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Simon Edmondson

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Yet another prophecyfailure.


I feel kind of sorry for all these disapointed esotericguys today.


Guess the end of the world will come, when we least expect it...


...in approximately 3-6 billion years when the sun will become a supernova...

Damn, now we really have to wait that long... :(


The funniest thing about it will be to hear how they try to explain why we are still here ;).


See you


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The Mayans had it right in the first place.

They even knew some people would be foolish enough to think the end would come instantly.

Silly people.


The end of the world has now been triggered.

The clock is now adding seconds to 'the end of all there is'.

When the count reaches the critical number, time will have run out.

The end.

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I don't think this one stirred up quite the same number of true believers as the last one. I wonder what the next predicted date is?


I bet Hal Lindsey will pop up again soon. He's made a good career selling books with end-of-the-world predictions and it doesn't seem to matter that that they are always wrong.

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This is one of those cases where being a bible believer puts the mind at ease.


Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.


According to that source only God knows when the end will come and those words suggest that anyone who thinks they know otherwise... is either lying or deceiving themselves.


Here's a story to go with that: (I'm sure it could be improved substantially)


The World Unended

There once was a man who became considerably concerned about the end of the world.

Knowing that the Bible said that only God knew the day and the hour of the earth's demise he thought of a plan to indefinitely delay that event.

He began to recruit people to write down the day and hour that the world would end.


This seemed like it would work quite well and other fanatics soon joined in and signed up for their day and hour too.

Each wrote, "I know the world will end on " and posted it publicly.

As time went on the project gathered steam and most days multiple people would post their declarations.

Finally, the elders elected 'the Elder of the Elders' who each day would predict the end of the world tomorrow and place it in a sealed envelope.

The script would then ceremoniously be opened at the moment after midnight each day.

An entire order was created in support of 'the ways and means to the upending'.

It seemed clear that the way of the plan was working.

When giant meteors crashed into the Moon the Earth easily shrugged it off.

With one third of the stars in the heavens vanishing without a trace it did little deter the faithful.

When the Sun suddenly and prematurely supernova'd... the Earth still stood in the heavens unblemished.

Then one day the world just ended.


Everyone was in shock. (Being a bit surprised also to be dead and resurrected)

With all people gathered together in one place at the final judgement they all asked in unison why their plan to save the world had failed.

No words were exchanged but suddenly everyone knew the truth.

That one guy way back there to the left, that Elder of the Elders of the last day... it was he who wrote "I know the world will end tomorrow".

In his wisdom he had dared to hope that he could live a few hours longer.

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