset the compensate with the Pose off and then with it on. It would actually probably be best to reset the compensates on everything with the Pose off and then on because it could also be the compensates on the "right_foot_control_IK" null. By everything, I mean the (in this order) "right_foot_control_IK", "right_ball_rotate_controller", "right_thigh, "right_foot_IK_roll" and "right_knee_controller". Hope that helps...if it doesn't, we'll try again. ---------------------------- EDIT ---------------------------- I left off the "right_foot_IK_roll" compensate when IK is on.
  19. I did some CP Weighting in the A Face Rigging Method tutorial (I think some at the beginning to illustrate and then toward the end) that might help. There is also some CP Weighting in the Squetch Rig installation tutorials...I think a little at the beginning and then toward the end in part 5. For mirroring bones, you might consider trying Steffen Gross' MirrorBone plugin...the information page for it is here. Hope that helps.
  20. I should have thought of that...makes sense. I was thrown off because there weren't any individual toes. I'm glad it helped.
  21. Umm.. hinge? I can barely follow the instructions for installing this thing much less comprehend how the two million bones actually work and where they're supposed to be.... Can you explain where to find and what they're supposed to look like? If it helps, just pretend you're explaining it to a second grader.. in special ed. after drinking a bottle of ny-quil.. in the dark.. with crayons.. in a mud hut in the middle of the serengeti.. or something.. If the leg jumps, it could be the euler limits on the "right_calf" and "left_calf" in the "Rig_Components/leg_constraints_folder/leg_constraints"...it might need to be able to bend a few degrees to the negative side. If the leg is modeled slightly bent, then that is probably the problem. Try setting the negative side of the "X" limit to approximately the amount the leg is modeled bent. Hope that helps. ---------------------------- EDIT ---------------------------- I'm not sure what's going on with the foot bones in the image posted...there's probably some compensate problems in there.
  22. Mark, could you briefly explain the current Z rotation export problem. Is it that all of the Z rotations are lost on export? Also, do you recommend David Simmons' bone face tutorial example model to use as a guide for face bone placement, or Tinman, or some other model? Any 'Z' rotations on bones isn't saved when using v13r or earlier, lost on export. Tinman is a good guide for the present face bones setup at the moment (although he has a few other add-ons that are character specific). I've got a character that I will be releasing in the next week or so that will have a rigged face...I intend for him to replace Squetchy Thom (at the moment I'm using him to work out the limb bowing, which I'm hoping to add soon). --------------------------- EDIT --------------------------- I will definitely get a tutorial out as soon as things get stabilized.
  23. Sounds like it will work, Richard...if we need to tweak things, we'll tweak them to make it happen. Thanks for tackling that!
  24. Thanks to Mark and the Hash programmers! Once Richard gets his tweaks done, this will be insanely easy.
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