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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. I'm doing it in the order of the text instructions. I've moved all the geometry and Face camera down to the perfect position round the face. None of the interface will need changing but I'll probably have to move the camera down to get them inside it's view. At least I think I will as I haven't got that far yet. Once you reset the compensates on the "FACE Interface - Master" bone, it should line up. After that, use the "Customize_interface" Poses to fine tune the positioning.
  2. The changes are relatively minor, so I don't think it will be a big deal. For TWO, several big updates were installed in already rigged characters, but I don't think you'll run into anything that major. There shouldn't be any more updates for quite a while, unless someone finds a problem...I'll be giving the installations a better test when I make the installation tutorial. I don't position the FACE controllers until after the Posable installation, so seeing the nulls or looking through the FACE camera wouldn't be necessary. I'm not sure when you are doing it, Ken.
  3. I just did a test and it worked fine for me using the "head_manual_control" bone, Sebastian. You might not need a Smartskin there though...you might just need to translate that bone instead.
  4. If you want the latest version in there, sure, Ken. There is still a Quad rig update, a couple more add-ons and a new installation tutorial in the works.
  5. These are the final versions of the v11.1 and v12 biped Squetch Rigs and the final v11.1 and v12 standalone FACE installations. They do not include all of the present rig updates, but they have fixes for things that were broken in them and a few added tweaks. The FACE controls are upgraded to handle the present version of Zign Track's BVH export (the Action export only exports v13 Actions), the BVH files and instructions are also valid for the present version of the rig if you would rather use BVH instead of an Action. I don't have any plans to add anything to these rigs, but I will fix them if a problem is found that is correctable. I'll be doing the same thing with the v11.1 and v12 Quad rigs after the Posable Quad installations are finished. v11_1_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007B_installations.zip v11_1_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007B_Foot_Gizmo_installations.zip v11_1_Squetchy_Sam_12_05_2007B.zip v12_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007B_installations.zip v12_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007B_Foot_Gizmo_installations.zip v12_Squetchy_Sam_12_05_2007B.zip standalone_v11_1_FACE_12_05_2007B_installations.zip standalone_v12_FACE_12_05_2007B_installations.zip
  6. This update includes the "Foot Gizmo" add-ons, some small fixes and a setup Action for using Zign Track/AM Track Actions. The mouth corners' "Y" Smartskins were moved to other nulls to fix a slight "sticking" of the muscle movement that showed up in Squetchy Sam. Sam's FACE controls now don't automatically smile when widening the mouth, there is an added "BVH" Pose that adjusts the left/right movement of the chin when using Zign Track/AM Track Actions. Two mouth installation Poses were deleted because they are no longer necessary. The "Posable_installation_steps" text file was updated and the "Using_Zign_Track_Actions.txt" was added. Thanks to Mark Skodacek, Luuk Steitner and Ken Heslip for their help in getting these updates finished. If anyone finds a problem, let us know and we'll fix it as fast as we can. More will be added as it gets finished. ----------------------- EDIT ----------------------- Added Posable simple toe add-ons to this post. ----------------------- EDIT ----------------------- These files have been deleted, the next update is located here.
  7. I did some experiments that might do the job using the "Transfer_AW" plugin...if you do a search, you should find it in the forums here. The plugin is on Steffen Gross' site, here. Hope that helps, Dhar. -------------------------- EDIT -------------------------- Here is the post where I give the results of my experiments with "Transfer_AW".
  8. Excellent job, Sebastian! As has been already mentioned, a couple of holds could use some tweaking...but I think you kicked its' ass. Very inspiring work, I'm looking forward to the continuation of the series.
  9. It keeps getting better! This is going to be very good when you're done, Tai Shan.
  10. You can make his mouth wider without smiling, but you're right, I should change that FACE setup so that it would be easier to do without digging through Poses. I'm going to have to correct another couple of Poses anyway, I'll do that as well and have it in the next release of Sam. Sure, I could change that...or you could use the Preston Blair "FV" Pose to get it quickly. There are going to be subtle differences depending on who sets up a character, everyone has their preferences. For the most part, Sam is predictable if you compare him to the Tinman and TinGirl from TWO...those are the only characters in the film that have the bones rig (and the only characters I rigged the faces on), the rest have muscle-based Poses being driven by the FACE controls.
  11. To turn down the cheek movement, you can use the Poses in the "Animation_Controls/Face_underlying_controls/face_setup/cheek_setup" folder...the "cheeks_move_with_jaw" Pose looks like it needs to be turned down, I'll correct it the next time I post an updated Squetchy Sam. Try turning it down to something like "5", Dhar. Looks good so far! The shoulders could be relaxed a little and the first deep breath around frame 19 or so makes me think his whole body should sag...maybe some shakiness around the ragged breathing stuff. Around frame 310, I think both of the r's in "re-write" could use more "oo" movement. I know nothing, so take my animation recommendations with a whole lot of salt. I'm looking forward to the finished animation. Good luck in the competition!
  12. It's automatic. The CP weights look fine - I'm not sure why they move so much? It can be adjusted...I don't have it in front of me, so I'll have to post the Pose location later.
  13. Hmmm, that doesn't happen when I unzip the posted Zip file, Paul...I re-downloaded it to check. Is that happening for anyone else? If it is, I can re-zip it.
  14. It's the 'eyes_aim_at_Master_Eye_Target' If you're using the "aim_at_master_eye_target_switch", you might need to set a key for it or it will act like any other bone/null and start moving from the first frame. You could also set the "interpolation method" for the "aim_at_master_eye_target_switch" to "hold" in the Timeline, since what is being controlled is an on/off switch. Hope that helps, Dhar.
  15. Mark Strohbehn made some tutorials on setting up the FACE controls where he also shows how to mirror Poses, in case you need a video tutorial...they are located here. Hope that helps.
  16. Okay, here's the biped installation rigs with the fix for the installation of the switches and the standalone FACE installations. The standalones are for characters with rigs other than the Squetch Rig. The installation assumes that the head bone is named "head" and that there is a "hips" bone. These standalones use the Posable installation method, so should be easier to install than they used to be, but v13s or better is required. There is the version that includes the entire bones rig with the FACE controllers, the tongue from the bones rig with the FACE controllers and a version that is just the FACE controllers. I have re-labeled the face setup Action and included it along with the PDF of instructions on its' use...it is the same as the previous release for that, but to reduce confusion I decided to rename it and save it as a v13 Action. If you want to use the macro that is included in these, you'll need to download jEdit. There will be more things posted as they get finished...hopefully, in the next few days or so. If anyone finds a problem, let us know and we'll fix it as fast as we can. ----------------------------- EDIT ----------------------------- These files were deleted, the next update is here.
  17. Thanks for finding that, Mark! I'll post an update to fix that.
  18. Sorry for the delay. Here are the biped Posable installations and versions of Squetchy Sam with and without switches. There are still some things that will be added to this post as they get finished. I'm out of time and there's a storm running through my area, so I'll post more sometime tonight. If anyone finds a problem, let us know and we'll fix it as fast as we can. ------------------------ EDIT ------------------------ I was in such a hurry this morning, I forgot to put the release date on the ZIP files (the files in the ZIP's were labeled correctly though)...I corrected that and re-posted them. I should have more to post soon...hopefully, tonight. ------------------------ EDIT ------------------------ These files have been deleted, the next version is located here.
  19. I ran into a few things that slowed me down, so I'm going to have to post the rig updates late tonight. Sorry for the delay...I just have some small things left to do.
  20. Should you be in a compromising mood, it would be really helpful if the FACE interface switch was left at least. Do you mean the pose slider that turns the interface on and off? I would say that is a lot more than simply helpful. I would say it is really necessary to have that because without a switch to turn it off, the face interface shows up in the final renders. Ken was referring to the on-character switches that would make it where you wouldn't have to open the Pose folders to get to things. We have removed the switches from the installations and Squetchy Sam, but, we could have them as an add-on for anyone that wants them. You will be able pick and choose which ones you want to install on your own. --------------------------- EDIT --------------------------- Just to give everyone a heads up, we're going to try to get a release out sometime on Sunday (which would be the day after tomorrow). If we don't find a problem between now and then, that's when it should happen for the biped rigs.
  21. The "BVH" Poses in the "Animation_Controls/Face_underlying_controls/face_setup/Zign_Track" folder are to set up your character so that the data that moves the FACE controls isn't over or under the amount of movement that works for that character. The "BVH" Poses in the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Preston Phoneme Set" folder is to add the things that the motion capture data can't track. Notice that not every phoneme has a corresponding "BVH" Pose, only ones that have tongue movement or lip curling in them. There is some lip curling built into the FACE controls for "oo" type movements, so, the "WQ" Pose doesn't need a "BVH" additional Pose.
  22. The "BVH" sliders only work when using facial motion capture data from Zign Track/AM Track, DJ. They are for reducing or increasing the amount of movement provided by that data generally, but those are for adding movement that is not provided by the data.
  23. You can turn the switches off in the Properties of the character, Ken...then it would default to "off". Is that too inconvenient? Whoever rigs the characters can set it up that way if it is decided that's the way the SO characters should be set up. Also, the bones that are keyed are going to have a "z" in front of their name, so they will be at the bottom of the timeline out of the way.
  24. That is probably from one of the bone name changes...I'll track it down tonight. Thanks, DJ. The leg flexing sliders adjust the percentage of flex which happens when you bend the leg or point the toe, they don't actually flex the thigh and calf. That's why I asked how would be the most economical way to go about it. I can put a blank Pose that can be edited for each character...there really can't be a "one size fits all" for that. Well, of course, if anyone needs the functionality of the switches (eg IK arm), it would be a "rule" that they turn on the switches and switch it there......not go into the pose window for those things. Even if the switches are ON by default, there's still no guarantee everyone would use them over the pose window......unless there was a rule. Turning them off by default is a preference thing that I think Nancy also agrees with. Some more opinions would be nice. Maybe all the bells and whistles doesn't bother most people? I think that a new user wouldn't know that the switches were there initially, that's why I would rather leave them on by default. The individual animator is going to have their own preferences, but it can be easily turned off if they aren't going to be used. Personally, I love the switches...I think they will make animating a lot faster.
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