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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. I think I did...in this post. I gave you a link to a good tutorial for the process (done using Photoshop, but the same thing can be done in GIMP) and I posted a Script-Fu with instructions for installation and use. I put together a tutorial a few years ago, but it was using an old version of GIMP...I would have to redo it for the present version, since I'm using a different method now (some of the plugins changed).
  2. There is pricing info and a trial download for Photoshop located here...GIMP and Pixia are free, there is also a free version of Project Dogwaffle (paid versions are here). All of those are very capable...there is also Artweaver and ArtRage (there is also a $20 version) that are free. Hope that helps.
  3. If you have GIMP, you could try the Script-Fu I made for iris'...I made it for v2.3.9, you'll have to try it on the latest to see if it still works (I'm still using that version, if you end up needing it I have the installation files for it). Open the irisscript.html file with your browser to see how it works and how to install it...the script is the "irismap2_3_9.scm" in the ZIP. There is also a great tutorial that Kim Oravecz made for Photoshop located here. The same method can be applied to most paint programs...it's what I used to make the GIMP Script-Fu. Hope that helps. irismap2_3_9.zip
  4. There is a type of material that is a gradient...double click on the "Materials" folder in the Project Workspace (that should make a new material), right mouse click on the "Attribute" of the material, select "Change Type To/Combiner/Gradient". That will create two sub-Attributes that you can set to whatever the tutorial is telling you...I'm not familiar with the tutorial. Hope that helps. ------------------------------- EDIT ------------------------------- D'oh! Caroline beat me to it....and she's familiar with the tutorial.
  5. I realized today that I forgot to update the standalone FACE for non-Squetch Rig characters...so, here it is. This will bring it up to date with the latest Squetch Rig. The installer will look for a bone named "head" to parent everything to. You'll need the InstallRig plugin. If you're using v11.1, you'll also need the DLL files located here. These FACE installations should work for v11.1, v12, v13 and v14. If anyone finds something that needs to be corrected, let me know and I'll fix it as fast as I can. -------------------------------- EDIT -------------------------------- I deleted this file, the next release is locate here.
  6. The models are on the CD in the "Data/Models" folder. Hope that helps.
  7. LOL! You lapped me, Tony!
  8. This update should catch the Quad rig up to the Biped rig and some assorted other things. The updates in this version are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIPED ------- Added "head_sizing" pose. I thought I had already done this...now, I actually did. Changed FACE to "orient like head_geom_front"...it helps when squetching the head. Changed the hiding of the FACE controls to using bones instead of muscle...that will eliminate one step in installation and help when doing any extreme squetching of the head (sometimes the hidden controls would move outside of the head). Fixed the hiding of two bones in the arms...it was already fixed in the Posable version, this just catches it up. In the "Rig_Components/leg_constraints_folder/leg_constraints" Pose there are now these constraints (they help prevent some calf rolling): a. left_calf_target_SQUETCH ("translate to left_calf") b. right_calf_target_SQUETCH ("translate to right_calf") Updated the instructions for resetting the compensates. Updated the "show_geom_bones" and "hide_non_tweaking_bones" poses to reflect the changes that the bowing poses introduced. Subdivided the bowing poses for finer control. ------------------- QUAD ------------------ The Quad rig is now caught up with the biped rig (limb bowing, scale-to-reach stuff, etc). In addition, the tail is slightly improved. The biped tail has also been updated to match. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- EDIT -------------------------- I deleted these files (except the biped tail), the next update is located here. v12_Biped_Squetch_Rig_Tail_06_04_2007_installation.zip
  9. Hair should do the job.
  10. What it looks like to me is that the cloth was applied in another action and then when it was put in the Choreography with the character, the CP numbers that were applied to the cloth were the same as part of the model. My guess is that you would need to apply the cloth in the same Choreography or Action as all of the objects that are going to be in there so that there isn't any cross-assigning. Hope that helps, Paul.
  11. I had never heard it called a "key fob", but I have heard of a "watch fob"...so I made the connection. I used to carry a pocket watch.
  12. Nice, Brent! It looks like you might need to add a fan bone or adjust the CP Weighting some on the inside of the elbow...other than that, it looks great so far.
  13. The CP's won't be assigned, you'll have to do the CP Weighting for that...the Posable installation gets the bones positioned. You can do a quick and dirty assigning by selecting the character in modeling mode and hitting the "H" key to hide the FACE controls geometry, going into Bones Mode, right mouse clicking and selecting "Auto Assign Bones". That won't do a great job, but it will be enough so that you can see if the resetting of compensates (the next step) is going right. There should be a text file that lists what constraints to reset the compensates on and the order to do it. Once you finish that, you can go through and do the CP Weighting. Hope that helps, Steve.
  14. Try this, Steve...just before you use the InstallRig plugin, save your model again, then make sure you're in Modeling Mode instead of Bones Mode and run the plugin. There have been times that I've gotten an exception when in Bones Mode and saving the model again is just a thing that may or may not affect anything (in my head, it helps, but it might do nothing). It may not fix your problem, but it can't hurt to try. Hope that helps.
  15. Fantastic! You are a very scary man, Stian!
  16. Thanks for sharing, Steve!
  17. I'm not sure what's going on there, Steve...posting the Project saved just before you run the plugin might make it easier to figure out.
  18. I'm thinking that what you really want is just the face rig separate, Rusty...that would mean that everything that is a child of the "head_geom_front" could be deleted on a character along with the FACE bones, poses and geometry and the "Face_underlying_controls" poses. Then, you could install one of the standalone FACE installations. Of course, those installations are looking for a bone named "head" to parent everything to, so you could either re-do the parenting in the installation rig, re-name the "head_geom_front" bone to "head" or copy the "head_geom_front" bone as a child of that bone, name it "head" and then delete it after you do the installation. The standalones would also work with other rigs if the character has another one already installed. You could make your own FACE/face rig installation by deleting everything under and including the "base_bone_INSTALL" and all Poses other than the FACE, "Face_underlying_controls", "hide_face_setup_bones" and "hide_FACE_non_tweaking_bones" poses, all Smartskins other than the FACE ones should be deleted as well. Hope that helps.
  19. David Rogers' book would be the way to go. Hope that helps, Tom.
  20. itsjustme

    STEP 4

    I may not be understanding you, Steve...is this what you're looking for?
  21. You can use bones for that too...the bones setup in the Squetch Rig uses bones for the mouth as well. For eyelids, I use the eyelid bones for about 80% of the movement with some Smartskin for the remainder. I'll be using strictly bones soon though. You can use muscle movement as well, but to get a good arc you will have to put in more keyframes. Muscle movement moves in straight lines.
  22. I broke some things in the limb bowing on the last update, so, this corrects them. It also makes the "Y" bowing poses able to work on their own now. Squetchy Sam's eyes widen better, his neck splineage and weighting is a little better, his chest in/out and stomach in/out poses are better, modified the center of Sam's face a little and adjusted the upper nose weighting for improved Sneer poses. Also, the compensates documentation has been updated. Thanks to Paul Forwood for giving Sam a going over. Mark should have the Posable update posted today sometime barring any complications. If you are using v11.1, you'll need the DLL files located here, there are instructions for installing them inside the ZIP file. You will need the InstallRig plugin for all versions. There is more information and additional versions on the Wiki. If anyone finds something that needs to be corrected, let me know and I'll fix it as fast as I can. ----------------------------------- EDIT ----------------------------------- These files deleted, the next update is located here.
  23. I'm pretty sure you're looking in the wrong place, Eric. When you make a new Pose, the sliders appear in the "User Properties" of the model (that's where you would set something to where it was the way you want it whenever opening the model in an Action/Choreography to start), but, if you open the model in an Action or Choreography, the "Pose Sliders" menu will show the Pose and will function in that Action/Choreography...when you're not in an Action/Choreography, the "Pose Sliders" menu is empty. Hope that helps.
  24. Roger Reynolds has some mechanical modeling tutorials in case anyone hasn't seen them. The more tutorials, the better. If you're willing to make them, I'm certainly going to check them out.
  25. Okay, I had to ask...why a bullseye? It may not be the symbolism that is intended, but that's what it looks like. Trying to spook the pedestrians, Dan?
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