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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. It would be easier to troubleshoot if I could look at the model...as for the knees, somewhere in there I talk about resetting all of the compensates and the limits. One way to narrow down what is causing problems is to just go down the list of poses and turn them off until the problem goes away...the one that gets rid of the problem is where you should concentrate your efforts. Hope that helps, Steve.
  2. They look good enough to me, Ethan. Nice stuff so far!
  3. It looks better, there's still some strange things with the feet, but it's tough without the ability to raise the heel. Mark's setup might make it easier. Very cool so far, Ross!
  4. Nice experiment, Ross! Did you roll your own rig? The character reminds me of something I saw that Jeff Lew made for his DVD tutorial.
  5. You have very scary chops, Stian! It's going to be gorgeous.
  6. Very generous, Steve! The fact that it has places where we could add jiggle with dynamic constraints makes it a very good choice...it never hurts to work in something else to show. When she's ready, let us know.
  7. Newton Physics plugin information
  8. It couldn't hurt to have a common model to compare notes on...it is a conundrum at the moment. The only model like that that I've thrown out there is the modification to Thom, Squetchy Thom. Since he doesn't have a face, that leaves out any of the face rigging. I have Trevor, but, I wasn't planning on releasing him to the community because I wanted to use him in an animation that I hope to get started on sometime toward the end of this year (I was trying to kill a couple of birds at once when making the tutorial). If we could come to an agreement on what model to make the community test installation model, I'm all for it. Whatever we decide on, let's make sure that we Copy/Flip/Attach as much of it as we can, ideally the whole model...it would help if we use the MirrorWeights plugin, which brings up another point. The next problem that I'm wrestling with as far as installation goes is that the MirrorWeights plugin that Steffen has 98% finished would cut the time in half. It only has one issue, the SDK needs to be updated to include the ability to mirror nulls. If that problem gets cleared up, you would only have to put in half of the bones, use the plugin to copy/mirror those to the other side of the character, weight one side and then use the plugin again to mirror those weights to the other side. There are a couple of places that I would still weight both sides, but the plugin will still save loads of time. Things develop so fast it's hard to keep up with the changes sometimes...I haven't even finished the tutorial and it needs to be updated.
  9. If you make a custom phoneme, you have to make a pose for that phoneme or it will have nothing to use. Hope that helps, Vijay.
  10. Sorry it took me so long to get back to this, Lazlo. I don't think you'll have any problems with that five pointer...I'm not 100%, but, high 90's. It looks like it will crease in the appropriate place.
  11. If the eyes are children of the body bone and you squash and stretch the body bone, the eyes will also squash and stretch. If you use an Expression to counteract the squash and stretch it will only be effective as long as both bones remain at the same angle or scale exactly the same on all axes. So, to me, the best solution would be to put a null for each eye as a child of the body bone located at where the base of each eye should be then make the eye bones as non-children of the body and put "translate to" constraints on them to translate to the nulls. The Expression for maintaining volume while squashing and stretching is "1/Sqrt(..|Z)" where the bone that is squashing and stretching is set to scale only on the "Z" axis. An "aim at" constraint with "scale to reach" and "Z only" set would do that. Hope that helps.
  12. No, you're absolutely correct, Rusty. I had a brain fart. I need to make a rule for myself to not post anything within a half hour of going to bed.
  13. If that is the case, wouldn't a clean install also do the trick, Rusty? If someone isn't familiar with the registry, that might be the better choice if it works.
  14. Nice to see you back, Lazlo! Good job so far, I don't see any problems with animating what I can see...could you give us a closeup of the possible problem area?
  15. What tutes do you need, Lucas? There are a few here, here, here and here...of course there are more, but, I don't know specifically what you're after. Hope that helps.
  16. I hope the tutorial lives up to the praise, David. Everyone has been very kind.
  17. I found an error in the parenting of the tongue bones in the face-only setup in the previous post. I updated the file this morning...very sorry, once again.
  18. I had a request for just the face bones and FACE controls, so, here is an installation version of that. The difference with this installation model is that it needs a bone named "head" instead of the Squetch Rig set of bones. As long as your character's head bone is named "head" it should work, other than that, the installation method is the same as the method that is in the installation video tutorial. This installation model should work for v11.1, v12 and v13. ---------------------------------- EDIT ---------------------------------- I found a parenting error on the tongue bones for the face-only setup, so, here is an update that fixes that. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  19. I had to go back in and correct a pose, so, here is an updated version of the rig. If you've already started an installation, just delete the "Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/Auto_hips(IK_LEGS_ONLY)" pose and replace it with the one in this version. Thanks to Mark Skodacek for finding the problem. Sorry for any inconvenience...someday I'll get it right the first time I do something
  20. I learn something new every day, thanks Ken!
  21. It's an H.264 encoded Quicktime with AAC (if I remember correctly) audio. It should work with the latest Quicktime 7.
  22. Sorry for the delay, here is the latest version of the Squetch Rig with quite a few updates and fixes. There isn't any installation instructions because the installation video tutorial is going to be released in sections pretty quickly (I'm still finishing up a section or two). This release is preceding it by a little. Here's the v11.1, v12 and v13 versions of the rig. There is a "README.txt" that explains the added DLL files in the v11.1 Zip file. Noel's "InstallRig" plugin is located here. I have a few more add-ons and a quadruped rig in the pipe that I'll be releasing as soon as I get them done.
  23. I would report the problem to AM Reports. I usually render out to TGA's then combine the audio and image sequence using another program like Virtualdub or Quicktime Pro. Virtualdub is free, but is Windows only...if you have a Mac, maybe Avidemux will do the job if you convert the TGA's to BMP's. Quicktime Pro is very inexpensive though and for turning the AVI's into MOV's it's probably the way to go. Hope that helps.
  24. The rigging wouldn't necessarily be hard...it depends on what you want it to do.
  25. Could you post a screenshot?
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