Tar of Zandoria
22 topics in this forum
- 47 replies
As part of the 2015 Open Studio plan, I thought that I better throw my sketchbook up here with some concept sketches of some of the locations, props, characters, etc of things upcoming... One of the main locations is a bar called "The Waterhole" at the Oasis of Lund. There will be a lot of buildings, and set pieces that will be good beginner projects for apprentices to work on (Details to come...).
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 33 replies
Post Pitch Bible with character descriptions and art, to communicate the characters and setting for the benefit of A:M users who are interested in working on the next short. Post storyboards for episode 2, episode 3 (more?) Create an animator bootcamp thread, similar to what was done on TWO--Ninja Training Camp. Upload the Ninja Pass assets for interested participants to use. Recruit crew for episode 2. Crew will have access to all of the TAR of Zandoria assets (I would like to get Hash's help to use the SVN system developed for TWO). I will work out the details of open license that I have discussed previously...We will start with just this crew, building a 2-3 minute sho…
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 83 replies
If you want to be an animator on this project, you will want to download the character assets and try them out! Send me an email zandoria@gmail.com with the Subject line: "TAR assets". Include your contact details (Name, address, phone #, forum username), and I will send you a download link. Please DO NOT share the link, as I need to control who has access to my Intellectual property. These files are the property of Zandoria Studios. You may NOT share or modify these models or textures, or re-purpose them for any other project. A limited license is granted to use these models for animation practice and to share the renderings and animations online at the Animation:Mas…
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 6 replies
OK here is some concept art and synopsis for the next episode of TAR of Zandoria THE CROSSING A group of wildebeests are on the side of the river. A boat is there. The leader of the group hands TAR a bag of coins, as the wildebeests all climb into the boat. TAR wades across the river, pulling the boat with one hand. The wildebeests look nervously about. There is an "aquarium" style shot, so that we can see above the surface of the river and below it at the same time. Crocodile warriors rise up out of the water around TAR. One of them plucks a momma wildebeest out of the boat, while TAR is fighting with two others on the other side. The wildebeest pass…
Last reply by blixien, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Here is the Pitch bible for this series. If you have feedback or suggestions, I welcome it! I haven't "submitted" it yet, so any improvements that might help this show get picked up would be awesome. Of course, maybe the show won't get picked up, but this document still serves to guide where this project is going TAR, Pitch.pdf
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 31 replies
The last udate to Zbrush has an automatic retopology tool that will analyze the sculpt and remesh it to quads. Here is a test using the .obj import in a modeling window:
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
Finally finished! I've been working on this forever, so it feels great to finally have something to share http://www.youtube.com/embed/vd_ekaOdDWg I hope that you like it, and that you share it with your friends and followers so that TAR of Zandoria can find some fans!
Last reply by ruscular, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I need music for the first episode! I would like some simple tribal drums/percussion as the soundtrack. I have finished the rendering (yay) and am editing and recording sound effects [did you know that a wok makes a pretty good sheild clang?]. I have a link to the current cut of the episode, so that you can compose Anybody out there have some jungle drums?
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 16 replies
ps_jlgzuTV0 I just finished rendering a shot that I used a video reference of myself as a rotoscope. Pretty cool to get the timing and spacing for free--made it a lot easier to animate. Although the hand-off of constraints between the head and hand and the way he rolls the hat against his belly to take hold of it was really tricky!!! I was really pleased with the result (except the eyeline is too high...). I made a blog post about it here
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 3 replies
http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.ph...l=1#post1075478 or is someone using you for inspiration?
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
http://zandoria.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/landscapes/ Though the terrain could have easily been generated in A:M, I worked on the mesh in a different program that I'm trying to learn.... The thing that I think is worth pointing out here is that the landscape renders are just being used as background rotoscopes. So the only things that I'm really dealing with in the shot is the character(s). Also, I had to make some compromises on the rendering options that I can afford to use...I initially was using a sunlight+global illumination+ambient occlusion+multipass(9x) and my frames took 1-1/2hrs to render @ 1280 x 720. Switching to Z-buffered lights and eliminating AO and …
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 14 replies
Thanks to Animation Magazine for the SWEEET 1/2 page plug for Zandoria Studios!!! Check it out--page 31 in the January issue This really made my week, because this is the week that I finally quit my day job to pursue this full time!
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 51 replies
Haven't posted a work-in-progress for a while...Started modeling the hyenas in V17
Last reply by mtpeak2, -
- 51 replies
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/665995...tar-of-zandoria OK here we go!!! Please help me by posting this on your Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In or anywhere you can think of to get the word out! I have 30 days to raise the funding, and the key is spreading the word! When I finish this series, I will release the assets to the community as open source, so Animation:Master users will all benefit when this project succeeds. At the $50 pledge level I am including a data DVD with the characters, sets, props and choreographies from the first episode to play with (in addition to the DVD of the first episode, with making-of behind the scenes). So I really hope the com…
Last reply by thefreshestever, -
- 61 replies
This world of Zandoria, with it's anthropomorphic animal characters is a big place... As I build the characters for the story, in my mind I see an ever expanding library if sets, props, characters, backgrounds that I would like to see used for even more tales! I am also very aware of my own limitations to bring this all to life myself... So here is what I'm thinking about: I'm proposing the following: making these assets available to other artists/animators who would like to collaborate with me. My plan has been to distribute the Tar episodes freely on a youTube channel, and later compile them on a DVD or something...it is in my mind, a very long-term project, maybe even…
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
M Dot Strange interviewed me for the Forever Alone Film Making Podcast: http://www.deadlyproductionsrecords.com/po...irysomethin.mp3
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
- 48 replies
I've become very frustrated by my slow progress on this project... The trouble is my day job has become a career, and is now demanding too much of my time. I was just a designer..then the Creative Director...now the Director of Design and Engineering. The pay is good--but I do not enjoy what I do.... On my wallpaper of my workstation, TAR is looking back at me, and I just feel depressed that I am not doing what I ought to be doing. I need to start a kickstarter campaign, and try to raise enough money to fund the project. Get some like-minded artists, and go at this full-time. I feel like I have something unique that I can bring to the world through art, that I will…
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hey--If you want to show support for TAR, wear one of these awesome T-shirts, or drink your coffee in one of these awesome mugs!
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 19 replies
Testing the leopardskin cloak...forgive rough animation (still some tweaking to do). I could not get Forces (Fan) to seem to have an effect on the simulation--what am I missing? [64bit V16] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GEWPmNzxy8
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I was having lunch yesterday at CiCi's Pizza, and on a big screen in the rear of the dining area was playing some old Hannah Barbera cartoons.... I couldn't hear the sound, only watch the images. I was noticing a lot of reused drawings, loops, and stuff--which is a great time saver for things drawn by hand. Then I started thinking about how you could just render reusable clips with an alpha channel, and composite all the different elements in AfterEffects, rather than re-rendering the same reusable action in different scenes. Of course, it would not have the same freedom as staging every shot uniquely, but over time you would have a pretty big library of clips to pull f…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 97 replies
http://zandoria.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/chicks/ I decided that I need to be a little more active online, so here are some sketches of some of the "chicks" in the latest incarnation of Tar of Zandoria. If you want to subscribe to the blog, I am going to be posting sketches, designs, and work-in-progress there. Feel free to comment!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 73 replies
Here is going to be my challenge entry I first modeled this character in 2000, this time I think I will be able to achieve the look I have in mind [since i've had some practice...]
Last reply by oakchas,