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I'm currently working on a project for school where I have to make some kind of room, in this case I'm making it an expensive condo in hawaii. I want it to look as photorealistic as I can. I'll have pictures very soon, I'm really happy with how its turning out!


Anyways, I just have a quick question, one of the props is a wine bottle. I have the model all laid out now I'm working on the materials. I cant get the light to refract right through the glass! Is there any way to do this? I've tried the refraction and density setting, but they just dont cut it.. has anyone dealt with this before?




::EDIT:: Alright I want to start this off with a picture, so I figured out all those questions and I think I'm happy with the wine bottle! Now I just need to model.. everything else! ;) CC is always welcome I want to make it as photorealistic as I can. More pics of the condo coming up!


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I havent worked with refraction yet, but I would think the trick is that when you lathe the bottle you will need to include the INSIDE of the glass as well, and close everything best you can so it is a solid shape.


unfortunately I tried that, I have the inside and outside of the glass PLUS the wine itself inside as a seperate object and there is no distortion at all... doesnt make too much sence :huh:


Thanks Ken! I have like completely finished, except something is petting my peeve... yes.. you heard me


The thing is, I want it to be like dark red wine, but transparent at the same time! it wont cooperate with me and is being rebellious and doesnt want to be dark and transparent at the same time. I've tried every combination of settings, so what am I missing? Is this possible? Thanks peops.. I'll have a pic as soon as I get it workin ;)


Have you set the Index of Refraction right? If you leave it at 1.0, refraction won't bend and the color filtering will not be what you expect.


Here are a few more pics, I worked on it a lot today I hope you guys like it so far..


The room looks smaller than it is because I made the camera size bigger to get the whole room in the picture but you get the point! :)


This pic is the inside with lights hanging they are supposed to be those modern ones that have like a wax paper over them..



Heres an outside pic of the condo, its going to be on the top story. Those things sticking up on the top are lights for the inside, the middle square sticking up is kind of like an emboidery in the ceiling, I dont care if they stick out on the top because the outside of it will never be shone.



Finally here is the hanging light that took me so long to make. I'm really going for photorealism so I even wound the wire in and out of the chain :P . Obviously I used copy and paste.. but it was still grueling :blink: . I dont have any textures so its gonna be a wax paper, and the sticks on each corner are bamboo or somethin to reinforce it, and then there are screws sticking out of the top of those to hold the strings.. if you look closely ;) Please tell me what you think! Later



Hey Matrickz I think it look good so far! Those small details should pay off down the road. Is this scene is for animation or still rendering? Are you using any reference pict to built the scene?



Nice lamp!


Alright, the deadline is due tommorow for the whole test grade thing for school so I worked all day trying to finish. I've made a lot of models for the inside, but I didn't have time to texture or color anything. This is extra credit pretty much anyways, so I should get all the points in class. I could have easily drawn a room in 5 min which is what everyone else is doing in my class.. :blink: .


Anyways, heres the newest pics.. I really hope you like it so far!! Even though the deadline is due for school I should have this finished soon and I'm putting everything I have into it ;)


Hey Matrickz I think it look good so far! Those small details should pay off down the road. Is this scene is for animation or still rendering? Are you using any reference pict to built the scene?



Nice lamp!


Thanks!! It is a still rendering for a school project for now but I think it would be really cool to have this available for a future film too! The only reference pic is a drawing I made in art class of the top of the building with all of the furniture etc.. Thanks again!!


I got some random hawiaan pics off the internet for now but I plan to do better later on




In this pic the table looks too big but its actually from the camera, its acting like a fish eye lens because I made the view area huge so I could get the whole room in the picture.








Please give me feedback! I want to improve!! :)

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I'm afraid I can't provide much in the way that you might need for improvement.

What you've got coming together now looks great thus far.


You've got my attention! Now I'm watching as you add the details that make a model into a work of art.


Keep it up!


Here are some more pictures. Turns out the teacher extended the deadline to thursday <_< haha, oh well. Anyways, I worked on it some more today. I put some textures and materials in. The only thing thats bothering me is the glass material on the table, I'll figure it out though. Anyways, this isn't even near done I want it to look much better than this. Please if you have some extra time, I would love too heard of what you think should be added, or taken out, or modified! thanks everyone!


Wow! it looks awesome. Hope it goes well!




You got skillz!!!

I had to pimp your work at my Flog DVD post!!!


Great work!!!


haha thanks a ton Flog! Your definately too kind :)


wow! grt work! it's kind of sad that that wine looked so real and it's going to be so far away 


Thanks thanks and thanks again! I agree about the wine bottle, I spent a lot of time on it, I might try to get it closer :)


I'm afraid I can't provide much in the way that you might need for improvement.

What you've got coming together now looks great thus far.


Thanks man!


You've got my attention! Now I'm watching as you add the details that make a model into a work of art.


Rodney your always way too nice!! :D





great job on those! i can see myself walking around in there


Thanks, thats what I want people to think!'


Excellent Detail!


What type of class are you taking?


Thanks! It's just a highschool art class but shes letting me do my projects on the computer :)


yeah... the sky would be in the reflection I believe, not the trees... but I have absolutely no advice as to how to pull that off. I didn't even notice it without it being pointed out tho.


Your work so far is really amazing... I've been wanting to make a photo realistic room, but a much different style. Your work has really given me some great ideas as to how to get it started tho... everytime I began work on it before I'd just feel overwhelmed and eventually give it up. If my room turns out even half as good as yours I will be more than pleased! Really really great job!!


I can't wait to see the completely finished product! So far the texturing and the pics are really making it come to life.

one question, would the background with the trees really be reflected byt he floor?


Amazing observation!! I have no clue how you noticed that... you passed the test ;)


I guess it wouldnt be reflecting hmm.. thanks a ton I'll have to figure out how to fix it!


yeah... the sky would be in the reflection I believe, not the trees... but I have absolutely no advice as to how to pull that off. I didn't even notice it without it being pointed out tho.


Your work so far is really amazing... I've been wanting to make a photo realistic room, but a much different style. Your work has really given me some great ideas as to how to get it started tho... everytime I began work on it before I'd just feel overwhelmed and eventually give it up.If my room turns out even half as good as yours I will be more than pleased! Really really great job!!


I can't wait to see the completely finished product! So far the texturing and the pics are really making it come to life.


Wow that really means a lot to me! Thanks again again and again! it is harder than I thought to do a room especially since this is really the biggest project on a deadline I've put myself through. You should definately model your own, its fun!


Thanks again!


That is really great work MATrickz, definatley worthy of an A* :P

Just one tiny thing - you could put some stuff on the bookshelf :)


Keep up the great work !

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