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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. There is a four and five finger version of the Posable rig...it makes installation a lot easier. Mark made a tutorial that is a little out of date, but not by much...it's located starting here. Hope that helps.
  2. It's easy in the Posable version of the rig...you can use that in any version after 13s, John. Hopefully, that's the one you're using...but if you're not, take a look at it.
  3. I don't know what will be included in the program installations, that's up to Hash. The plugin is presently included in the Posable installation ZIP. I posted both versions of the plugin in this post. I'll make a point to include the plugin in future versions of the rig. I was hesitant to include it before this because of the chance that the plugin would get updated, so I posted links.
  4. To make it easier to rig, I think eight splines for each eye socket and twelve for the mouth would be the ideal. Any number could be rigged, but, those numbers would give you the easiest weighting. Very nice job so far, Dhar!
  5. What does this pertain to? The arm flexing? What expression? Where did you correct it? I don't want to reinstall the rig on this model again: can you post the fix (what changes, where) so I can modify the rig I have installed? Thanks, Rusty In this part of my post: I was referring to that explanation...the Expressions in the rig haven't been changed. I had left out part of it when I initially posted it.
  6. It looks like it's down at the moment...here's what I have. It is also in the Posable installation Zip file. Hope that helps. OSX_InstallRig.hxt.zip Windows_InstallRig.zip
  7. I'm not sure, Chris...if I can look at the model, I'm sure I can track it down. You can PM me to give me a location to download it if you'd like.
  8. The way the flexing is being done, Chris? I'll give you a quick rundown. The biceps are divided into four (four bones), each bone "translates to" and "aims at" nulls (with "scale-to-reach" on and an Expression on them to preserve volume, "X=1/Sqr(..|Z)" and "Y=1/Sqr(..|Z)" ) along the length of the bicep. Those nulls are children of separate bones that "orient like" the bicep at different percentages when using the limb bowing (which moves the nulls at different percentages of the rotation of the bicep) creating the bowing. There are some bicep "muscle" bones that scale according to how much the arm is bent (using the "bicep_flexor" bones), which have nulls as children that the "scaler" bones "scale-to-reach". Then, the parent bones of the squetch nulls "scale like" the "scaler" bones...which moves the squetch nulls, flexing the biceps. I have attached a couple of quick clips to illustrate. I hope that is helpful. The last time I counted it was around 800 bones...I think it's higher than that now though (and I'm pretty sure there are going to be more added). There's quite a bit going on in there. I think Mark's suggestion is the way to go at the moment, Rusty. I do have to improve that though...I've been meaning to improve the bicep flexing as well. I'll see if I can tackle both of them in the next couple of days. The questions are good ones, Rusty. Asking questions, especially good ones, is a good thing. --------------------------- EDIT --------------------------- When I initially posted this, I had an error in the Expression...you would think I would get it right after the number of times I've used it. I corrected it...so, there shouldn't be any mistakes in there now. Hopefully, I didn't mess anyone up. bicep_setup_example1_Sorenson3.mov bicep_setup_example2_Sorenson3.mov
  9. That post was before I posted the latest Squetchy Sam, as Mark mentioned. The upcoming improvements are geared toward making the face rig installation easier (there may be other areas that will benefit). What I'm trying to do is eliminate the need to dig into the Poses to set things up by making everything a percentage slider...it will add a couple of cool options similar to the animatable blink location. I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far, but it needs some more hammering done to it.
  10. Here's the latest update. In this release, the spine for both the biped and quadruped versions now have an FK option and the quadruped versions have an FK option for the neck. The new Poses are "Animation_Controls/TORSO/unhide_FK_spine_controls" on both the biped and quadruped versions and "Animation_Controls/HEAD/NECK/unhide_FK_neck_controls" and "Animation_Controls/HEAD/NECK/hide_neck_base_control" on the quadrupeds. A simple example of the updated spine setup is in this post, in case anyone wants to check it out. Thanks to Mack Chappelle for putting together some rigging tutorials that made me think differently. Definitely visit Mack's site, he's got a very ambitious tutorial section he's putting together. Thanks to Mark Skodacek for all of his advice and help, thanks to Mark Strohbehn for stress testing the updates and thanks to Nancy Gormezano for asking for the modifications to the Hippogyraf that led to these updates. If you are using v11.1, you'll need the DLL files located here, there are instructions for installing them inside the ZIP file. You will need the InstallRig plugin for all versions. For the MirrorBones versions, you'll need the MirrorBone plugin. There is more information and add-ons on the Wiki. ------------------------------------ EDIT ------------------------------------ The next update to the biped versions are here, the next Quad versions are here. v12_spine_example_09_01_2007.zip
  11. Gads, what changed in this upcoming release? r The spine on both the bipeds and quadrupeds will now have an FK option and the neck on the quadrupeds will also have an FK option. There are other updates that are presently being worked on to improve the installation, but those are going to be in the next update...I wanted to get the updates to the spine out so that everyone is on the same page from the development end. If you have access to the Hippogyraf, the updates are installed in him.
  12. I was unclear on that instruction, sorry about that, Rusty. What I should have said was, "return the Poses to the default position using Squetchy Sam as a guide". I'll make that change on the next release...which should be by sometime early tomorrow. Thanks for spending so much time on this, Rusty!
  13. Clear to me...I think. Those control points need to have some movement established to do that...select the points, nudge them one direction and then nudge them back to the original position within the keyframe you want to start. That will give those points a "change" that isn't a change because it is the original starting position. Make sense? Select the Action in the Choreography, in its' "Properties" change the "Chor Range" start and end points. There's probably something you forgot you did...you would have to post the Project for the forum to help track it down. I haven't had a problem with the magnifier in the Timeline...I have no idea what's going on with you there, Jake. Hope that helps.
  14. Congratulations, Satyajit! It's good to see your hard work being rewarded.
  15. Here is an example. The first one shows the red spline with the key where I want it, but, the method that the spline runs through the point that is the key makes it move before I want. So, I change the interpolation method of the spline (by right mouse clicking on the previous key and changing it to "linear interpolation") and get the result in the second image. Now, I don't get any movement before I want. Make sense? Hope that helps.
  16. When I got my v14, the CD and Extras DVD were in the same clear case...the DVD was visible through the back of the case. Did you get some other kind of packaging, John? If it was one of the early releases of v14, it might not have been included. If that is the case, you should be able to contact Hash to get a copy sent to you. The Extras CD (from v13) is available here...I'm not sure if the DVD material is organized in a single location or not. Hope that helps.
  17. I think I've got the solution for you, Steve. If you change your view of the timeline to the splines view (hit the button on the far left in the timeline window at the bottom...the multicolored squiqqles are on it), you will see that the spline has an arc on it that causes the arm to move before you want it to. Victor Navone made a couple of tutorials that you would probably benefit from here and here. Hope that helps.
  18. Yessir, set it to "0%"...I'll correct it in the next release.
  19. When in Rotate Mode, the axes are color coded...red for 'X', green for 'Y' and blue for 'Z'. If you select the color of ring for the axis you want, you can rotate on just that axis...if you select the yellow ring, it will not confine itself to a single axis, it will rotate based on the view you are using (no matter what angle that is). Hope that helps.
  20. KABLAAM!! Well, that's what it sounded like in my head. Thanks for sharing, Mark! That will definitely come in handy.
  21. You are having the same thing happening that I found and fixed two versions of the Posable installation rig ago...are you using the latest one? The one you want is located here and is named "Rig_Along_With_Me_Final_update.zip"...it's the last update that doesn't have the divided eyelids (after that one, they will all have the new eyelid setup). To fix your present installation, you just need to unhide all of the model bones and look at the shoulders. The following bones are out of place: right_shoulder_FK_target right_shoulder_control right_shoulder_manual_control left_shoulder_FK_target left_shoulder_control left_shoulder_manual_control Just make the end of the bones and rotation the same as the "right_shoulder_FK" and "left_shoulder_FK" bones, then put the start of the targets at the end of those bones and set their rotations to all zeros (just to make it neat). Then, reset all of your compensates again...that should clear it up. Hope that helps, Rusty.
  22. You will find disgruntled users for any software...and you'll find just as many that love the same software. That guy is ridiculous, in my opinion.
  23. As a disclaimer, I am not a representative for Hash, just a user of AM. Here is the "New Users" page that might answer questions that I don't. There is the ability to use Dope Sheets that you can see in the video tutorial called "Can You Say That" located on this page. Personally, I think doing the lip sync by hand is faster and better. The Squetch Rig has a set of controllers called FACE that are based on "visemes", which is outlined in the book Stop Staring by Jason Osipa (very good book). There is an example rigged character called "Squetchy Sam" on the Wiki page for the rig that you can download and use. This year it came with a physical version of the Technical Reference, there is an online version of The Art of Animation Master that has a hard copy of the content of the video tutorials I mentioned, there's these forums (if you have a question, you should get an answer relatively quickly), there are the Tech Talks, here is a pretty extensive list of tutorials, there is the beginnings of an AM Features Wiki and a lot of other links you'll find throughout these forums. That would be better answered by a Hash representative. 3DPainter There is presently a community project that is a feature length film...TWO (TinWoodman of Oz). That depends on the individual...how easy is it to draw? AM can import objects from other software, but only as props or converted to the AM model file. If it is converted, you would have to do a lot of cleaning up. AM is not a polygon-based application...the packages you list are polygon-based, so it's harder to go from or to them from AM. I hope that was helpful...you didn't need to post your questions more than once though.
  24. As a disclaimer, I am not a representative for Hash, just a user of AM. Here is the "New Users" page that might answer questions that I don't. There is the ability to use Dope Sheets that you can see in the video tutorial called "Can You Say That" located on this page. Personally, I think doing the lip sync by hand is faster and better. The Squetch Rig has a set of controllers called FACE that are based on "visemes", which is outlined in the book Stop Staring by Jason Osipa (very good book). There is an example rigged character called "Squetchy Sam" on the Wiki page for the rig that you can download and use. This year it came with a physical version of the Technical Reference, there is an online version of The Art of Animation Master that has a hard copy of the content of the video tutorials I mentioned, there's these forums (if you have a question, you should get an answer relatively quickly), there are the Tech Talks, here is a pretty extensive list of tutorials, there is the beginnings of an AM Features Wiki and a lot of other links you'll find throughout these forums. That would be better answered by a Hash representative. 3DPainter There is presently a community project that is a feature length film...TWO (TinWoodman of Oz). That depends on the individual...how easy is it to draw? AM can import objects from other software, but only as props or converted to the AM model file. If it is converted, you would have to do a lot of cleaning up. AM is not a polygon-based application...the packages you list are polygon-based, so it's harder to go from or to them from AM. I hope that was helpful...you didn't need to post your questions more than once though.
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