sprockets The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D New Radiosity render of 2004 animation with PRJ. Will Sutton's TAR knocks some heads!
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2023 in all areas

  1. Here is my contribute to this contest Work In Progress. I took the second number of the "Dark Side Of The Moon" album "On The Run". https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n76j0nuf82wplyyh8i6ll/synchron00.mp4?rlkey=42ol2ivt0g14exrpjei1wp0gt&dl=0 😽
    1 point
  2. It looks like you could benefit from the Basic Splinemanship tutorials located here. There are quite a few spline continuity issues.
    1 point
  3. Great stuff, Steve!
    1 point
  4. Haven't been doin much 3d work but did stumble across this ai texture generator. Figured if you guys didn't already know about it you may find it useful. https://withpoly.com/browse/textures Happy holidays, Ken
    1 point
  5. Thanks for posting Ken, worthy of bookmarking for future use! I was driving home the other night and spent a few blocks driving behind a delivery truck. was fascinated with the aged textures of the trucks back door, it was painted metal with lots of paint chipping, scratches and the metal was dinged in areas. It just made me think of a book on texturing for 3d I saw years ago, in the book they said a good texture tells a story, an object gets it's dings and scrapes because it's been dropped or banged into.. or left out to rust.. These AI texture tools can be helpful to think about those stories and add more realism to our models.
    1 point
  6. Nice Work Shelton. Looking great!!
    1 point
  7. Here is the animation. I use this for the class I am teaching. Hanswalkin.mp4
    1 point
  8. Here's a fun experiment. A Clone Trooper helmet created via AI generation... text prompt to 3D model... output to OBJ format. Brought into A:M as a prop object. Here's a link to the original result prior to refinement (on LumaAI): https://lumalabs.ai/genie?one=3a206fdc-7ec1-41ba-8a75-99aaba7a709d&two=d348c729-2e62-4efa-8561-49382fdcd49a&three=1f7d8eb8-f392-4579-9f3a-a4b57478dce1&four=e368e03d-ac93-4fa6-bb7d-cb4b29a28962&view=one&metalness=0&roughness=0.95&color=255%2C255%2C255
    1 point
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