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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


Hash, Inc
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Profile Information

  • Name
    Will Pickering
  • Location
    Vancouver, WA

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  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    Beat up box, with case open AMD 1Ghz XP SP 1 512M ram NVIDEA Qaudra II
  • Programmer
    enough to be hazardous

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  1. You won't need to uninstall, just delete the .lic file located in your master folder. It will most likely be named master0.lic You can verify your expiration date by examining the contents of the file. If you have not yet expired you can also see this info in the "About Box" of Animation:Master. As stated in the threads above, just purchase a new "Subscription" from the web store and use the new activation code after you have removed your old .lic file. (Vista users may need to do the following to access the file) Browse to your Master folder using the explorer/file browser, and select the "Compatiblity Files" button in the tool bar. Vista places these "generated" files in a safe jail area and normally appear hidden
  2. ok, should be fixed now. The forum user level "Film" hadn't been setup yet in the gallery yet. So those of you involved in the Movie were being shunned by the machine...
  3. You need to be logged in to the forums and then the uplaod cmd should be visiable. In A:M Stills, does it show: "Login" as an option on the top bar? If so hit login which will redirect you to the Forums sign in page. After signing in if you jump back to the gallary you should have the "Upload file" option avail. If not let me know, Will
  4. Sorry the last few installers were missing these on the PC. PRESETS.zip just unzip and drop these in your installed folder. Oh, I know that, but what I am missing is the presets (Final, Preview...), they are not there? I know I can make some, but as a newbie they where nice to have My bad!
  5. This thread may help thread
  6. v14stuff installer has the files you need. The v14.0 installer normally should be able to copy the files from a previous install. But this will get you going. Will
  7. Send me an email to: willp@hash.com and I'll send you info on how to get the film to us. Thanks, Will
  8. Hi, It looks like the redirection link on the old server is down at the moment. Try this temp url. http://migrate.hash.com/amfilms/index.php? Thanks, Will
  9. We were doing repairs on that machine today. Community server/wiki
  10. www.hash.com/store
  11. Any of the Animation Master program CD's The 2006 Cd has the "Yeti" charactor, the 2005 Cd has the "Sorcerez" (witch) Just look for the /setup/windows folder and you should see the dictionary.dic file.
  12. From your CD, copy /setup/windows/dictionary.dic to the folder where master is installed. (defaults to \program files\hash, inc\v13.0)
  13. Guessing from your post you are running an older 2005 version. This installer will get you the missing .dll http://ww.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/windows.../2005-patch.exe Make sure you are actually running the latest version for your CD.
  14. Please us AM Reports to report your issue. Thanks
  15. From inside of a Chorography window R-click and select "Import->Prop"
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