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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

El Burro

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Here's my new WIP. I got a basic body done right now. I drew a simple sketch to get the proportions the way I wanted.


He's going to be a cartoony Zorro-esque type character. I will probably be making a few more characters as well.


Now, onto the head.


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Rendered this with v11 beta, because I can't seem to render wires in 10.5.


I must give credit where it is do however. Although I did all the splinage myself, it's based on other's work. The upper torso splinage is based on Jeff Lew's work (Green Dude). And the hands are based on the design of Jim Talbot's (Shlitzy).


I hope they don't mind me using their techniques :).


So here's a front and 3-4th view in wireframe.


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Ok, I now have artifacts problems with my 5-point patches. I have tried everything I could think of.


1: redid the patches


2: Made sure Normals were correct.


3: Copy + Paste into another model.


4: Closed program, and restarted.


I still get these problems. If anyone has any ideas...?


Thanks for the help.


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I can tell just looking at the image that most of the normals in the nose are pointing in the wrong direction. The 5 pointers might be pointing out, but some of the other patches aren't. All the patches surrounding 5 pointers have to all be facing in the same direction as the 5 point patch or the ones facing in the opposite direction will cause the black creases at the edge of your 5 point patches. Remember you might also have to save and reload the project after you flip the normals to get it to render correctly.

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Well, I got the basics of the head and body done. I also attatched them now. I will probably work on accessories now (belt, sword, whip?).


I will probably still be doing some tweaking to the mouth area. The ears are fairly cartoony. I haven't decided if I will make them more realistic than they are.


The only decal I have applied right now are to his eyeballs.


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New Update


I got the skin texture done and the colors for the outfit. All I have to do now is accessories (sword, sheath, maybe a hat). I was thinking about doing more with the skin texture, but didn't want to ruin the cartoony aspect of the character.


I decided not to make the hair black, because it just doesn't look right, so I made it dark brown instead.


Comment a suggestions are always welcome.


PS: Multi-pass rules!


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This is a great model. He's perty like Johnny Depp.


No crits. I love his proportions, esp his tiny feet. Perhaps a larger belt buckle? I don't know why. Also, will he have a scar on his cheek or is that too expected?


Great work so far.



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Thanks guys. The face must stay flawlessly handsome or it will take away from his machismo :). I might give him the bigger belt buckle. The only reason I didn't was bacause I wanted to keep everything in proportion.


And because of Jim Talbot's thread, I might just change the ears to make them more realistic, but I will have to redo my decals then.


Thanks again Guys.

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I've got a rig in him, but still have to run him through the STM. I darkened his skin and changed his ears to make them more realistic. I am surprised how much better I like it.


I just finished my first week at a new job working 55 hours -- ugh! So I haven't got as much time to work on this. Hopefully I will have a posed version before the end of the weekend.


Comments appreciated.


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This guy has real personality - just by looking at his proportions you can see how he should move.


I like the new ears, even though they have changed his character a bit. He somehow looks a little more boyish, and more likely to be a little less dashing and "daring-do" than he thinks he is. All this from changing his ears!


Can't wait to see him move!

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Thanks Parlo. That boyishness was just what I was going for. Just by sticking them out a little it gives him that look. Thanks for the compliments and noticing that boyishness :).

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