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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. I didn't scale it, I just moved it. The reason I moved the bones was that I sat in a chair, breathed in deeply, and noticed that not only did my chest expand (muscle movement), but I also slightly moved my upper back, neck, and head (bones). I can probably do the pose without moving the upper back, but this is a case for the 2001 rig where it is clear that because of dependencies, if you move higher-level bones (such as pelvis, back, back2, shoulder) after lower-level bones (hand, or hand target), you mess up the positions of the lower-level bones. This can be frustrating for anyone that is not intimately familiar with all of the ramifications of the rig. It can also be frustrating for anyone that has a need to go back and clean up animation. A quick look at the squetch rig ... it looks like when FK_IK is on, the hands stay where they are. I think the target in question is not directly below the geometry for the back and shoulders. This is how I was expecting (incorrectly) the 2001 rig to behave. Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding, Chris...I should have read more carefully. You could make a modified 2001 rig by changing the parenting of the IK hand targets.
  2. I don't think you need to scale the "Back2" bone, Chris. The chest expansion using muscle movement should be enough for a "breathe" Pose. The other motion would be handled using spine and head rotation and translation. Hope that helps.
  3. Another quick update. This adds separate left and right "Blink" Poses. It should make it easier to wink or offset blinks. If you have a previous installation that you want to update, copy the "blink_switch" null twice, move them to the left and right limits of the "Blink" box in the FACE interface and rename the nulls "blink_left_switch" and "blink_right_switch". Then delete the relationships for the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Blink" Pose, the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/FACE off/Joint Controls/Split Controls" Pose and the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Constraints (do not touch)/Face Control Constraints" Pose. Drag and drop those Pose Relationships from a version of Squetchy Sam to replace them with the updated Poses and drag the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Blink_individual/Blink_right" and "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Blink_individual/Blink_left" Poses from Sam to your character as well. Then, drag and drop the Smartskins for the "blink_right_switch" and "blink_left_switch" from Squetchy Sam onto your character. If anyone finds a problem, let us know and we'll fix it as fast as we can. -------------------------- EDIT -------------------------- The next update is located in the next post in this thread.
  4. Very cool, Lazlo! Good luck on the project!
  5. Fantastic work, Rodger!
  6. The text file named "Posable_installation_steps_04_29_2008.txt" included in the ZIP file will give you the importing steps, Mark's tutorial will give you an idea of how the Posable installation method works. Hope that helps.
  7. 1. You can download it here. The Wiki will have a link to the latest version as well. 2. There is one ZIP file that has both four and five finger versions of the rig with optional four and five toe "Foot Gizmo" versions as well as an add-on for the on-character switches and documentation. There are additional ZIP files with several variations of "Squetchy Sam" (a rigged example character) and a ZIP containing simple toe add-ons for three, four and five toe characters. The Quad versions of the rig are in the process of being updated to the latest version. 3. It shouldn't matter if you use Mac or PC. If you find a problem, let us know and we'll try to track it down. Hope that helps.
  8. Set the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/FACE off/Joint Controls/Split Controls" Pose to "3" to control each section of the eyelids....the "4" setting exposes the "Eye_right_socket_base_geom" and "Eye_left_socket_base_geom" and allows you to move the entire eye socket. There are videos here and here that show how the eye setup works (there are also links to these on the Wiki). Hope that helps, Ken.
  9. I would prefer something like that for the Squetch rig. If I had the time, I'd try writing a plugin for Squetch, but alas I don't. I'm guessing that if I tried to install a Squetch rig by hand at my skill level, I'd have to redo everything 5 or 6 times before I got it mostly right. From what I've seen, it's a long and complicated process. Installing the Squetch Rig is actually not as hard as what most people have made it out to be, Chris. The problem (in my mind) has been that the documentation has lagged behind development. The biggest problem for the average animator would probably be the resetting of compensates. In TSM and the 2001 rig, there are no compensates to reset, so that obstacle doesn't exist in those rigs. There is work being done on making the resetting of compensates automated, but I don't know if or when that will get done. Other than that, the hardest thing would be weighting the CP's...which you have to do in any rig. As for an installer like TSM for the Squetch Rig, the scripting used by TSM didn't include a way to set up Expressions because the SDK didn't provide for it. The Squetch Rig uses a lot of Expressions, so even if Raf made the scripting public, Hash would have to add to the SDK. I'm not far away from updating the installation tutorials, so, there will be a set of instructions that are current soon. The Squetch Rig is at a point where it should be stable for a long time...which should translate into the tutorials not getting outdated quickly.
  10. The next rig update (which includes these updates) is now posted here.
  11. Here is an update that fixes a problem caused by a change in the way Expressions are handled in v15. If you have a previous installation that you need to fix to work in v15, change out the "Animation_Controls/Face_underlying_controls/face_setup/face_setup_Expressions_DO_NOT_TOUCH" Pose. Then, use a text editor to "search and replace" the following bone names: "nostrils_move_with_lip_corners_scaler" is now "nostrils_with_lip_corners_scaler" "nostrils_move_with_upper_lip_2s_scaler" is now "nostrils_with_upper_lip_2s_scaler" "nostrils_move_with_upper_lip_1s_scaler" is now "nostrils_with_upper_lip_1s_scaler" Thanks to Mark Skodacek, Holmes Bryant and Nancy Gormezano for finding and helping to work out the problem. If anyone finds a problem, let us know and we'll fix it as fast as we can. --------------------------- EDIT --------------------------- These files were deleted, the next update is here.
  12. It appears to work correctly, also tried lots of other stuff in the FACE Cool, I'll get the update posted sometime tonight. Thanks, Nancy! You can do a lot more than goofy eyelid stuff...although you can do that too. It allows you to change the shape of the eyelids to get a less "doll-like" look to the eyelid movement and also makes it possible to get extreme cartoon movement in the face. I'll hunt down some examples if it will help. In position "4", the "Eye_right_socket_base_geom" and "Eye_left_socket_base_geom" are revealed...making it possible to move each entire eye socket. There are videos showing the eye controls here and here.
  13. It's a tough call, because those are also the FK/IK settings of the spine, not just the squetch. Now it's both in one five setting Pose. "0" is FK, "1" is IK without any squetch, "2" is IK with mid-section squetching on, "3" is sort of an FK (it's really all bones being independent that squetch to reach the control targets...which is also sort of IK) and "4" is IK with auto-squetch on the stomach and mid-section. The improved auto hips does a lot of interacting with the various IK settings of the spine...which includes the "3" setting.
  14. Here's a test version of Squetchy Sam that has been updated to fix the Expressions problems in v15b. All of the division problems were in the "face_setup_Expressions" Pose...which affected the mouth fan bones and the nose. So, the "face_setup_Expressions" Pose is changed and the names of three bones used in calculation. The bones changed are: "nostrils_move_with_lip_corners_scaler" is now "nostrils_with_lip_corners_scaler" "nostrils_move_with_upper_lip_2s_scaler" is now "nostrils_with_upper_lip_2s_scaler" "nostrils_move_with_upper_lip_1s_scaler" is now "nostrils_with_upper_lip_1s_scaler" Give Sam's face a thorough test. If everything works alright, I'll post a rig update tonight. TEST_v13_Squetchy_Sam_04_28_2008b_with_sleeves_and_switches.zip
  15. Yup - That works. I checked out the squetching whole body - looks the same in ver 14 and 15 Strange, but I'll take it. I think a number before the "/" works, but a bone doesn't. The spine has been greatly improved, Nancy. It is now a five position switch that has several levels of squetch built in. There's an example video showing how it works here. ---------------------------- EDIT ---------------------------- In the spine video, I used the on-character switches. If you would rather use the Pose slider, it is in the "Animation_Controls/TORSO" folder....the "spine_FK__IK__IKSQUETCH__SQUETCH__auto_SQUETCH" Pose.
  16. Okay, I shortened the names of a couple of the "calc" bones. Here's an updated possible fix Project. ------------------- EDIT ------------------- Thinking about it a little more, the Expression that provides the maintaining of volume during squash and stretch has division in it...it is "1/Sqrt(..|Z)". Does the squash and stretch in Squetchy Sam appear to work right in v15b? Sneer_test_04_29_2008_possible_fix2_Project.zip
  17. I took a look at it...with the added parentheses the Expressions look like they exceed the longest allowable number of characters. So, they are cut off on the end and you can't add what would be necessary to get them to work...at least that's what it looks like. Either the length of an Expression needs to be extended (which wouldn't help anyone using a version earlier than v15) or how Expressions handle division needs to be turned back to how it was handled in v13 & v14. Otherwise, I'll have to figure out a way to work around it. I could change the names of a few bones to be shorter, I guess...I'll put together another test.
  18. If you're going to insist on being kick-ass at everything, we're going to have to give you some sort of disadvantage so that the rest of us don't feel bad. That looks extremely cool, Mark!
  19. When you made the left side, did you do a "search and replace" to make everything named "right" named "left"?
  20. If Nancy's solution is the answer, this test version of the sneer setup should work in v15b. Test it out and let me know. If it works, I'll go through the rest of the rig to see if there are any other places that might be affected by the change in A:M. ------------------- EDIT ------------------- I deleted this one, the updated test is here.
  21. Very cool, Nancy! Way to go the extra mile! As Mark suggested, putting the parentheses in the sneer test model would be the next test. I won't be able to get to it for a few hours, but I won't be hurt if someone beats me to it. Nancy gets a "pat on the back" award! Nice going!
  22. Then this is the test file to send to the Hash programmers so that they can figure out what's going on with division in Expressions. We finally chased it out of its' hiding place, thanks Nancy! That is about as simple of a test as can be done, I'm thinking. Could you send a report, Nancy? You have to make bones accessable in the model in the Pose/Action by hitting the red thing for "show more properties". Then, you can go into the properties of each bone to select the one you want. Thanks again, Nancy!
  23. None of them work. How about making a project that has 2 bones (A, - and some simple expressions scale a = scale b/1 translate a = translate b/1 rotate a = rotate b/1 Okay, here's another test Project. This one has two models, one has no division in the Expressions and the other has a "divide by one" which should have no effect if everything is working right. There are two Actions, one with the model without division and one with the model with division. In both, you should be able to translate, scale and rotate the "controller" bone and the "controlled" bone should move, rotate and scale exactly like the controller. If division doesn't work in Expressions in v15b, that will affect a lot of things. Thanks for the help, Nancy! Expressions_division_test_04_28_2008.zip
  24. Okay, next set of tests. For this group of Projects I put division back into the Expression, but I applied it to different things in each. One is on a rotation, one on a translation and one on a scale. The one that caused problems before was on scaling, so that one shouldn't work. This is just to confirm whether or not the problem happens on all division in Expressions. Sneer_test_04_27_2008_plus_1_divide_by_one_Projects.zip
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